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Gardening Articles and Ezines


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Showing 1 to 25 of 500 Articles in Gardening.
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1. The Tree Surgeon's Guide to Tree Removal
February 24, 2023

As a tree surgeon, your primary responsibility is to care for trees, but there are times when tree removal is necessary. Tree removal can be dangerous and complex work, so it's important to have a solid understanding of the process. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps involved in safely removing a tree. Assess the Situation Before starting any work, you need to assess the tree and its surroundings. Look for any potential hazards, such as power lines, nearby structures, or uneven ground. Determine which direction the tree is leaning, and decide on the safest direction for it t... (read more)

Author: Nick Keeping

2. The Importance of Regular Tree Maintenance and Pruning
February 24, 2023

Trees are an important part of our environment, providing numerous benefits to us and the ecosystem. Regular tree maintenance and pruning are essential to ensure the health and longevity of trees. In this article, we will discuss the importance of regular tree maintenance and pruning, its benefits, and how to properly maintain and prune trees. Introduction: Trees are not only beautiful but also play a significant role in maintaining the balance of our environment. They provide us with oxygen, improve air quality, reduce noise pollution, and provide shade and shelter for wildlife. How... (read more)

Author: Nick Keeping

3. How to Identify Common Tree Diseases and Pests
February 24, 2023

Trees are an essential part of our environment, providing oxygen, shade, and beauty to our surroundings. However, they are also susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests that can cause significant damage if left untreated. In this article, we will discuss how to identify common tree diseases and pests, and what steps you can take to prevent and treat them. Introduction Trees are a beautiful and vital part of our environment. They add beauty to our surroundings, provide shade, and help to clean the air we breathe. However, like all living things, trees are susceptible to disease ... (read more)

Author: Nick Keeping

4. The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Tree Surgeon
February 24, 2023

When it comes to maintaining your trees, it's always best to leave it to the professionals. Hiring a professional tree surgeon can have numerous benefits that can save you time, money, and even prevent potential hazards. In this article, we'll discuss the benefits of hiring a professional tree surgeon. Expertise and Experience Professional tree surgeons are experts in their field, possessing the knowledge and experience needed to handle all aspects of tree care. They know how to identify and treat any potential problems, such as disease or insect infestations, and can safely and effi... (read more)

Author: Nick Keeping

5. Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Garden All Year Round
February 23, 2023

Maintaining a beautiful garden all year round requires a lot of hard work and dedication. However, with the right techniques and strategies, you can keep your garden looking healthy and vibrant in every season. Start with a Solid Foundation: Soil Preparation Tips The soil is the foundation of your garden, and preparing it correctly is essential for the long-term health of your plants. Start by testing your soil to determine its pH level and nutrient content. Based on the results, you can amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost or aged manure, to improve its quality. Make sure... (read more)

Author: Nick Keeping

6. Where to buy fresh Baby's Breath in bulk near me
February 02, 2023

Baby's breath is a versatile and popular filler flower which is available in the floral market in plenty. You can find this flower in most flower arrangements, centerpieces for table arrangements, and bouquets. This flower has a cloud-like airy quality which provides a dreamy look, so brides are fond of this flower. Flowers are an important element that helps to make the occasion grand and special. Baby's breath provides an elevated look to décor, and so they are needed in every grand occasion. One of the best parts about baby's breath is that it works well with any flower. Bulk baby's breath ... (read more)

Author: Shalini Mittal

7. How to Go About Finding Bulk Carnations for Wedding
February 02, 2023

Marriage ceremonies are one of the most auspicious events where two individuals get entwined together. Flowers have always been the best way to celebrate a wedding by decorating the venue with beautiful nature-bound flowers. These enigmatic elements induce positive feelings into the lives of human beings, and carnation flowers are one such perfect instance of divine flowers that are an important part of wedding ceremonies. Bulk carnation helps in enhancing the feeling of a wedding event to a great level. Carnation blooms amplify a place's mood and aesthetic beauty, so they are one of the most ... (read more)

Author: Shalini Mittal

8. Useful Information on Buying bulk hydrangeas Online
February 02, 2023

The spectacle of a full-blooming hydrangea plant is amazing. These fluffy flowering plants mostly work well in USDA hardiness zones, especially in the continental United States. Hydrangeas require full sun during the morning as well as afternoon shade. USDA hardiness zones three to nine work out well for hydrangeas. Zone one and two are too cold for these plants, and zones higher than nine are quite hot for them to survive. Before buying bulk hydrangeas online, you need to ensure the hardiness zone that is suitable for the plant. You will get several hydrangea varieties online featuring white,... (read more)

Author: Shalini Mittal

9. How to Create a Japanese Garden
July 27, 2022

It is said that every plant, every tree, and every rock in a Japanese garden leads to enlightenment. Creating a Japanese garden is a lifetime commitment. Anyone can do it, even if you have no previous gardening experience. It is more important that you bring a Zen attitude to your garden and follow the practice of the Zen Gardener. The Zen Gardener is aware of the power of nature, including the wind and weather, and strives to make the garden a living place of harmony, not simply a composition of permanence. Here is a list of helpful resources to learn about Japanese gardening. 1. First,... (read more)

Author: Lily Sato

10. The most useful and easy to carry out homemade pesticides
July 16, 2022

If you have some plants in your house, surely on some occasion you had a battle with an insect that began to attack them. Most likely, to solve this problem you have chosen to go buy some pesticide at the nursery. Surely you managed to kill all the insects that attacked your plants, but at what cost? The most common pesticides on the market have a large number of chemicals in their formulas, which are toxic to insects but also to you. On the other hand, you should also keep in mind that by applying these insecticides you will not only kill the pest, but you will also be killing other inse... (read more)

Author: Luis Forgiarini

11. Water Features Sydney | Benefits with Water Fountains
January 25, 2022

Water Features Sydney What is a water feature, and how do they benefit you? Water features are the perfect addition to any space. They not only look beautiful but are also great for your health and home. Let's find out why you need one in your Sydney home and commercial premises.  Below are a few benefits of having a water feature(s) in Sydney, New South Wales Modern Water Features Sydney (read more)

Author: Nep Tuck

12. Thinking about committing to a professional lawn care service
October 15, 2021

Everyone likes the look of a green lush lawn in front of and at the back of their home. A great lawn is not just welcoming and attractive it also makes the property more valuable. That is why lawn care, Winchester and beyond is important. A healthy lawn does not happen without help, whether that is you doing the hard work or you hire a service to handle it. Most people want a lawn that is pest-free, weed-free and easy to mow and look after. But it takes energy, time and knowledge to do it well. Not everyone has that so a lawn care company is the answer. Comparing lawn care businesses Not all... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

13. American Skunk Cabbage—how to Remove It
September 28, 2021

This plant is native to Western North American, but it was introduced to the UK to be used as an ornamental bog plant.  Once this plant has established itself, it is very invasive and will form dense colonies.  It does require wet conditions to survive but there are no particular soil requirements.  It gets its name from the strong fragrance of the flowers that resemble the smell that is produced by a skunk. Identifying American skunk cabbage This plant has large leathery leaves that measure between 40cm-1.5m with bright yellow flowers up to 45cm.  Around April is when th... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

14. How To Improve Your Mood By Changing Your Surroundings
September 22, 2021

It is said that we are made of everything that surrounds us, and I believe these words to hold utmost importance and truth. Everything that is around you affects you in every possible way, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The same thing is explained in Chinese culture; the concept of Feng Shui explains that everything and everyone has their own energy and affects you in different ways, some things have great negative energy that reduces the positivity and happiness around you and takes your mental peace away. In the same way, the things and people who have more good power affect you in... (read more)

Author: Pushpa Srivastava

15. Gifting Peperomias
September 06, 2021

Do you have children in your life, or perhaps adults who would not mind feeling like kids again? Chances are, these loved ones are embarking on something new and important. After all, now is the time for back-to-school, back-to-the-office… and it is certainly back-to-neighborliness. Now might be the time to mark one of these milestones with an exquisite little gift that brings a smile. Exquisite… little… smile-eliciting: Peperomias are all these things. These miniature plants with leaf shapes and colors that spread joy have become the recent focus of my gift-giving. And on the receiving e... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

16. Mirrored Garden Displays
September 06, 2021

Contrasts add excitement. I love seeing large plants in juxtaposition with small ones. Contrasting sizes, mixed together, invite the eye to inspect. But lately I have been playfully mirroring my large-scale gardens with miniature garden displays using the same plants, in reduced form. In one garden bed, I have a border of large Elegans Hostas. Here, I have let them expand to the point of becoming supersized. Each Hosta has plumped to fill its allotted space—or, if truth be told, has overstepped its bounds. This works, but it takes up space. In filling a nearby area of much less space... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

17. "New School" Small Hydrangeas
August 30, 2021

Something seems amiss when talking about Hydrangeas and miniature plants in the same breath. But today these topics go together well. The world of the Hydrangea has opened to all who adore miniature plants. Varieties are now small enough for gardeners to enjoy in containers, borders, and small beds. Our great-grandparents knew different Hydrangeas. They were beautiful, but some had blooms prone to drooping, and most required lots of space. Fast-forward to our gardens of today: What would Great-Gram and Gramp make of the Hydrangeas thriving as miniature plants in patio containers... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

18. Growing Oxalis
August 30, 2021

Green Thumbs often take pride in growing plants that need pampering. I once spent time nurturing orchids. When friends marveled at those temperamental orchids, my hat size expanded. But easy-to-grow plants are just as rewarding as those that put up a fight. They make miniature gardening a pleasure. Oxalis is easy to grow, especially when treated as a houseplant. With minimal care, it rewards the gardener with pleasing foliage color, an interesting form that changes based on light, and flowers. A wood sorrel that grows from tiny bulbs, Oxalis sends up clover-like, heart shaped or tri... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

19. Rock Gardening with Miniature Plants
August 09, 2021

Nature loves to fill any void. We see her grass in sidewalk cracks and her wildflowers in the crevices in rock faces. In time, Nature fills in. But we may not want to wait for Nature to adorn stone walls and stepping stones on our property. If we yearn to green up an area or get a certain specimen to take hold, we must help things along. For rock gardening, ideal adornments are miniature plants—typically ones that like to keep their feet dry. I am fortunate to have garden beds raised by stone walls. These walls have become home to a host of miniature plants. This started with… well... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

20. Getting Started in Miniature Gardening with Proven Winners
August 09, 2021

How do you choose plant stock for your miniature garden? I typically am not drawn to labels and logos. But when I spy the white containers and leaf logo of Proven Winners®, consistency and high quality come to mind. This is not to say these are the only plants I purchase. But they are some of my favorites when I need miniature garden additions that cannot disappoint. And they are ideal for those just starting out with miniature gardening. Newer gardeners thrive on early successes. Having gone through trials to ensure disease resistance and performance, these become little workhorses in the gar... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

21. Window Dressing
August 03, 2021

Everyone can have a garden. Plants are as happy to be nurtured by urban dwellers in tight quarters as they are to be tended by those possessing acres. And miniature plants, with their ability to bring riches to bear on a small space… well, they turn house into home. I will not forget trips to Europe where almost every balcony bore the marks of a gardener. Form, texture, color, scent—all punctuated the architecture. Hardscapes were softened by foliage from window boxes, and green thumbs seemed to have anointed every structure in sight. Some of my favorite green-thumb “moves” back home... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

22. The Importance of Low Maintenance Lawns
July 22, 2021

It is a vital part of owning a garden to take good care of your lawn, they add a softness to the garden and can be very nice to look at. Lawn care services are important as your lawn can easily take a lot of damage through everyday life. When looking for lawn services Hampshire has to offer, it is important that you find the best lawn care Hampshire has to offer as a lot of companies do not properly understand the importance of good lawn care. Care It is important that you care for your lawn properly as neglected lawns will just die and cease to exist. It never looks good to have giant ... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

23. Designing a Magical Place
July 14, 2021

In the gardening world, bigger is often thought to be better—blousy peonies, so heavy they bend under their own weight… Casa Blanca lilies on stems that rise to the height of children.... These are what make many gardeners’ eyes light up. But enter the world of the fairy garden—a display of dainty specimens often made smaller through trimming and division to mimic the trees, shrubs, and plantings of the larger world on a magically reduced scale—and you will be charmed on a new level. Bend low, peer down a pathway of small Boxwoods trimmed Bonsai-style to create a hedgerow, pass by a self-... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

24. Garden Time is Family Time
July 05, 2021

Shh. Do you hear that? It is the sweet sound of silence! I love a quiet morning in my miniature garden, with hours spent weeding, watering, and admiring my miniature plants. I never feel completely alone, because I have all of my fairy friends with me, but it is nice to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the social summertime. Do you crave alone time in the miniature garden? I usually do, but this year, I have been searching for some ways to involve my family members in my fairy gardening hobby. After months spent apart, we are finally able to spend time together again. A couple o... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

25. Growing a Collection of Miniature Plants
July 01, 2021

Do you have a favorite miniature plant? It is a hard question, I know. It is especially difficult to choose a favorite miniature plant if you, like me, have a large (and ever-growing) collection of fairy garden plants. Is it the Bonsai tree that arches over the neighborhood of fairy houses? Is it the colorful cactus, the delicate flowers, or maybe even the groundcover plant you never thought would flourish? This year, I have been thinking about what it means to have a “favorite” miniature plant, especially after reading Tiny Plants by Leslie F. Halleck, an exploration of miniature gardeni... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

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