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Pets Articles and Ezines


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Showing 1 to 25 of 500 Articles in Pets.
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1. Natural Ingredients for Homemade Flea Spray for Dogs
May 25, 2023

As a dog owner, you want to keep your furry friend happy and healthy. One of the most common problems that dogs face is flea infestatio... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

2. 8 things you should never do to your dog
April 27, 2023

As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our furry friends are healthy, happy, and safe. This means providing t... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

3. 5 Tips to Calm Your Dog During Thunderstorms
April 26, 2023

Thunderstorms can be a frightening experience for dogs, and it's not uncommon for them to experience anxiety during th... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

4. Creative Indoor Games for Your Dog
April 13, 2023 Text to HTML Converter Creative Indoor Games for Dogs (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

5. 10 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Dog
April 01, 2023

Adopting a dog is a major decision that requires careful consideration. Dogs are not just pets, they are members of the family, and they require a significant amount of time, attention, and resources. Before you decide to bring a dog into your life, there are a few things you should consider. 1. Commitment First and foremost, adopting a dog is a long-term commitment. Dogs can live for up to 15 years or more, and they require daily care and attention throughout their lives. Before you adopt a dog, you should be prepared to make this commitment and provide for their needs for the entir... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

6. Cost-effective homemade pet food
February 11, 2023

As pet owners, we all want to provide the finest care and attention for our animals. However, give... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

7. Tips for Finding Lost Dogs
February 10, 2023

Finding a missing dog may be a difficult and traumatic process, but there are numerous actions you can take to boost your c... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

8. How to keep Your Cat Happy
February 09, 2023

Indoor cats have a distinct way of life from their outdoor counterparts. While they are safe from environmental hazards like as... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

9. How to Treat Dog Separation Anxiety
February 07, 2023

Dog separation anxiety is a frequent behavioral condition that may be stressful for both the dog and the owner. When left alone, this st... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

10. How to teach your dog sign language
February 06, 2023

Sign language training for dogs is a novel and successful method of communicating with your canine par... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

11. Top 3 Dog Breeds for Families
February 05, 2023

Dogs are a significant part of many families lives. They offer their owners love, comfort, and security. When selecting a fami... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

12. What Causes Dogs to Yawn?
February 04, 2023

Dogs are one of the most popular pets among humans. They are our faithful friends, always there to s... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

13. Understanding and Rewarding Good Dog Behavior
February 03, 2023

Training your dog is an important aspect of being a responsible pet owner. However, many people make the mistake of usi... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

14. The Best Jack Russell Terrier Activities
February 02, 2023

Dogs, particularly Jack Russell Terriers, are recognized for their high activity levels... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

15. An Exciting Way To Eliminate Your Dogs Bad Behavior
January 31, 2023

We all want our pets to be happy, healthy, and well-behaved as owners. While physical exercise is necessary, mental stimul... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

16. Dog Intelligence and Obedience
January 31, 2023

Intelligence and obedience are two essential characteristics connected wi... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

17. Puppy Potty Training
January 30, 2023

div class="separator" style="clear: both;"> The process might be hard, but if you are patient and persistent, you can teach your puppy to go to the bathroom... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

18. how to mentally stimulate your dog
January 29, 2023

Keeping your dog mentally stimulated is a... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

19. Adopting A Rescued Dog
January 28, 2023

div class="separator" style="clear: both;"> Adopting a rescued dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences a person or family can have. Not only do you provide a... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

20. Things That Can Hurt Your Cat Emotionally
January 27, 2023

Cats are beloved pets that bring joy and companionship to millions of households worldwide. However, just like any... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

21. Bucket List for You and Your Dog
January 25, 2023

There’s no denying the special bond between humans and the... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

22. Why Cats Make Great Therapy Animals
January 24, 2023

Cats are known for their independence and aloof nature, but did you know that they can also make great therapy animals? Whil... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

23. Teaching Dogs How to Act Around Children
January 22, 2023

Teaching your dog how to act around children is an important aspect of responsible pet ownership. By training and... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

24. Teaching Children How to Act Around Dogs
January 22, 2023

Teaching children how to act around dogs is an important part of ensuring the safety of both children and dogs. D... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

25. The Best Toys and Games to Keep Your Cat Entertained
January 22, 2023

Cats are independent creatures that love to play, but sometimes it can be hard to keep them entertained. Whether your... (read more)

Author: Noel Ireland

Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | Next >>


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Stevert Mckenzie, Travel Enthusiast. ...more

Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to your p...more

At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

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