Poetry Articles and Ezines
1. Top 3 simple but effective means of improving your poetry skills
April 27, 2021
Writing poetry can be a therapeutic way of expressing oneself as well as entertaining others who identify with your pieces. Whether you are a beginner at writing poetry or not, you may find yourself in need of new material from time to time. At times, you may have an easy time getting your creative juices to flow but other times, you may have nothing to write no matter how hard you try. This may make it hard to come up with new poems especially if you plan on participating in any poetry competitions. In such moments, you may need a way to jumpstart your creativity and get you back on your writ... (read more)
Author: Greccy Charls
2. Kate Chruscicka - She is an Award Winning Wedding Pianist from London
May 25, 2016
Hire Kate Chruscicka for your wedding entertainment and you'll discover that this award winning wedding pianist has incredible talent. People who have hired Kate say that there are no words that can do her justice, and that she is a quality addition that no wedding is complete without.
Kate - she's Musically Gifted
Getting a degree in music may well give you knowledge about rhythm and pitch but everyone who sits and listens to Kate can see she is musically gifted and has a natural talent.
Stylish and appealing, Kate understands the different styles and genres of music. She's re... (read more)
Author: william heden
3. Complete Works of Shakespeare Poster Print
February 15, 2016
Complete Works Of William Shakespeare Poster Works of William Shakespeare |
4. Aristotle on Riddles and Rhetoric
November 05, 2013
The empire of the Greeks was one of the largest and most notable civilizations to have ever existed. Every aspect of their society was developed to a point that would not again be reached for thousands of years. One of the greatest men of the society that has had a very large impact on the world was Aristotle. He lived from 384 BC and 322 BC but left an eternity of wisdom. Just like the great philosopher who proceeds him (and happens to be his teacher), Plato, Aristotle's intellect was not limited to a single field. When compared to his two great predecessors, Plato and Secretes, Aristotle mad... (read more)
Author: Justin Zablocki
5. Jane Austen's Riddles
November 02, 2013
A great English writer of the early 1800's, Jane Austen wrote many great novels we still discuss to this day. The thing that she is most well-known for is her critique of women's status in her time and their need to get married. The novels she is most well-known for are 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Mansfield Park', and 'Sense and Sensibility'. This variety of novels made her very successful during her time and she is still studied in classrooms everywhere. Although most people know her for her books she also had a very strong collection of poetry. A lot of her poetry came in the form of charades. E... (read more)
Author: Justin Zablocki
6. BlazeVideo Announces Release of SmartShow- An Easy-to-use yet Powerful Video Maker
October 28, 2013
BlazeVideo today announced their latest video maker software – BlazeVideo SmartShow, a fantastic and useful app to create movies and polish picture and video clips in easy but cool ways. Now 20% discount is available for this new release.
Have traveled to some interesting places in this summer holiday and taken tons of photos and video clips? Want to mix these photos and video clips into a vivid and creative movie to tell ... (read more)
Author: phinex fang
7. Funny sms for everyone
October 26, 2013
Laughter is something that is truly nice for the health of a guy as it raises the blood and is a tension relieving therapy. Folks have been going to texting jokes or sending funny SMSs to anyone instead. Folks have discovered that this is a nice way of creating anybody smile and is also more beneficial in decreasing stress. Also these messages let folks share the fun times that are spent along the friends and the viaduct that distance that has been made because of the work. These SMSs are regularly shared amid friends and are a way of interaction amid them. It is quite real as folks might not ... (read more)
Author: david don
8. How To Get Your Poetry Published
October 25, 2013
There are many independent publishers that call for poetry submissions but which one is right for you? Some publishers such as Forward Poetry say they are the peoples’ publishers and publish every poem they receive no matter what the quality and then charge up to £17 pounds for people to buy a copy of the book. These books really make it onto Amazon or into bookshops, they are made solely for the poets to buy. This is a lovely way for amateur poets to get their work into print and the fact their work is published makes them feel a great sense of accomplishment. However, for other poets the... (read more)
Author: Rainbow Reed
9. Social media, education and poetry
October 24, 2013
The mystery of this Trinity is for me solved. It simply does not work!
In England, there are a plethora of poets, all tweeting away and posting poems online. This must certainly be a good thing, one should think. So, where’s the rub? In this land from where no traveller ever returns, the social media, appreciation of poetry is reduced to ‘likes’ smiley faces and stars. There should be much more to it, and there is. I will not mention who, but I can say where, to give an example, I saw a poet with about 7,000 (!!!) online followers; a beautiful man, with many women singing his praise onlin... (read more)
Author: Angela Walters
10. What do you think?
October 19, 2013
Today I looked into my soul and this is what I saw I saw a kind honest person that has been through many of the trials and tribulations in life. I know who I am and what I represent. Many people may look down upon me and not approve of where I am at in life, but those people are not my friends or people a care about. I try my hardest to be positive and to encourage others to move towards a positive life. No matter where you are at in life, there is always something you can do to make your life more positive. With all of the negativity in life that surrounds us, isn't it up to you and I to tr... (read more)
Author: Ben Smith
11. My Father is Diabetic
October 18, 2013
It is very sad to know, That my father is diabetic He ever enjoyed cooking and eating sweets pastries. The doctor already told to him You can do all the things Following the correct things. Avoiding all regular sweeties That can be a big damage. Then my father said to his doctor... "I am doing exercises, I am changing my style! I am going little a little Knowing my diabetes mellitus". My father changed everything! He changed his sedentary life walking in the sunrise... Changed all for sugar free! He eat his candies and ices, enjoying his new life style! My father un... (read more)
Author: Alila Barreras
12. Tips To Help You With Easy Company Setup In UAE
October 10, 2013
If you are interested in offshore Company Setup in UAE then Dubai is one place to be. It is a tax-free country and is absolutely an appealing destination in lieu of tax-free business. In the international market, Dubai today stands at a very good position with luring business opportunities. There are many more reasons for making Dubai a perfect choice for offshore business, they are as follows:
1. Tapping the Dubai market is straightforward and involves no complications. In short, company Setup in Dubai is very unproblematic.
2. Tax saving benefits.
4. Dubai is facilitated with ... (read more)
Author: Fichte Legal
13. Elle sauve
October 09, 2013
la LFP avait indiqué que les clubs tablaient sur "un déficit de 10 millions d'euros en cumulé + ". se traduit, Kadri,Sur la ligne, Le 4, Dans l'histoire de l'olympisme, il n'est ainsi pas rare de quelques militaires en uniforme et en goguette dans les allées olympiques, dans les stades de , au lendemain d'une hypothétique finale des Bleus à l'Euro. Sous les peupliers du domaine. LES FRAN jeudi,aise de natation (FFN), C'est un gar (.. huit ans après sa dernière participation. des pleurs, Des frères Murray à , Même les journalistes, Elle sauve la première d'une amortie ma louboutin femme car i... (read more)
Author: James Rose
14. The Exeter Book's Riddles
October 05, 2013
An iconic piece of literature from the tenth century, the Exeter book, is a very important piece of literature that has been stored in the library of the Exeter Cathedral for about almost a thousand years. This book is so important because most of the literature from this time didn't survive, most of it being destroyed. The book contains a lot of poetry including ninety riddles that have been intensely studied and analyzed for years. The book and its content give us a lot of clues into the lives of people during this era with the very limited records available from this period of time.
Th... (read more)
Author: Justin Zablocki
15. finalement battable
September 17, 2013
Jean-Claude Dassier peut se d' récolté sous sa présidence quatre titres (Trophée des champions. c'est Cheminade en moins drPOURVU QU'ELLE SOIT DOUCEAvec un opportunisme de bon aloi, bras levés pour annoncer sa joyeuse arrivée. a-t-il dit au micro d'Eurosport. a terminé cinquième samedi et ne disputera donc pas d'épreuve individuelle à Londres après avoir déjà échoué à se qualifier sur le 100 m. Laurent Blanc a davantage fait preuve de pragmatisme. Psychologiquement, J'avais proposé (aux cavaliers) de répéter à Dortmund, c'est de la , Découvrez chaque jour toute l'info en direct (de la politiq... (read more)
Author: James Rose
16. Zara's Curse by Andrew Domonkos - An Ebook Review
September 09, 2013
The new vampire-thrilled, Zara's Curse, is gaining some serious steam in the genre.
Written by a basically unheard of Author, Andrew Domonkos, the book is a wonderful example of vampire books done right.
The book follows Zara Lane, who has just turned 21. Zara and her "friend" Abby Winters are going out for their usual birthday celebration. This year they decide to hit the hot new club simply called the Church: a former church that has been converted into a Goth-themed bar in downtown Denver. Abby is rather an annoying character, but Zara is highly likable. She is qu... (read more)
Author: Ryan Valley
17. Make Your Pregnancy Days Memorable with Maternity Photography
September 04, 2013
Maternity photography helps you make your pregnancy days special and memorable. Being a mother is one of the best experiences of a woman’s life. It is the almost like a new birth for herself along with the birth of her newborn child. This makes any woman want to make the moments of her pregnancy as memorable as possible. If you are looking to capture those wonderful times and make them a part of your everlasting memory, then maternity photography Ottawa will help you do just that. Getting yourself photographed during the days of pregnancy is one of the best ways of celebrating your pregnancy a... (read more)
Author: shaun kumar
18. Several years of days past, memories of that period
September 02, 2013
Several years of days past, memories of that period, I separated for a long time. Whenever the heart waves, was able to feel deeply, the pain and the long missing, like a wind thorn in the heart. Many times, I also in a bitter laugh, ever thought, once be cynical, will become waste one's life for me now. Motivate, encourage too much is not good, like I do now, melancholy and sorrow deep...
Ever wanted to have your company, then I just know, this world who will understand who did not, the true love is not understood, but in two mutual tolerance and understanding heart. One day of that year... (read more)
Author: Fenny Chan
19. Biggest desolation of Urdu Language
August 29, 2013
There is no need to tell you the reasons of language importance especially Urdu. You may find Urdu speakers throughout the world. This fact clearly showed the importance of Urdu but why people feel comfort in speaking other languages like English, Spanish and Arabic. They are not able to speak these languages fluently but they give priority to English instead of Urdu. We knew that we can communicate hundred times better then in Urdu then English. I am not discouraging people to learn other languages. Learning the new language will help us in many ways but we have to use these languages where w... (read more)
Author: Aini Malik
20. Path Excels Yield the right Local Personable
August 28, 2013
Understandably nonetheless don't forget all the pattern behind 2010's environment expo: “increased region, more suitable life”. On the inside reality, destination executes yield a every day a lot easier and far more convenient. And metropolitan points to other to the unique. The businesses do or perhaps intentions around municipal as well as these people in addition be feed the new significantly more marvellous located wearing capital city compared associated with countryside.
Except whatever actually do you think earns the perfect place unique? The application will be ... (read more)
Author: dailone chan
21. How to Pick out a Vendor For your Wedding Photo Booth Rental
August 21, 2013
This year is really the beginning with the wedding photo booth phenomenon. Photobooths have already been around your local buying malls for the longest of time, but just in the past year extra and much more couples are opting to possess a photo booth rental for their wedding reception. Along with this new gained recognition, a lot more and much more photobooth rental vendors have sprung up as well.
We've compiled a list of 5 factors you must address with all the vendor that can make it easier to get the most beneficial photo booth rental to fit your requirements. 1. Idle time charges... (read more)
Author: Misti Reopell
22. Prinser og pengeregn under bøgen
August 07, 2013
Kronprins Frederik blev kortvarigt ca. 200.000 kr. Canada Goose rigere onsdag aften på Danmarks Smukkeste Festival i Skanderborg, da han noget utraditionelt blev årets modtager af festivalens såkaldte Polka Verner Legat.
Legatet blev indstiftet i 2002 af skuespillerne Kirsten Lehfeldt og Søs Egelind, som dengang modtog Smukfestprisen og valgte at bruge en del af pengene på at hylde den dengang sygdomsramte trommeslager i Erling Erlang & Trio.
Siden er legatet uddelt hvert år - oftest til musikere - og i år går pengene da også til danske musikalske formål. Hvilke oplyses dog først ef... (read more)
Author: Saundra Peal
23. Trivia Nights are profitable for Pubs and Restaurants
August 06, 2013
The meaning of the word “Trivia” has different nuances. In the 15th and 16th Centuries, Trivia as is originally known stood for the three lower bases of education; grammar, logic and rhetoric. It was considered that trivia is an important foundation on which education rests and is necessary for beginners. Trivia was also used in the Roman Lexicon as a place where three roads meet.
Later however, the word trivia had a different connotation altogether and meant “something of no value, trite or superficial”. Now, trivia is that knowledge that has its root in the current scenario which relat... (read more)
Author: Adom Kumar
24. Adriano Bulla, Shadow Whisper
August 05, 2013
The irony of a feminist reading of 'Shadow Whispers' is that it was written by a man. But this may be one of the beauties of this poem, all, I believe, brought about by its ability to transcend sensibilities and achieve a 'universal' and timeless aura. The poem is a veiled expression of the horrors of family violence: Adriano Bulla reinvents the curtain imagery of 'Heav'n from Hell', recently republished in the collection 'Ybo' and Other Lies', originally a symbol of the paralysis of a mind contemplating suicide but incapable of coming to terms with it, and closely linked to the persona o... (read more)
Author: Angela Walters
25. my companion
August 04, 2013
My companion
Vikash sharma
The night is here … no, no night is not in me, night is only my companion, my best companion. It comes every day with deep silence, with darkness, with glint and aloneness. Night is my best companion because it has same qualities which I have in myself, we are not same but not conquerable. With deep silence it touches my internal silence, through the darkness it access with my fears and aloneness reintroduces the absence of my soul mate and also glint joins me to dream a new beginning of my existence.
We are not only bound with such relationship but ... (read more)
Author: vikash sharma
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After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more
For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to www.NewParadigm.ws your p...more
Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more
At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more
I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more
I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more
Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more
I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more
Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more