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Copywriting Articles and Ezines


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Showing 1 to 25 of 500 Articles in Copywriting.
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1. From Insights To Action: Using Data Analytics To Optimise Your Tendering Process
January 16, 2025

Securing contracts can be a challenging and often unpredictable process. While the quality of your bids is crucial, having a robust strategy in place to optimise your entire tendering process can be the difference between success and failure.  One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is data analytics. By harnessing the... (read more)

Author: Alex Belsey

2. How to Convey a Complex Brand Position in the Healthcare Industry
July 21, 2022

There’s nothing I love more than helping clients to develop their brands and build their businesses. Of course, I enjoy working with established brands, too, but there’s something special about working on a brand from its inception. It’s one thing to work with a well-known brand to improve upon what they already have, but being able to play a key role in the success of a burgeoning brand is much more satisfying. Not only is it incredibly challenging, but it also allows me to mentor budding business owners who may feel very overwhelmed, and need someone to guide them. I find... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

3. Want More Leads and Sales? Stop Making This Common Website Mistake
June 09, 2022

New entrepreneurs have wonderfully enthusiastic energy about them; it’s an exhilarating time for sure. They’re ecstatic that their vision is coming to fruition, and thrilled to showcase the website they created. Naturally, they want to tell the world about what they do and have big hopes and dreams for being inundated with leads that will keep them joyfully busy. But then I come along and burst their bubble. Well, sort of. You see, some business owners already have a solid grasp of online marketing, while others don’t, and sometimes it’s necessary for me to share my wisdom ... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

4. One thing that'll help you progress further in mastering a skill than anything else
February 17, 2022

One thing I always believe is that you should always sharpen the fundamentals of any skill you possess and wish to maintain. This is something a lot of people fail to do because, admittedly, it’s boring. People would much rather learn the cool, ninja, advanced tactics and hacks than relearn the basics. This is especially true in the marketing and copywriting space. If you don’t believe me, read some of the one or two star reviews of some marketing and copywriting books on Amazon. You’ll see common reviews like (And these are copy-and-pasted), “Nothing new here.” “... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

5. How to create a sales page for your course
January 12, 2022

You’ve created an online course, and you truly believe in the impact it will have on people’s lives. But there’s a problem: you are a teacher, not a salesperson. While your strength may be breaking concepts down to teach others, there is an entirely different skill set that goes into marketing your course and getting people to sign up. But you can create a sales page that inspires others to sign up for your course! First, make sure you understand who your target student is. Who would benefit the most from taking your course? What problems do they have that your course can solve... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

6. My newfound appreciation for one of the greatest comedians of all time
January 25, 2022

Roughly a month ago, I remember hearing some drama about Dave Chappelle, whom people often refer to as one of the greatest comedians of all time, and his latest Netflix special, The Closer. Apparently, the show triggered a particularly sensitive community. So my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to watch his special. Now up until that point, I never watched any of Dave Chappelle’s stand-up shows before, so I watched it with my mind as open as possible. But what did I think of it? Well, two things: 1. Good for him for not giving in to the critics and apologiz... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

7. I should've been doing this a long time ago
January 25, 2022

Last month, I wrote an email with the subject line, “The one big thing that'll solve almost all your email marketing problems.” Long story short, the email was about learning how to write better emails so you’ll solve your low open rate, deliverability, and engagement problems rather than focusing on the less important things like figuring out the best time to send emails, split testing subject lines, using demographic data. I even posted the content on LinkedIn to get more eyeballs on it, and someone decided to give their two cents. And I’m going to paste it below, so don’... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

8. How to express personality online
December 20, 2021

When's the last time you enjoyed listening to someone who sounds generic? It just doesn't happen. People love listening to speakers like Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins and Nick Vujicic because they're dynamic and their personality shines through. The best-selling books and even the best sales letters are the same. An aura of personality just oozes from the page or the screen. How can you express your personality when you're writing? => Write from Personal Experience The more you can share what you've actually experienced, the better. Trying to teach or compete in a market where y... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

9. How to write your welcome email message
December 19, 2021

Your welcome email message is your number one chance to make a first impression on your subscriber. If you have a great welcome message, subscribers will read it, be impressed by the quality and continue to open your emails in the future. With a poor welcome message, they may very well never open your emails again. Of course a poorly written subject line doesn't help. Before we go over what makes a great welcome message, let's go over some all-too-common mistakes that people make in their welcome messages. => What Not to Put in Your Welcome Message First of all, never send a wel... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

10. How to craft spellbinding email subject lines
December 14, 2021

A great email subject line should jump off the page, seize hold of your reader's attention and compel them into opening the email. A poor title on the other hand will easily be skimmed over and lost. How do you write a subject line that grabs attention? Here are a few tips. => Use Action and Power Words The more vibrant and energized your words, the more people are going to be drawn to them. Take the first sentence of this article for example. If it had just said "A good title should catch attention," how much blander would it be? Phrases like "jump off the page," "grab a ... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

11. 4 Creative Ways to Increase Your Attention to Detail
November 29, 2021

Do some of the finer details about your job and personal life escape you? Are there some things that you seem to continue to overlook? You're likely frustrated by not being able to get everything right, especially the simple things. It could be that what's affecting you is a lack of attention to detail. It's not that you want to overlook things. It's probably that the details just slip your mind at the moment. The great news is that it's possible to increase your attention to detail so not as many things slip your mind at inopportune times. Develop these four simple strategies f... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

12. Why film remakes aren't always a great idea
January 11, 2022

I watched a podcast episode where two people reviewed a South Korean romantic comedy film called My Sassy Girl. After listening to them talk about the movie, I decided to watch the movie myself. The film is about a man who started an unusual, but amusing relationship with a woman after encountering her in a drunken state at a train station. They slowly become more active in each other’s lives, and in the end, fall in love with each other. Of course, the story goes much deeper than that, but I’m just giving an extremely brief summary. But the film was extremely successf... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

13. How to actively deepen your copywriting knowledge
January 11, 2022

Music is an enjoyable thing to listen to no matter which way you listen to it. And there are really two ways to do so. 1. Passive listening 2. Active listening Some examples of passive listening are listening to elevator music, or having background music in restaurants in supermarkets. The music is just there to fill the empty silence. Active listening is a whole different level of listening. Listening to music actively is similar to how film enthusiasts watch films and movies. They watch a film or movie multiple times to analyze every single scene, catch every si... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

14. How Old is Albanian Language
October 16, 2021

How Old is Albanian Language Are you curious about the history and origin of the Albanian language? Well, you're lucky that at Universal Translation Services, we are providing a complete guide about the Albanian language. Although, the exact origin of Albanian is not entirely known, there are traces about the evolution of this lingo in ancient times. The point of view of different historians differ from each other but UTS provides the most possible and evident information about the origin of the Albanian language. If you have an interest in learning about this lingo, just stay with us till... (read more)

Author: Certified Translation

15. Albanian Language
October 16, 2021

Albanian Language Just like humans experience the birth cycle, languages also have dates of origin and extinction. Since languages are part of human life for a long time, it is hard to predict the exact dates of their origin. This confusion is much bigger when it comes to the Albanian language. When people ask a question that how old is Albanian, it becomes hard to answer. Somewhat the origin of Albanian is near to ancient Greek history. The work of some linguists provides evidence about the history of a language. If you're seeking information about the history of the Albanian lang... (read more)

Author: Certified Translation

16. Albanian Certified Translation
October 16, 2021

Are you a person curious to learn about languages? Many people are willing to know about Latin origin and the history of foreign languages. And recently, we've seen many questioning about the old existence of Albanian. Are you also curious about it? If you are a person who wants to know more about when this language came into being and about its literature, then you're at the right place! Universal Translation Services aims to provide the best content but make sure to read it till the end to get the best understanding. At first, let's take a look at the Albanian literature! Albanian Li... (read more)

Author: Certified Translation

17. Which Language is Older Persian or Arabic
October 15, 2021

Is Persian different from Arabic? Well, many people think that they are the same. It is probably due to three major misconceptions i.e. both are written with the Arabic script, they're spoken in the Middle East and they're spoken by peoples who are, for the most part, Muslim. The reality is that Arabic and Persian belong to two different language groups. They have completely different grammar and pronunciation, and while Persian has a lot of Arabic loan words, most words are very different. Persian is much similar to other foreign languages i.e. English. But on the other hand, Arabic belo... (read more)

Author: Certified Translation

18. Arabic versus Persian
October 15, 2021

We have encountered similarities and differences between identical twins. But do you know that languages can also have common and distinct features? At Universal Translation Services, we've frequently been asked the question about the difference between Persian and Arabia. And now we are here to answer it! The relatedness of both of these lingoes is also popular because Iraq is right next to Iran in the neighborhood of many other Arab nations. The foreign tourists and language experts, all question the connection between Persian and Arabic languages. Let's study some common facts regardin... (read more)

Author: Certified Translation

19. Language Spoken In Haiti
October 11, 2021

Haiti Language Translation As a business strategy, to spread their word, promote their business and drive more customers, businessmen think of expanding and opening up multiple branches of their company in different territories. The first thing that comes to their minds is probably opening up in the countries which are larger in terms of economy and population. This strategy may sometimes even fail. It is because no matter how larger a country's population is, it is not always necessary that the majority of the population would be oriented to buy your product or service. To avoid such a fail... (read more)

Author: Certified Translation

20. Haiti Language Translation
October 11, 2021

Haiti Language Translation Due to being a popular tourist destination, Haiti already secures its chance to be a potential business-initiation country. Many businessmen and companies want to set up a representative branch in Haiti. They acknowledge that there can be potential growth in their business due to Haiti being a tropical island nation, very suitable for tourists. This pursuit makes them open up their branch in such a territory. Language is the key source of communication. Without the understanding of one's language, we cannot convey our ideas and messages correctly. The Haitian popula... (read more)

Author: Certified Translation

21. Haiti Language
October 11, 2021

Haiti Language Translation Different types of people make up a society. Some are extroverted, others are introverted. Introverts are very shy and love to live a peaceful life in solitude, unlike extroverts. When selecting a tour destination, these people are very likely to choose less crowded countries. Countries like the United States and the United Kingdom are densely populated due to a large number of immigrants. When selecting a travel destination for holidays, introverts are very likely to choose small tropical islands, which have considerably fewer tourists than the other countries. Hai... (read more)

Author: Certified Translation

22. Probably another article addressing the outage of Facebook and Instagram
October 05, 2021

I checked my emails this morning and a lot of people were talking about how Facebook and Instagram were down for a good six hours yesterday. And while people were panicking about not getting their daily dose of social media, I was outside enjoying the real life. Specifically, I visited a cafe with a group of friends and played board games for hours on end. One friend introduced me to a game he was obsessed with called Betrayal at House on the Hill. And I have to say this. Out of all the board games I played in my life so far, this one has been the most fun. So fun... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

23. Why I heavily support my ways of emailing
September 23, 2021

Today, I’m going to make a short list of why I prefer my ways of emailing as opposed to the conventional way, also known as, the corporate newsletter way. Let’s get started: 1. There’s no need to use any drag-and-drop editors,no need to deal with any coding, and no need to deal with images. Simply type and send. 2. The content can easily be repurposed. I can take almost any of my emails and turn them into social media posts, expand them into long form articles, retell them in podcasts, and even use them when writing books. Fun fact: A good portion of How to Become an E... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

24. Who my book is not for
September 21, 2021

If you’ve been on my list for a while, then you’ve probably noticed that my emails aren’t like the typical company newsletters you see. They’re text only, heavy on storytelling, and they’re focused on building relationships with my subscribers. And while I do heavily support my way of writing emails, it’s not for everyone. Here’s what I mean. I’ve been signing up on email lists of companies that do a lot of email marketing, and the main thing I noticed is that a lot of them send shorter, to-the-point emails. And I suspect they go that route for a few reasons: 1. T... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

25. Putting a little thought into things goes a long way
August 25, 2021

Last month, I wrote an email with the subject line, “Never thought I’d see this on Linkedin.” And if you don’t know, I always take my daily emails and publish them on the blog page of my website, so I have an entire archive of daily emails there. But I also publish them in article directories for list building purposes. But according to their terms, other people are allowed to take my content and publish them on their own websites as long as they give credit, which I was fine with. Recently, I found a site that published my email about LinkedIn. But here’s the funny thing. ... (read more)

Author: Ellisen Wang

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Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to your p...more

At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

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