Judaism Articles and Ezines
1. Washington Redskins, Alex Smith NFL logo t-shirt transfers work to balance patience and aggression
September 20, 2018
Alex Smith finished the Week 2 loss to the Indianapolis Colts simply by averaging six.3 yards-per-pass try Custom NHL name letter upon 33 completions. Those amounts are certainly not particularly excellent, although they're not negative either, this clearly did not create sufficient Custom airflow heat transfers options regarding details in the home opener. The Colts security were built with a whole lot related to this too. Indiana deployed a soft area protection program, making the particular Washington Redskins to appear below for short benefits and also eschewing numerous chances at deep sh... (read more)
Author: jame tony
April 29, 2017
Are these echoes of events that once shaped our minds ?
Few other tales of narrative prehistory have captured the imagination of so many in different religious Stories. Few have ventured to go beyond the graphic miracles of Yaweh and his pillars of fire not to mention the present avid interest in the parting of the waves. Altogether, fine tales and about which most people are not aware of the amount of research that has been spent on them through the millennia. But why so much confusion about the potentially historical essence of these... (read more)
Author: michael mifsud
3. Financial Reporting Council publishes findings of corporate culture study
November 16, 2016
The findings of a study from the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) have been released, bringing fresh insight into the relationship between corporate culture and business success in the UK.
The FRC interviewed more than 250 chairpersons, CEOs and other leading industry experts from some of the UK's biggest companies to explore the importance of culture within organisations, and the links between corporate culture andlong-term business goals and values.
A culmination of the FRC’s Culture Coalition group, a collaborationwith CIMA, the City Values Forum, IBE, IIA and CIPD, the report hi... (read more)
Author: Smith Lara
4. How Can A God Of Love Allow Suffering To Exist?
April 11, 2016
How can a God of love allow all this evil and suffering to exist? My wife’s question is when my parents were physically abusing me I prayed for help and God did nothing, Why? To answer the first question we need to divide the question into two parts. We need to understand how spiritual dominions operate and also answer the question why are we here? To do this we need to go back to the beginning when God first made Adam and put him in the Garden of Eden with his wife Eve. At that time God gave the dominion of the earth to Adam and Eve. We can see this in Genesis 1:28, Then God bles... (read more)
Author: Tim Fay
5. How To Find The Right Religion
December 10, 2015
In today's world if you are seeking God it is easy to be led astray by all the different religions. You have Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses knocking at your door. You have a choice from Buddhists, Muslims, Hindu’s and a variety of Christian sects all preaching that they have the correct way to God. So which one is right? Can they all be correct? How are you supposed to figure it all out and make the right choice? I believe if you take a close look at mankind and a closer look at yourself you will see that mankind is in desperate need of a savior to save us from ourselves and all the sins... (read more)
Author: Tim Fay
6. Open Letter To Temple Israel Of White Plains From Former Netanyahu Chief Of staff
November 25, 2015
From the point of view of someone who has sat in Israeli government cabinet meetings when the prime minister has had to make decisions about sending IDF soldiers into harms way, I feel strongly that Temple Israel of White Plains is wrong to give a single penny to the New Israel Fund.
I hope that they would agree that the soldiers of the IDF are living and breathing heroes and angels of the Jewish people. Not just for those in Israel, but for all Jews around the world...as they are the ones that not only protect the Jewish state, but by doing so allow us to practice Judaism proudly around ... (read more)
Author: George Birnbaum
7. Current Events In Bible Prophecy
November 12, 2015
It is now November 2015. I can remember since the mid-seventies talking about how Russia with their allies in the latter days are going to be attacking Israel from the north and how God was going to intervene and wipe out five-sixths of the invading armies. Russia established two military bases in the mid-east, one in Iraq and the other in Syria. Russia also fighting alongside the Iranians against ISIS and the USA turning its back on Israel it appears the stage is being set for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39. In the book of Zechariah, it states that Israel will be alone and surrounded o... (read more)
Author: Tim Fay
8. Who is Jesus?
April 08, 2015
Who is Jesus? Who did Jesus claim to be? Who are the Apostles saying Jesus is? What are some of the religions saying who Jesus is? Who does the Bible say Jesus is? Why is it important to know who Jesus is? Why all the confusion? These will be some of the topics of today’s Bible study. Let’s start with the question who did Jesus claim to be? To get an accurate answer to this question we need to start at the beginning when God first introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 3:14; And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent... (read more)
Author: Tim Fay
9. Secular Signs of Spiritual Significance--What Could They Mean?
April 03, 2015
Summary: Recent events like solar and lunar eclipses and the nuclear talks with Iran have biblical significance. What do they signify, or do they have any relevance for us? Einstein said, “Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”
Two weeks ago, we saw a “rare” solar eclipse falling on the spring equinox accompanied by a supermoon when the moon was as close as possible to the earth. Saturday night we may see a “blood moon” due to a full lunar eclipse. So what do such signs mean? A library would likely have the information and here's where the Spanish language can help... (read more)
Author: Richard Ruhling
10. Signs of Double Jeopardy for Jerusalem and US in "the Day of the LORD"
April 03, 2015
Summary: Daniel's vision of the ram and goat apply to Iraq and Iran because "the vision is at the time of the end," Daniel 8:17. The effort at a nuclear agreement with Iran is also the focus of Bible prophecy because, "when they say 'Peace and safety,' sudden destruction comes." 1Thessalonians 5:2,3. A third ingredient for end-times is "the sun shall be darkened and the moon turned to blood before the day of the Lord," Joel 2:31. The rare solar eclipse on March 20 and the impending "blood moon" on Passover, April 4/5 lead to expectancy of apocalyptic events.
“The day of the Lord so comes ... (read more)
Author: Richard Ruhling
11. "Exit-Plan" Matt Drudge Buys Bunker in Phoenix; A Discussion of Biblical "Strategic Relocation"
March 26, 2015
Summary: Christ's warning suggests need for an “exit plan,” but not in a bunker with guns. Prompt action is called for—are we ready? Maybe we should begin to think about it.
Matt Drudge spent $1.9 million on a Camelback Mountain mansion in Phoenix. While this shows a concern for security, perhaps we should consider something more like Joel Skousen's view, away from high population areas.
Some survival plans offer information that boggles the mind with complexity, but that doesn't need to be the focus for Christians or Jews who see increasing concerns for where society is headed. ... (read more)
Author: Richard Ruhling
12. An Overview of SEO - Features And Ways To Hire A SEO Company In Houston
November 26, 2014
SEO, which is known as Search Engine Optimization in its extended terminology, is credited to be one of the most powerful tools to increase visibility of a website over search engines – be it Google, Yahoo or Bing. In fact, without the constructive approach of involving seo to any conceivable marketing approach to promote a brand through a website cannot fructify the coveted goal of a business in terms of widespread promotion. Well, SEO is not a single dominant factor to influence the visibility of your website over the web, but it is necessary when it comes to improving ranking of your websit... (read more)
Author: kavin usa
13. Web designing services for developing business in the markets
July 18, 2014
A website serves as a powerful tool for making impacts on the viewers. It is a suitable one for grabbing the attention of audience both in local and international markets to get global exposure. Designing a website requires innovative ideas for creating maximum impacts on the visitors. There are several companies which offer web designing services to fulfill the needs of business clients and other organizations. At the same time, it is necessary to make a complete research on them before choosing services. Web designing involves different concepts which help for building brand reputation to a ... (read more)
Author: valiant systems
14. Worship, a Key to Success
November 16, 2013
by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2013.
Norvel Hayes is a Bible Teacher out of Cleveland, Tennessee. He has had some revelations from the Lord.
The Lord told brother Norvel. "My people don't worship me enough, and you don't either, son. You tell the people that if they'll spend time worshiping me, they can have anything they want."
Anything you want. Does that appeal to you?
On another occasion, the Lord said to Norvel, "If there's anyone out there with anything wrong with their bodies, they're not worshiping me enough.
So then, there's a connection between divin... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
15. The Borders of Israel
November 15, 2013
Dear Tom Marr: 05/24/11
Tuned in to Mark Levin yesterday afternoon, and it was you.
Sorry about the passing of the pet. Perhaps a new puppy will help to fill the gap somewhat.
Was a little surprised to hear what you were saying about Obama and Israel. I had heard on the news about a proposal to go back to the '67 borders, but no, apparently it's earlier borders.
This person, Obama, doesn't know who he's dealing with. It's not just that Netanyahu is such a tough guy, but probably he is. No, Obama is overlooking the fact that God f... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
16. Choosing the right immigration asylum lawyer
November 14, 2013
When you ask for asylum in the United States of America, you must have a very good reason for doing so. Immigration asylum is generally given to people that have been oppressed by the governments of their own countries, as a result of several reasons ranging from skin colour, sexual orientation, and race to political differences, different views and ideas, and even speaking your mind and standing up for what is right. However, asking for asylum is not enough to get you in the clear. You have to convince the US government that you deserve it, and that you really are persecuted by your governme... (read more)
Author: bhushan khonde
17. A Two State Solution for Palestine?
November 14, 2013
by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2011.
Recently at the United Nations, there was a vote about Palestine. The vote was somewhat favorable toward Palestine, while falling short of statehood for Palestine.
There are those who advocate a "two state solution" to the Middle East problems. From what I've read, it seems former President, Jimmy Carter, is one of those.
This is rather surprising, since it was my understanding that Carter was a Christian. He may actually be a Christian, but perhaps he has allowed his experience as President to color his views about Israel. (“Don’t lea... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
18. Hassidic Jewish Practice of Arranged Marriages
November 14, 2013
Hassidic Jewish Practice of Arranged Marriages
By Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012.
Last night, on Turner Classic Movies, on Cox Cable, they spoke to the effect that it’s about Yom Kippur season, so they chose to present some movies about Jewish culture.
The movie I saw starred Rod Steiger in the role of a Hassidic Rabbi, and Maximilian Schell as an Orthodox Jew seeking to establish Israel in the land of Palestine. (So, the movie was probably from about the 1940’s).
The son of one of those fathers tells the son of the other father that Hassidic Jews have arra... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
19. Good News for Jews
November 14, 2013
by Frederick Hoehn
Dear Rabbi:
I have very good news. The Messiah waited for by the Jews has come. His name is Jesus.
He was born of a virgin (Mary). Descended from David by genealogy. Was a Nazarene from Nazareth. Spent some time in Egypt ("Out of Egypt have I called my son"). Born in Bethlehem.
He was preceded by John the Baptist, son of Zachariah and Elizabeth, who walked in the spirit and power of Elijah. John said of Jesus, "After me comes he that is mightier than me, whose shoe latchet I am unworthy to unloose."
The words of Jesus are found in the books ... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
20. A Collection of Promises from God for His People from the Bible
November 13, 2013
by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012
Author's Note: I wish I'd known about all of these principles since childhood. But it took time to get exposed to some of the good teachers the Lord has helped me to find. So I say, "Thank you, Father that I have now learned these principles." F.H.,
The promises are grouped into several different areas, healing & health, leading & guidance, overcoming, prayer, prosperity, safe/secure, worship.
It will do you good just to read the promises. But I would suggest, read them out loud, if you can, because, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing ... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
21. Why the Holocaust?
November 13, 2013
by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2013
All through the Old Testament, God warns the Jews to be faithful to him. "Don't worship idols," God said. He told them, when they got into the promised land, don't intermarry with the people there.
So what did they do? They intermarried with the people who were in the promised land, and started worshiping their idols.
Ps 66:3 Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee. Ps 66:4 All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall s... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
22. Should America Fear Islam?
November 12, 2013
Dear Ms. A.:
I often watch Meet the Press, but this morning NBC has gone crazy for golf, so I tuned into This Week, and found your special edition about Islam.
Franklin Graham is not the worst person you could get as a panelist. The son of the very respected Billy Graham, Franklin is probably a fairly good preacher in his own right. Unfortunately, I don't think he nor his dad are "full gospel" or "Pentecostal."
In other words, with the signs following of Mark chapt. 16. A Christian can get to heaven without that, but will do much better with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
23. Pharaoh's Eternal Residence
November 12, 2013
by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2013.
It was on one of the history channels recently about how an ancient Pharaoh of Egypt had had his servants prepare for him a place of "Eternal Residence."
Oh, is that what they were doing?
I didn't watch the whole program, I don't need the details of that crazy religion that the Egyptians had.
Though I haven't been to Egypt, I've seen pictures. That's where you find those huge pyramids. Some of those pyramids were probably built by Jewish slaves during the four centuries or so that ancient Israel was in Egypt.
You may remember... (read more)
Author: Frederick Hoehn
24. Comment Perdre du Ventre: Le Guide de A à Z
November 12, 2013
In this article, I will offer a series of dietetic rules you need to follow if you have decided to lose belly fat . Know how to lose belly fat is the first step to getting a flat stomach. Once this excess fat is lost, you're just steps from the chocolate However, this is not an easy fight, even a thin layer of fat can be difficult to remove. Following the advice that I going to give you, you know how to get rid of that excess fat and you will find the small form small as to be healthy, you must take good habits today. Remember that obesity is a very bad thing for your health, lose belly f... (read more)
Author: natali lk
25. Role of the Man in the Pardise
November 09, 2013
What role does the man in the Garden of God.Man is neither plant nor animal. Man is something more than these two species. Man is neither plant nor animal. Man is something more than these two species. God has created man that he by using his brain develop himself, and further created new technologies, new inventions, which finally will lead to space flights to other planets. Man, like plant gives fruit in the form of children, but also gives the fruits that stem from the brain and using of other elements of the body.descarcare (5) Children are the fruits that parents look after till the time ... (read more)
Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda
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