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76. School Choice: Do the Claims Stand Up to Research?
January 01, 2018

The idea that parents should have the right to remove their children from low-performing schools and enroll them in high-performing schools is the brainchild of Milton Friedman, a Nobel Laureate in economics. Friedman's idea is quite simple. If there was real competition for students by schools, quality would improve. It is this way in business. Why not in schools as well. The argument rests on two factors. 1) The definition of school performance and the measurement used to determine performance. 2) That competition is, indeed, a factor in school performance. On both these counts, the school c... (read more)

Author: Roger Lewis Fischel

77. Educational Standards and the Ironic Distance
December 28, 2017

Standards in education create what Slavoj Žyžek calls an ironic distance. One can think of this as a law that is ignored by all including the enforcers of that law. Another way to think about the ironic distance is as a social policy that is accepted by all but denied in practice. The former evokes visions of highway speed limits that are routinely ignored by motorists and only sporadically enforced by the police. The latter brings to mind blatant racism in a nation that claims it has extraordinary civil rights laws on the books. Finally, one might think of ironic distance as the religious lea... (read more)

Author: Sara Dawson

78. Ten Thousand Times Brighter than the Star of Bethlehem
December 21, 2017

Having been to the moon once, we are now confident that the rest of the universe is only a quantum leap ahead – if there were any quantum leaps to be had. But history has proven that men are traveling through the medium of time not the vast expanse of space – all men, throughout all time. It is an equation that a child can deduce. There is no argument. Haphazardly and mostly blind, we hope to see a bright portent, a perfect sign, and a light to guide us to the endless tomorrows we all suspect that await us. We know of the star that was given to point out where the Savior of mank... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

79. Want to Understand Trump's Travel Ban? - Take One Good Look at Europe
December 07, 2017

We live in a day when good sound reasoning has taken a permanent sabbatical to the land of PC fantasy. MSM, Democrats and liberals and well over half of academia’s darlings have chosen to abide where truth never darkens the door. This condition is best illustrated by President Trump’s recent retweet of videos posted by a British nationalist who stands against the Islamisation of the United Kingdom, which clearly show Muslims in acts of serious violent crimes. One video shows Muslims beating up a crippled Dutch boy who needed crutches to walk. Another video captures a Muslim smashing ... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

80. Victims at First Baptist Church in Texas, Not Just Murdered - They Were Martyred
November 11, 2017

Many Americans especially Christians are now struggling to wrap their minds around the horrific slaughter of worshipers from the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas. While it cannot bring back a single soul, nor will it alleviate all the suffering of the wounded, this writer, at last was able to see this as something more than just another act of terrorism with the help of two people I know. Former military chaplain Dr. Gordon James Klingenschmitt who hosts a website and full scale ministry called “Pray in Jesus Name,” (PIJN) interviewed Matt Barber, former associate de... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

November 09, 2017

HUNTERS – INSENSITIVE AND DEPRAVED Wild Frank - Witness to the Execution Remnants of a primitive past. Harsh words indeed, but a drop in the ocean to the sentiments of these perverse examples of man at his worst. There were days when hunting seemed to be the only means of survival but essentially man was driven by motives that in his earlier days of scavenging probably drew him to pine for fresh meat eventually. Like the Gorilla and the Chimpanzee, he could survive on a vegetarian diet. But primates are mainly vegetarian and Man should have followed had it not been for th... (read more)

Author: michael mifsud

82. America: You Can't Have Your Cake
November 01, 2017

You can’t have your cake and eat it too is an idiomatic proverb or figure of speech thought to have been used since the sixteenth century. It is the equivalent of saying, “you can’t have it both ways.” Americans, it is said, are living in the most dumbed down generation in our history. College freshmen are reading at tenth grade high school level and knowledge of basic things like geography and history are an embarrassment to many from elementary to post grad school. This may not be the time to expect that even common wisdom is enough for us to engage in to unravel the long list of d... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

83. Why Are Halloween And The Lost Continent Of Atlantis Connected?
October 27, 2017

Things happens for a reason. Our whole lives are a series of connected events, one foreshadowing another. It is all one giant puzzle that brings together all the necessary elements that are needed for our soul’s evolution and growth. These are really all given in love, the one cohesive force that binds all of us together as one. The Christian religion has adopted many rituals and days of celebration from the ancient traditions of their own beliefs of how the Great Spirit works in our lives. Many “pagan” or Earth based practices were intentionally brought into the foundation of modern Chri... (read more)

Author: Merry C. Battles

84. Modern Man - In a Word
October 24, 2017

Americans and most of the west are adrift in a turbulent sea of opinions and hyper-nonsense both culturally and politically. Progressivism has reached its zenith and has transmogrified into digression-ism, in a word it has become – pitiful. Evolution has left behind the fact that the millions of remains of humans in transition have never been found and while intra species evolution or what the Bible calls, “after its kind” has been detected, inter species evolution is yet nowhere to be found. In a word the evolutionary model has become – ridiculous. Hope of travel to the stars comes ... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

85. Does the Bible Speak of Terrorism? - Difficult Theology America Does Not Want to Face
October 09, 2017

Americans have a generally weak understanding of sound Biblical theology. This is evidenced in our academic curriculum, movie and media depictions of God, the church and ministers, and in the common wisdom of the day. We have many books and teachings on the difficult subject of why bad things happen to good people, but we also generally reject the idea that bad things will happen to bad people. We talk of karma like it was a simple equation without any connection to a sovereign God who watches over the earth and intervenes in a scheduled and specific way. Atheists don’t believe God e... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

86. 4 Dos and Don'ts to Follow While Sharing Information on a News Portal
October 04, 2017

Whether you want to know the state of affairs in another first-world country or want to gain information about a certain inter-state sports activity in your own country, nowadays accessing all kinds of information has become increasingly easier with the rise of social media and other web news portals. You can not only read the news online but there are forums where you can also share authentic news updates with others. There are plenty of blog sites and news portals where you can update some contents or upload a video about any kind of news in the world, including politics, business, technolog... (read more)

Author: Alice Campbell

87. Stop the Birth of Hatred in these United States
September 21, 2017

“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there...” (Mt 12: 43-45) It is both a spiritual maxim that is as simple as its physical counterpart you must empty a glass of its contents before you can re-fill it with the desired fluid. A void is the groundwork for something altogether ne... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

88. Unmasking Powerful People
September 18, 2017

Years ago I met a man named Jamie who I was involved with for many years. He was trying to leave a spiritual group that he had been a part of for five years. Before I met him I had no interest in this group. I would be in the bookstore and touch a book written by their leader and my intuition would tell me no, not for me. I cared about this man so I wanted to go to the community and check it out. While we were there we watched a video of the leader giving a speech. As she spoke I felt a great energy and power coming off of the TV. This great charge of power was being emitted from the... (read more)

Author: Merry C. Battles

89. They Say We Are the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe and They Call THIS Intelligent !
September 17, 2017

Billions of planets, infinite number of stars and solar systems and here we are all alone on Mother Earth. The evidence of life else ware is abundant. Artists usually draw what they see and also use their imagination. Cave dwellers have etched figures of space men, Rocket ships, and other forms of "alien" life. For example, there is a small sculpture of a being with a reptilian head and a human body nursing a baby. The Great Spirits abundance is all around us. The myriad faces and forms of the human body are infinite. The idea of space people has been shown to us on TV and ... (read more)

Author: Merry C. Battles

90. Blood Moons, Eclipses, Disasters and September 23 - What do they all mean?
September 12, 2017

This year makes an even fifty years that I have been studying the subject of Biblical prophecy. I have watched as some of the best biblical expositors on this subject have arisen to help guide the believers and some of the worst as well. It is with certainty I can say that most of the things in question here with the exception of the hype about September 23 and other astronomical occurrences are only what Jesus said they would be in Matthew’s gospel. “All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Mt 24: 8) Disasters, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, wars and rumors of war are all p... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

September 08, 2017

DIANA – THE TRUTH And nothing but….? There was nothing as nationally humiliating for stalwarts of British Pride and ethical values as the soul searching scene of the Queen dressed in black facing the crowds with Prince Philip alongside trying desperately to protect her integrity. The Duke´s Repeated phrase “she is the Queen” rung hollow in the hate filled atmosphere which any Queen would have avoided at all cost. Instead she stood there in a manner and form as those who did not know her well enough, would have never imagined. It was reminiscent of the public stoning of a latter... (read more)

Author: michael mifsud

92. Deep Perversions are Grieving the Spirit of God - What Might We Expect Next
September 01, 2017

This generation and specifically this nation has enjoyed God’s patience for the last forty or so years. No one with any knowledge of the scriptures and a personal faith in the Living God would dare to say that God is not grieved, or that he is not about to act. The very first warning of the only unforgivable sin ever recorded in the Bible was preceded by the pronouncement of one of the worst perversions to emanate from the mind of man. The Pharisees had just accused Jesus of casting out devils by the spirit of the prince of devils. While most people hone in on the Lord’s teaching abo... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

93. From Contradiction to Reprobation - NY Anti-hate Protesters Resolve to Hate Trump
August 22, 2017

America seems caught up in the promotion of minorities such as the LGBT and leftist causes, but tolerance and diversity has stalled and has begun to roll backwards down the hill to its own demise. Shortly after the Charlottesville protests, Facebook, that bastion of balance, which is now pounding away at conservative materials in a so called cleanup, allowed a call for protesters to come out to Trump Towers and spew hatred. In a grossly hypocritical, incongruous and typically contradictory leftist style approach to politics protesters were found carrying placards and chanting "New Yo... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

August 15, 2017

TRUMP TRUMP AND TRUMPS. The Devil You Know or Those in The Wings ? When the time came for Obama, God allowed for one against such odds that even in remote Europe self designated deities bit their fingers with anxiety at the thought of such a so called violent exposure to that terribly different black race. No one thought that perhaps a black could be whiter than white apart from the odd few mixed genes along the line. It was what the US of A needed at the time and which did what it did and even managed to provoke applause eventually, practically everywhere. Barrack the Different ... (read more)

Author: michael mifsud

August 13, 2017

SO WE WERE ORIGINALLY ROBOTS ? Or so it seems when we read some of the recent findings that are rapidly coming to our attention in the last ten years. The latest two are disquieting.: The brain to brain experiment without direct conections between them as shown on the Horizon programme shows that merely by stimulating one bvrain where “concepts” of certain words are stored the other brain miles away via its own computer will recall those words in the mind of the recipient brain as happened in this experiment with the words “Hello” and “Ciao”. The other discovery is just as un... (read more)

Author: michael mifsud

96. Charlie Gard: Britain's Shame and a Symptom of the Decline of Nations
August 01, 2017

Decent people around the world have pondered, prayed, labored and wept over the little angel we know as Charlie Gard. None have been more exasperated and tortured than his parents. Now, it seems our thoughts and prayers must shift to them as little Charlie’s time draws near. In the event that some may not be fully familiar with Charlie Gard, an explainer by author Kaitlyn Schallhorn has been offered by Fox News that fairly covers his plight and the timeline of events. The legal battle and all the confusion are indeed a symptom and a warning of the total failure of socialized medicine... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

97. Churches: This is the Time to Return to Your First Love!
July 24, 2017

When Christ addressed the first seven churches in Asia he rebuked five, on one he was neutral, but he commended only one. If the first century church was already leaning toward apostasy, where will these last day’s churches be found? The great falling away is referenced several times in scripture, but those with a world view are not guided by the Bible, nor do they believe in the prophetic aspects of this great God breathed book. As a result, they are the crowds that go about fulfilling prophecy while they reject it or deny it. Not a day passes without a new report of some old histor... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

98. Love, Not Hate, is the Reason We Resist LGBT Tyranny
July 03, 2017

Being labeled and dismissed as a “homophobe” may be all it takes for some to turn their back on the biblical message about homosexuality and other immorality. But true disciples and conservative Bible believers will go to the end of time without yielding one iota for today’s social engineering plotters who have decided that anything goes should be legalized, streamlined and put up in our faces. If we try to explain the difference between pre, mid and post exilic prophecies of ancient Israel, or if we try to elucidate the powerful differences between Messianic and pre-millennial prophecies... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

99. Maritime Security Thai Tanker Robbery Suggests Return of Organised Crime
June 29, 2017

Maritime Security Thai Tanker Robbery Suggests Return of Organised Crime. The attack on the Thai Tanker, CP41, off the eastern coast of Malaysia on the 23rd of June, shows signs of having been a highly-organised and carefully planned operation, the likes of which has not been seen in the region for about two years. The ship was transporting some three million litres of diesel oil from Malaysia to Songkhla when it was boarded at night by six pirates armed with knives and guns. They destroyed the ship security alert system, violently held the captain and 16 other crew captive on deck, then... (read more)

Author: Rob Haigh

100. Faux Science - The Power to Make Men Stop Thinking
June 11, 2017

Faux Science – The Power to Make Men Stop Thinking Morgan Freeman is credited for saying, “all that it takes to make men stop thinking are the words – “scientist have discovered.” While Freeman is correct, that day is long past. Now scientist can make great swelling statements about almost anything that is accepted without question. Having long since left behind the true definition of science they have entered a kind of authoritarianism that no one would dare doubt. They no longer need to discover anything; they can make declarations without research, substance, and in some case... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

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