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Are you DIGESTIBLY FREE? IF you're not, YOU can be! by Paula Andrea Pyle, MA

Are you DIGESTIBLY FREE? IF you're not, YOU can be! by
Article Posted: 06/22/2009
Article Views: 224
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Word Count: 1893
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Are you DIGESTIBLY FREE? IF you're not, YOU can be!

Spiritual,Motivation,Self Improvement
MODE of Cosmic Therapy: An Authentic Productive Release Action!

It’s all about observing. Not others; yourself! Get your eyes off of everyone else around you, and with the business you believe more important than your own. Let not one more moment pass with your eyes fixed upon another. Start to observe the actions, words, gestures, and, most of all “GUT” instincts/sensations, you alone possess. For example: what are you feeling this instant? Nothing! What do you mean, nothing? Is it going to rain? Will you get that call? Can you pass the test? Did you do the Right thing? You have all of the answers within you. No one else has an edge on them for you. Do not throw yourself away by giving people 'power' to influence, guide, lure, impress, or intimidate you. {Whether through love, guilt, or supposed superiority} You are totally disconnected from your own genuine intuitive feelings IF you are not aware of them, clearly. {without question/hesitation} No one can say how you feel about anything, ever!!! Don’t do another thing until you take care of your own neglected scattered feelings. You’ve simply got too many other people (along with their ideas) inside your head. De-ass. Unload. Free up.

{Undigested emotions}. These unassimilated sensations are the deciding factor and governing port of your day’s events. IF you feel unproductive, as the day draws to a tallying close, it’s because you’re carrying unfiltered feelings that are coloring every hour. Nothing else matters until you resolve them by disposal. Undigested emotions putrefy and poison the mind/body. {Headaches, insomnia, irritability, stomach problems, eye difficulties, etc.} When it’s a matter of health; it aint about nothing else! IF YOU’RE TOO BUSY TO STOP AND OBSERVE YOURSELF: YOU’RE WAY ‘TOO’ BUSY.

You have been ‘jumping tracks’ placating your unfinished business and projects! You can postpone, negate, procrastinate in a lot of things, but not the shakedown ‘face the music of your soul’s dance’ ball being thrown your way. It’s high time to reclaim authenticity. The depth of your present phoniness [restlessness/boredom] is staring you in the face, “What Cha gonna do ‘bout it, Bud?” As long as you choose to pussy foot around, you are going to feel miserable and depressed which translates into un-productivity. As soon as you quit doing the things that make you feel hypocritical/ insincere, you will see the so yearned for productivity that eludes you. You can spread that ‘full of excuses’ gibberish all around to others, {About how you are making progress} but sooner or later you will have to come face to face with YOU. {and, the inherent shame you feel}

Stop running. You can only do that when you’re asleep. Stop lying. You can only do that to those who don’t give a gerbil’s coat of fur, anyway. It’s past time you ask yourself, “Who are you really?” You are no more or no less than the entire world that comprises your existence? Who else are you going to look at when the sun goes down and the sun comes up? Nobody but; You. Every place you see. Everywhere you go. Everything you touch. Everything you do. From the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the license plates that catch your eye, the music you listen to, the words you say and others say to you, the car you drive, the folks who bump into you randomly, the books you read, the movies you watch, the job you do: IT’S ALL YOU. Nobody else but; YOU. Ready to listen to: YOU? Not what you’re saying to others but what you’re not saying to you. Whatever you are currently resisting is resisting you. In order to become digestibly free, you must reverse your process. What are you hanging onto for dear life? It's draining the life force out of you. You are bound and tied by your own refusal to let go. Give it up, so you can breathe. Got the message, yet?

Your soul is showing you, through introducing you to your multi-flavored, multi-layered ‘trickster’ {if you want to think of it like that} personality. This unclaimed facsimile of a personality is destroying every false and unsubstantiated labeled determined measure you have built up to form the ‘idea’ you have of yourself. If it aint TRUE, it’s coming down. You will experience what’s real. (IF you so desire.)You will come to recognize who you are and what makes you tick. You will observe your actions minutely as if through a microscope because you will not be able to escape the nasty tricks you play on yourself any longer. When you have become so totally confused, so hurt and dismayed, so disenchanted and dejected, so ‘drop you in the gutter’ disappointed, you will then get the HINT of what’s really going on. YOU!!!

You are about to enter a domain marked: “Herein lies your passion. Beware. No falsity survives.” How will you know when you’re actually ready? You will do something so surprising {absurd}, you will not be able to explain your actions to yourself, much less anyone else. {That’s the only way; you’ll know it’s genuine.} And, while doing it, you will laugh so deep, long, and hard without having the need or desire to explain or defend. For the first time in your life, you will be able to cry genuine tears of despair and joy without any reason for doing so, having no personal interest vested in them. You will not be attached to the outcome, what liberty, what sublime bliss!!!

At times, the tears will flow so freely unattached to the present event; it will seem as if laughter is called for instead. You’ll realize, with full certainty, that the reaction in either case has nothing whatsoever to do with any circumstance occurring on the outside of you. It’s all an inside job. Allowing authenticity to reign affords you the opportunity to be ‘gut level’ honest. You are being liberated. To finally arrive at that point where every known defense/explanation you have ever held against or for something has virtually crumbled right before your eyes is what has been referred to as: Nirvana. You are mysteriously unmoved, glad but unable to express it. You are left, clueless and disintegrated, without guile, preparation or recourse, to enjoy and embrace that one single moment of knowing what it really means to be digestibly free. At that second and not one before, the crystal clear vision of your soul’s intent is revealed. [Unblemished, unmotivated and unadulterated.] Talk about ‘being redeemed”, you will have literally jumped into the proverbial abyss and giggle like hell all the way down or up depending on which way you bounce.

On your way to that place of sacred psychological freedom, you will cease making things so important. It aint nothing but a thing! {Less than that, really.} You won’t attribute significance for your participation in the ‘life or death’ events. You’ll KNOW the punch line; why not, you wrote the joke. Self-intoxication is a weighty devil. It’s all a movie, anyway. That’s all it’s ever been. You’ve seen the previews. Aint much to it. You’re the one who foolishly believed the actors and their convincing roles, including your own. You’re the one who created so many tell-tale dramas in order to trick yourself into believing you really cared and more importantly that it mattered. HA!. Not so, Jackson Joe. All is for thy observance.

Don’t interfere in the process. {It merely warps the view} Life gets so richly indulgent the moment YOU step out of the way. How do you do that? When something unexpectedly {Maybe, even bizarre}appears out of no where nudging/nodding you in the face, waiting for a direct response; do it. Please don’t add unnecessary analyzing and interpreting. Don’t ask questions; just follow where the rabbit goes. Who cares where she’s taking you? You aint got nothing else to do; follow her. All the way down the (YOUR) rabbit hole. It’s a gas. A real ‘slap you in the ass’ gas! Stop putting so much energy in trying to "fix" a troublesome matter. There’s nothing to fix, mend or put in order. Nothing is out of order, remember? And, when a crisis comes knocking at the door, don’t bar it. Fling it open. Invite the beleaguered guest in. Don’t look for explanations or apologies. Aint none.

Don’t try to pacify yourself by having someone else agree with you or your ideas on the matter, either. “Gotta travel the trail of heartbreak alone". Apprehension, worry, anxiety lasts BUT A MOMENT, {Grief, less than that} UNLESS YOU TALK YOURSELF INTO THE REASONABLENESS OF YOUR ACTIONS, then, it lasts for years. Don’t appease yourself [extending the saga] by needing an APATHETIC LISTENER to try to soothe your loss, approve of or validate the pain, when there is no conciliation to be had. Don’t ask another soul anything about what has shown up so inexplicably or unfortunately on your life’s shore. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING KNOWS MORE THAN YOU DO ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR SPECIFIC LIFE? Get in touch with you.

Just GO THROUGH IT; you foolish MORTAL. Don’t imitate. Don’t whine and pine excessively. Experience the depth, breath and width of what it’s like to be human. You asked to come here. These occasions don’t happen very often. Stay in the brevity of the experience. It will pass so quickly. Seize the moment and rejoice in the opportunity to squeeze every ounce of shallow reality out of it. The emotions involved in the experience are so unlike anything you could have ever imagined, had you not gone through it. (Although in truth YOU are the one who called into existence the circumstance/event in the first place.)

Get still and recall how it all began before you were who you THINK you are now. Get rid of the idea of comparing what you do or have done in the past. This is a brand new day with new and exciting perplexing cosmically staged avenue of experiences. Cosmic Therapy seem too good to be true? So what; aren’t you? Or do you still believe you are real and that you truly do exist in this dimension of space and time? Sound insane? Isn’t the whole ridiculous notion of us existing on a planet for “x” number of years, for no formidable logical apparent reason insane, as well? Paul said, “work out your own salvation through fear and trembling.” Let no person on two legs guide you in your personal idea of deliverance. That’s your own deal.

I can hear you replying, “But, so and so says this and so and so says that.” Big Whoopie Do Triple Poo. Does that make the atmosphere yield less than 78% nitrogen in its composition? Or does that explain how the male squid provides the eggs for the female squid to hatch? {If, she so chooses to keep them?} Who cares what someone else does or believes? You have a mind! It does not matter what other people do or say. There’s another bugle call for them. Stop trying to live their lives by deciding that IF you’ve discovered a super great idea, it must be for them too. Observation comes to those who are ready to observe. Everything else is sheer fantasy. “All things in due season….”

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