Thinking of becoming a business consultant? Well there is no one better to ask than Scott R. Boardman of Minnesota. He has been a professional business consultant for highly successful companies for years now. His expertise includes both small businesses and Fortune 500 companies. While consulting can be a very profitable and rewarding field, Scott R. Boardman of Minnesota knows that it can sometimes be hard to get your feet off the ground. That is why he would like to provide five simple steps that can provide new business consultants with a firm foundation. (1) Network and build your brand. It is impossible to become a successful consultant if nobody will hire you. You get hired by gaining respect and knowing the right people. Scott R. Boardman of Minnesota points out that it is much easier to begin consulting in a field you are familiar with than just going in blind. (2) Partner Up. Do you know any consultants in your area? If so, Scott R. Boardman of Minnesota suggests that you partner up with them for a while before you venture off on your own. Offer to work for them for no pay for a couple months if you can afford it. This will help expand your social network and gain local respect. (3) Get to know your clients. Once you land your first projects, make sure you get to know the top level management at the companies you’ll be working for. Scott R. Boardman of Minnesota notes that you cannot properly advise and consult a company unless you know their vision and their leadership. (4) Know your numbers. Prepare for your meetings with clients. You need to memorize the basic numbers (Cap Rates, Gross Profits, Revenues, etc.) and be able to spout them off when asked. Scott R. Boardman of Minnesota has won over many clients through his ability to simply know the facts when asked. (5) Activity breeds activity. The fifth and final thing to remember when starting your new consulting business is that ‘activity breeds activity.’ Simply put, this means the more active you are at pursuing clients and completing projects, the more future clients you will gain. Scott R. Boardman of Minnesota finds that when he finishes a project for a company they often recommend him to other companies. You cannot gain clients by staying content. Scott R. Boardman of Minnesota hopes that those five simple steps will help business people seeking to start new consulting firms this year get off to a successful start.
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