Camping Backpacking Clothes by D este
Camping Backpacking Clothes |
Camping,Recreation & Leisure
If you get caught in the wilds with out the proper clothes it can be life threatening. You can make a cheap closed cell foam sleeping bag pad fold up like one of the more expensive ones. Cut it across, halfway through, every foot or so, alternating sides. It should fold up nicely accordion style. You can use it in an emergency. Any thing that is dry you can wrap around you to keep warm. Camping Backpacking Clothes If you run into cold weather unprepared, try using the seed head fluff from cattail plants to insulate your jacket if you are near water where they are growing. Watch for the stalks with their fluffy heads in wet areas. Put a layer of this fluff between your sweater and your jacket, and you'll effectively turn it into a winter coat. If you are going hiking take along lightweight hat and gloves for high mountain hikes. If you are going uphill in near freezing weather will often get you hot enough to remove even your shirt. While your body is hot it is still common for your ears and fingers aching from the cold. A light hat and gloves will stop this and add only small amount of weight to your pack weight.
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