Gabe Nechamkin is a renowned artist who lives in Miami, Florida. Being born and brought up in the beautiful state of Florida, Gabriel is very fond of beaches and nature. Gabe Nechamkin now owns an art studio in Miami, Florida where he continues to paint with intensity and creativity. When he paints, he blocks all distractions and continues to paint for hours till he decides to take a break. His dedication to art is unparalleled and he believes that he still has much to learn. Gabe Nechamkin attitude speaks volumes about his modesty but he is definitely a refined artist whose expressions on canvas bring it to life. Gabe Nechamkin often visits parks and wilderness areas to get inspiration for his paintings. Once he is back from his visits, he is charged with new enthusiasm and paints relentlessly. Gabriel says artwork demands an incredible amount of energy. Gabe Nechamkin believes artists find that the painting they have finished sometimes is not how they have imagined it would be. As such art is art and nature is difficult to replicate. Thus every artist paints with his own ability, skill and memories. It is best not to compare your work to any other artist’s. Gabe Nechamkin paintings seriously reflect his individuality and skills as an artist. For Gabe Nechamkin painting is a pure passion and he allows his emotions to flow fluidly onto the canvas. He loves the works of world renowned artists like Monet, Rembrandt, Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh. He has a huge portfolio of different works besides his favourite theme ‘nature’. As an artist Gabe Nechamkin strives to search and expand his vision not only through oil paintings but also through other mediums. He likes to take long walks which help him to clear his head of the stress of living in a fast city like Miami. Gabriel believes in expressing his essence on canvas and is highly focused when he paints. According to Gabe Nechamkin, artistic expression is the most celebrated approach to self expression. He says, though cultures and sense of styles have changed but the heart of expression remains unmoving. Gabriel also collaborates with other artists to make art available and popular with more and more people.
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