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Green tea benefits How to Brew Green Tea by D este

Green tea benefits How to Brew Green Tea by
Article Posted: 03/05/2010
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Green tea benefits How to Brew Green Tea

Fitness,Health,Food & Beverages
There are so many discoveries on how to treat a particular ailment and many alternatives have already been worked on. From eliminating heartburn by using brown sugar through the intake of corn syrup for controlling nausea and other remedies. With all of them green tea as one of the most effective home medicine. Green tea is not just your normal drink. It’s more than a tea being served with a meal. For most people who consume green tea. It benefits almost all of the body’s functions. From teeth to skin care, green tea has already been a kind of general measure for preventing certain diseases. Here are some of the benefits from drinking green tea Oral Indication Green tea is said to have certain compounds that can kill bacteria in a person’s mouth, thus stopping chances of cavity accumulation. Cavities can be good source for halitosis or bad breath. Before that happens, drink green tea. Just a few green tea gargles, you can protect your teeth from having tooth decay. Green tea has the properties of fluoride which can strengthen gums and teeth and aiding in the prevention of decay formation. Commercialized green tea mouthwashes are being sold Skin Indication Regarding skin diseases, green tea is said to have exhibited positive outcomes in treatment and further care of skin. Two of the most irritating skin diseases are being discussed – eczema and acne. If you have acne, you can use it as an astringent that can be combined to other elements to produce concoction and is applied to the skin with a cotton ball. It is an alternative to expensive astringents and toners. Should you choose to drink it instead, the effect will still be the same but you risk yourself in taking the caffeine too. Mixing green tea with other ingredients like olive oil can help treat eczema. Medicinal Indication There have been a lot of intriguing knowledge about the medicinal contribution of green tea to the body. It is said that daily intake of green tea can provide further prevention for easy-accumulated diseases and infections. Because of the free radicals that are circulating around a person’s body, it has become more prone to disease but not until the discovery of antioxidants which helps in flushing out free radicals inside the human body. Free radicals can cause terrible cell damage which can affect the body negatively.

How to Brew Green Tea To experience the best health benefits, green tea is preferably brewed rather than fermented. Fermentation is most likely used in black tea but never in green tea. There are basically three important reasons why brewing is used in green tea. Reason # 1 – Brewing doesn’t eliminate the important nutrients, vitamins and components that comprises green tea. On the other hand, fermentation wastes there components leaving other beverages with nothing but the idea that it is tea and people can get something from it. Reason # 2 – Brewing can bring out the best in catechin and theanin for these two elements contribute to a lower level of caffeine in your green tea. Reason # 3 – Enhance taste and aroma. Brewing has a very enticing smell that can’t be found in fermented beverages. If you wanted to have a good green tea, brew it. Although, if you keep on wondering why you’re green tea tastes a bit strange compared to other great tasting brewed green tea, maybe there’s something terribly wrong with how you prepare your tea. Brewing green tea is easier contrary to what people think. To learn more on how to brew the best green tea, read the instructions below. Step 1 – Water Choosing what kind of water to use is a very important. Ideally, manufacturers would prefer brewing green tea using soft mineral water or natural water. If you can’t afford purchasing bottled water daily, you can take into consideration tap water. Here, you would know how tap tasteless water can be converted into one soothing beverage. If you’re planning to use European bottled water, don’t. It’s because this kind of water are considered as hard water that is not suitable for brewing green tea. Step 2 – Chlorine-free Chlorine must not be mixed with the process. To remove it, just leave your water in your pot for a couple of hours before finally boiling it. Step 3 – Boiling process Depending on how much water you have put will be the time it will boil. The more water, the more time it will take to boil. When you have noticed that the water is already boiling, take off the lid of the pot and let it boil continuously for a few minutes more. Step 4 – Temperature It is said that correct temperature of boiling water will vary on the kind of tea that you are about to use. This is the moment when extraction of polyphenols take place. Step 5 – Steep Let your tea leave steep for about three to five minutes. With longer steeping time, the polyphenol level increases while if steeping time takes only for a couple of seconds, it will result to bring about more caffeine in the tea. The moment the caffeine content in your green tea is increased, it will result to a decreased polyphenol content which is one of the main reasons why antioxidants are made. There is an additional knowledge regarding brewing. Tea leaves Research shows that it is better to brew green tea leaves that are smaller because of the fast infusion. Choosing large leaves or ones that are tightly curved can have a longer infusion time. Teabags or loose leaves?

It is more advisable to use loose green tea than green tea teabags. Loose green tea enables polyphenols to freely float inside your cup of green tea instead of locking them inside your teabag. Dynamic stretching fitness

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