Avoid being conned.... Everywhere I look there is someone trying to get money off of me that they have no right to. Even when I go online I get emails from people I do not know asking me for money and promising me the moon in return. But this is how I know it is not legitimate and know I cannot trust it. The clue is there. When they "OFFER ME THE MOON". No reputable professional is going to offer to work for me for half price. No stranger is going to send me $50,000 if I send them my name and address. No competition or lottery that I never entered is going to award me first prize. Nobody is going to send me a brand new computer if I just send them the postage and packing fees. You see the reason I do not fall for hustles is because I am realistic, I do not expect strangers to offer me a bargain or something for nothing. Over the years I have had lots of my staff and clients try to get money out of me they were not entitled to. I know when someone is lying to me and I know the basics of psychology. Without it I would be lost and could not function and exist as a professional or business owner. The silliest hustle I ever heard of was a guy who was very old and told me that he had won a bed in a competition (even though he had not entered it). Most sensible people would have walked away then. He also believed that the people who manufactured the beds were going to send two people over to discuss it with him. Why on earth would they do that? Even if you pay a lot of money for a state of the art bells and whistles bed they just get the bed delivered, it costs more to send two people over with it than to make the bed! It was obvious to me that these two people were salesmen who would try to persuade this guy to buy an expensive new bed. Now you might say how do I know they were trying to persuade him to buy an expensive bed? With the accent on the word expensive. Simple.Because it costs a lot of money to send two salesmen somewhere and it is not worth it for a CHEAP bed.Unless they could sell him a very expensive bed they have lost money. There is a company that sells vacuum cleaners like this and because they have to allow for all of the salesmens' time going to and from potential customers a vacuum cleaner that is worth £200 costs £2000 when sold this way. I know of a lady who thought she had had a bargain when she was offered a psychic reading for only $10. She was over the moon at how cheap it was. The reader told her that her married lover would leave his wife to be with her. So she was ecstatic to hear this. It never occurred to this (silly) woman that if the psychic had been any good she would have had to be more expensive simply to keep away time wasters. No reputable professional can work cheap because her phone would ring off the hook then and she would never get a minute's peace, but also because she would never earn enough to live on. When someone offers to work cheap this is not out of generosity it is out of desperation. If they could charge more they would. Of course the predictions given were all wrong so she had wasted her $10 on this anyway. She should have been willing to pay a fair price for a guaranteed accurate reading. Yes it would have cost more. But that is how the World works! She could go to askagonyauntsadviceonline.com where they are accurate, guaranteed, very experienced and qualified with celebrity clients, praise by the Press, media, radio and television. You can easily avoid being cheated if you follow the simple rule. Do not think that strangers are looking to make your life easier or cheaper at their expense. There is no such thing as a bargain that works one way. Avoid being conned. http://www.accuratepsychicreadingsonline.com These sites will suit you as you have a thirst for knowledge free agony aunt advice ask agony aunts for advice holistic forums get free advice tarot clairvoyant and psychic get professional advice psychic email readings get your advice by email
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