LONDON- Adolf Hitler had a "messiah complex" and becameincreasingly obsessed with the perceived Jewish "enemy within" asWorld War II turned against Germany, according to a secret 1942assessment unveiled Friday. The British intelligence report, which lay apparently unread fromthe war until its recent rediscovery, found that the Nazi dictatorturned to "Jew-phobia" as the likelihood of defeat increased. The wartime analysis, now made public by the University ofCambridge, was commissioned by social scientist Mark Abrams andwritten by his colleague Joseph MacCurdy, a Cambridge academic. Abrams, a world-renowned pioneer of market research and opinionpolling, worked with the BBC's Overseas Propaganda Analysis Unitand the Psychological Warfare Board during World War II. "At the time that it was written, the tide was starting to turnagainst Germany," said Cambridge historian Scott Anthony, who ledresearch into Abrams which resulted in the paper being unearthed ina family collection. "In response, Hitler began to turn his attentions to the Germanhome front. "This document shows that British intelligence sensed thishappening. "MacCurdy recognized that, faced with external failure, the Nazileader was focusing on a perceived 'enemy within' instead - namelythe Jews. "Given that we now know that the 'final solution' was commencing,this makes for poignant reading." Abrams thought that transcripts of Hitler's broadcasts could beclose-read for propaganda and intelligence purposes, revealinghidden "latent content" and subconscious insights into the enemy'sstate of mind. His work was fed directly into Allied counter-propaganda. The newly re-aired analysis covered a radio speech Hitler gave onApril 26, 1942. "Its content would presumably reflect his morbid mental tendencieson the one hand and special knowledge available to him on theother," the opening lines said. An earlier report found three such tendencies, termed "shamanism","epilepsy" and "paranoia". "Shamanism" referred to Hitler's hysteria and compulsion to feedoff whipped-up crowds, which was in decline. MacCurdy's reportpointed to the "dull flatness" of delivery in Hitler's broadcast. The other two were developing characteristics. "Epilepsy" covered his cold and ruthless streak, combined with atendency to lose heart when ambitions failed. MacCurdy's analysisfound Hitler's speech showed him to be "a man who is seriouslycontemplating the possibility of utter defeat". "Paranoia" was the third and most worrying tendency, exposedthrough the dictator's "Messiah complex", in which Hitler thoughthe was leading a chosen people on a crusade against evil incarnatein the Jews, the paper said. It notes an extension of the "Jew phobia" and says that Hitler nowsaw Jews not just as a threat to Germany, but as a "universaldiabolical agency". It is now known that weeks before the speech, senior Nazis had setplans in motion for the "final solution": the attemptedextermination of the entire Jewish population. "Hitler is caught up in a web of religious delusions," MacCurdyconcluded. "The Jews are the incarnation of evil, while he is the incarnationof the spirit of good. "He is a god by whose sacrifice victory over evil may be achieved.He does not say this in so many words, but such a system of ideaswould rationalize what he does say that is otherwise obscure." The document has been added to an archive on Abrams' work held atCambridge and is now available to researchers. I am an expert from, while we provides the quality product, such as 3D Cinema System , CHINA Customers Projects, 4D Cinema System,and more.
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