The vast majority of Americans have confidence in the safety of theU.S. food supply, according to a new survey by the InternationalFood Information Council, a food industry communications group. The "2012 Food & Health Survey" shows a jump over last year's confidence numbers, which IFIC foundparticularly interesting considering the survey was fielded duringthe first two weeks of April when food safety headlines -- aboutSalmonella sushi, E. coli beef and new limits in antibiotics inagriculture -- were widespread. The survey found that 78 percent of those surveyed were either"somewhat confident" or "very confident" in the safety of thedomestic food supply. Last year that number was closer to 50percent. "This year was a little higher," said Marianne Smith Edge, thesenior vice president of nutrition and food safety at IFIC, thoughshe noted that the question was phrased differently this year.Instead of asking those surveyed if they were "extremely confident"they changed it to "very confident" on the high end of thespectrum. Though the vast majority of Americans have thought about the safetyof food and beverages over the past year -- 85 percent reportedgiving "a little" or "a lot" of thought -- most Americans thinkthe chances are low they will themselves come down with foodborneillness. "What I think is interesting is that more than 50 percent thinktheir chance is extremely low," said Smith Edge. Fifty sevenpercent of consumers said they "strongly" or "somewhat agree" thatthe chances they will get a serious foodborne illness are extremelylow. Some consumers disagreed: 27 percent "somewhat disagree" and 9percent "strongly disagree." The survey found that a much lower percentage of Americans haveconfidence in the safety of imported food, which now comprisesaround 15 percent of all the food consumed in the United States. Imported foods are "less safer than foods produced and grown in theUSA," according to 48 percent of those surveyed. Around 28 percentsaid that imports were equally as safe. IFIC reported that Hispanicconsumers were twice as likely to rate imported and domestic foodsas equally safe. On the whole, 61 percent of consumers think imported foods are lesssafe, and that number is identical to last year's IFIC data. Thosewho believe imported food is not as safe reported overwhelmingly --77 percent -- that their perception was due to other countrieshaving more lax regulations and fewer inspections. A slightlysmaller percentage believe that either other countries producingfood have less sanitary conditions or that foods becomecontaminated on the way to the Untied States -- 61 and 60 percent,respectively. Though consumers were more weary of imported food, 58 percentacknowledged that foodborne illness can come from domestic andimputed food products and 53 percent admitted that "the U.S. foodsupply has food safety issues too." When consumers do learn of food safety issues, only a smallminority of them report that they will stop buying a product forthat reason. The survey found that 17 percent of consumers in thelast year stopped buying a specific brand of type of food orbeverage due to a food safety concern. The IFIC survey also asked consumers how good a job they thoughtcertain elements of the food chain are doing to ensure the safetyof food. A whopping 94 percent of consumers reported that theperson who prepares food in their own home does either a "good,""very good," or "excellent" job ensuring safety. Farmers andproducers came in second at 82 percent, retailers at 73 percent,food manufacturers 73 percent, food service and restaurants 65percent, and 56 percent said the government. Smith Edge said she found it interesting that home food preparerswere given the most trust, even though many studies have shown that"sometimes the biggest violators of food safety are at home." The IFIC survey, which was conducted by Mathew Greenwald &Associates in Washington, DC, involved 1,057 consumers ages 18 to80 and was reflective of the demographics -- age, education,gender, ethnicity, and region -- of the United States. Food Safety News More Headlines from Nutrition & Public Health » We are high quality suppliers, our products such as China Curtain Wall Glass , Technical Data for oversee buyer. To know more, please visits Low E Insulated Glass.
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