International envoy to Syria KofiAnnan stressed here on Tuesday the necessity of implementing hissix-point peace plan in order to stem the violence, as the West hastaken an even more hard-line stance towards the country and startedexpelling Syrian diplomats. Annan, who is on a three-day visit to Syria to discuss the prospectof his six-point peace plan, said he is worried about the future ofSyria and its stability if his plan, which calls mainly for a fullcessation of violence, is not implemented. "We need to create an avenue to bring people together to thetable," he said, noting that the plan will "pacify the environmentand create the right atmosphere for political negotiations." Annan's remarks were made during a press conference after meetingwith Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Tuesday. He said violence must end in the country and urged all parties toexercise self-restraint and abide by the six-point plan. "I appeal to him (Assad) to take bold steps now, not tomorrow, now,to create momentum for the implementation of the plan," he said. He also appealed to the armed opposition to cease violence and"asked all states with influence to press upon the government andall parties the need for a cessation of violence in all its forms,including continued human rights abuses." Annan said he had conveyed to Assad "in frank terms the graveconcern of the international community about the violence in Syriaincluding the recent shocking events in Houla," noting that Assadhad condemned the incident too. On Friday, more than 100 people were killed in a massacre thatoccurred in the central village of Houla near Homs. The Syrian government and the opposition traded barbs over thebloody attack that did not even spared children. UN says more than40 kids under the age of 10 were killed in the massacre. The Syrian government categorically denied any involvement in thecarnage and accused armed groups of carrying out the killings inorder to frame the government before the advent of Annan to Syria. Opposition activists, meanwhile, accused the government forces ofshelling the village, adding that pro-government militias have donethe bulk of the killings after the army's alleged bombardment. Syria has setup an inquiry committee to probe the circumstances ofthe carnage to bring the assailants to trial. It said theinvestigation's results should be out in three days. Meanwhile, Assad stated during his meeting with Annan Tuesday thatthe success of Annan's plan relies on halting the terrorist acts aswell as the commitment of the countries that support and harbor thearmed terrorist groups. On Tuesday, Syrian deputy foreign minister stressed Syria'sresolution and readiness to implement the UN-backed six-point peaceplan, accusing the opposition of not willing to abide by the planwhich is meant to bring the 15-month unrest in Syria to a close. "During this time of (ceasefire), Syria has not done a singleviolation of Annan's plan," Mikddad said, contending that the otherparty "has not committed to a single point." "This means that there is a decision not to implement Annan's planand make it fail by the armed groups and the opposition," he added. While this drags on, the international community seems to havegrown more frustrated with the Syrian administration as itimplicitly holds the Syrian government responsible for the massacrein Houla. The Houla incident has sparked wide-scale internationalcondemnation, and on Tuesday new measures against Syria havesurfaced in the form of expelling Syria's diplomatic missions. Spain, the United States, Germany, Britain, Italy, Australia andFrance announced Tuesday to expel Syrian top diplomats in theircountries as part of a coordinated Western diplomatic response tothe Houla massacre. George Gabbour, an ex-parliamentarian and political analyst, saidthe step to cut diplomatic relation would not be conducive tofinding a diplomatic and political solution to Syria's crisis. He said amid such crises, diplomatic relations should beintensified not ruptured. For his part, Abdul-Aziz Khair, a Syrian opponent, said expellingthe diplomatic missions is a strong response that entails messagesand clear signs, which the Syrian government needs to understand. Other observers contended that what happened in Houla was staged bya third party with the aim of repeating what happened in Yugoslaviawhen a massacre led later to its division. I am an expert from, while we provides the quality product, such as Discounted Michael Kors Watches Manufacturer , Children Wrist Watches, Waterproof Silicone Watch,and more.
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