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Egyptian presidential debate underscores islamist vs. establishmentdivide (+video) by qrt etget

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Egyptian presidential debate underscores islamist vs. establishmentdivide (+video) by
Article Posted: 06/18/2013
Article Views: 83
Articles Written: 2163
Word Count: 458
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Egyptian presidential debate underscores islamist vs. establishmentdivide (+video)

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Last night Egyptians gathered around televisions at home and incafes to watch the four-hour debate, which was presented with muchfanfare by the two private satellite channels that hosted it. Theabundance of lengthy advertising spots indicated that the channelsexpected a large audience. Dramatic music played as the debatebegan, and moderators emphasized the historic nature of the event.In the hour-long run-up, hosts explained that the format was basedon US presidential debates, and broadcast part of the 1960 Nixon-Kennedydebate. Absent from the contest were the 11 other candidates, includingMuslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi.

The exchange between Mr. Moussa and Mr. Aboul Fotouh, who areconsidered the frontrunners, became heated at times. Aboul Fotouhsought to portray Moussa as a member of the former regime, andMoussa brought up Aboul Fotouh s background in the MuslimBrotherhood and shot him questions about religion in an attempt tostir doubt in those wary of political Islam. My point ofreference is the nation.

Your point of reference is theBrotherhood, Moussa said at one point. Aboul Fotouh said Theone who created the problem cannot solve it. They also discussed the role of sharia , or Islamic law, in the state; the military s position inpolitics; and Egypt s peace treaty with Israel , which both promised to review. Aboul Fotouh, a reformist within the Brotherhood who was expelledlast year when he went against the group s leaders to announce hispresidential bid, appealed to revolutionary types who participatedin or supported Egypt s protests, even as he sought to placate theultraconservative Islamists who have endorsed him in a strategicmove against the Brotherhood. Moussa, who was widely popular during his tenure as foreignminister for his hard stance on Israel, appeared to aim hisrhetoric at those who are tired of ongoing unrest and protests andcrave stability.

That resonated with Mr. Fouad, who says he will vote for Moussabecause of his long experience and expertise. He knows what he sdoing. Aboul Fotouh still doesn t have a lot of experience, Fouad says. "The whole world knows Amr Moussa, and loveshim.

Recent polls show that nearly half of Egyptians have not yet madeup their minds on who to support. The style of the debate, which sometimes strayed from substance topersonal attacks, may not have helped Egyptians make up theirminds. Ashraf El Guindy, who watched part of the debate, says itdidn t help him decide. You can t tell who is right and who iswrong, he says, criticizing the way the two argued and tradedbarbs. This is something new for us, and a lot of people arestill confused.

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