External hemorrhoids are generally more painful and bigger than the internal variety. They are also more prone to the formation of blood clots inside the pile veins called thrombosis. Thrombosis of external hemorrhoids makes the pile swelling become bigger and much more painful. Also the thrombosed piles lose their normal skin color and become bluish black in color. The pain caused by these thrombosed pile vessels is so much that they make sitting very uncomfortable and they disrupt normal daily activities. Here are different treatment methods that can be used to deal with painful thrombosed hemorrhoids: a) Pile creams and Lotions: You can purchase over the counter hemorrhoid creams and lotions to apply to the swollen veins. These creams give quick but transient resolution of pain and swelling. They often times contain steroids like hydrocortisone which has pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. b) Sitz baths and ice packs: Soak your butt in warm sit bath water for about 15 minutes as many times as needed throughout the day too soothe inflammation and relieve pain and swelling. You can also apply ice packs to the swelling immediately you step out of the sitz bath for a cooling effect and to reduce the swelling. c) Common analgesics: Common analgesics (pain relieving drugs) can be used as a quick temporary measure to relieve the pain of thrombosed hemorrhoids. Common examples of these drugs are ibruprofen, Oruvail, Naproxen, Feldene and the now popular Celebrex. d) Emergency hemorrhoids removal: Emergency surgery to remove hemorrhoid vessels can be carried out in the office of the doctor, this minor pile surgery can be done promptly to give almost instant hemorrhoid relief of the severe pain and swelling. This surgery is however not suitable for all cases of thrombosed hemorrhoids and it has its potential side effects. e) Natural cures: The use of natural home based hemorrhoid treatments including the use of certain natural Chinese herbs can be used to quickly relieve the symptoms of painful swollen thrombosed hemorrhoids. This Chinese herbal mixture known as "fargie' herbs can quickly relieve the congestion of blood in the engorged pile vessels. These herbs have been known to have successfully relived the swelling and pain in some giant sized piles within 48 hours. If properly used these herbs can also be combined with more gradual means of curing piles like diet changes and lifestyle changes to prevent a re-occurrence of painful pile symptoms. Therefore you are invited to http://www.hemorrhoids-solution.blogspot.com to discover the diet changes, lifestyle changes and herbal ingredients that you can use to shrink your giant sized piles fast. Finally click here to read a free book on natural painful hemorrhoid relief.
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thrombosis of external hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid relief, hemorrhoid creams, thrombosed hemorrhoids,