Hemorrhoid is a disease characterized by the formation of clusters of dilated veins around the anus and it is also commonly referred to as piles. The term hemorrhoid is coined from two Greek words; haima which means blood in English and rhoos which means flowing in English while the word piles is coined from a Latin word pila which means ball in English. These inflamed veins are usually associated with the symptoms of bleeding through the anus when defecating, pain, burning sensation and mucus discharge. However there are also other more deadly diseases that present with some of these symptoms; bleeding through the anus could also be a symptom of colon cancer or polyps of the colon, bleeding through the anus could also be a symptom of inflammatory disease of the rectum and colon. So if you have symptoms that look like hemorrhoids you must confirm this diagnosis with your doctor before commencing treatment. Here are four simple methods you can use to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids: 1. To stop bleeding you have to soften your feces as this symptom is usually due to the irritation of the hemorrhoid vessels by the friction generated by the passage of hard stools out of the rectal and anal canal. To soften your feces you have to change your diet and consume more high fiber foods like vegetables, fruits and cereals. You can also make use of artificial fiber food supplements like psyllium seeds and methyl cellulose. However the use of artificial fiber supplements has been observed to cause irritation and diarrhea in some people. You also have to take at least 5 liters of fluid every day. 2. You can make use of sitz bath to relieve the symptoms of itching and irritation. You can make use of a home-made sitz bath which is prepared by pouring warm water into your bath tub in your bathroom. You can soak your buttocks inside this warm water bath tub several times a day, you can also make use of artificial portable sitz bath tubs that you can buy at the local chemist shop and carry with you anywhere you are going. Sitz bath helps to relax swollen inflamed sphincter muscles. 3. Another simple way of relieving the pain and swelling is to apply hemorrhoid creams and hemorrhoid suppositories unto the inflamed swellings. They usually contain steroids like hydrocortisone to suppress inflammation and pain, however the fact that they contain steroids also means that they can lead to side effects like skin rash and skin wasting after repeated use. 4. Your best option of relieving the symptoms of piles is to make use of a complete natural pile cure guide which not only teaches you several natural methods of relieving these symptoms but also gives you a complete guide on how you can also prevent the symptoms from re-occurring. The instructions outlined in a good natural pile cure package should be simple enough for anybody to understand and follow. Most of the natural cure items it prescribes for use are very cheap and are readily obtained at the local grocery store. It also teaches the use of simple diet and lifestyle modifications which you can apply without spending any extra money. So if you want to know more about how to cure hemorrhoids easily, go to http://hemorrhoids-solution.blogspot.com to learn how you can make use of a simple complete natural pile cure guide. Finally click here to sign up for your free hemorrhoid newsletter.
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