I have been told that one of the most googled questions in China is ‘Who am I?’ (‘Who are you?’) and no doubt, it is probably highly googled throughout the world. So here’s my take on answering this very pertinent question. Look at this article with the intention to see how you can apply it effectively in your life. First, I’ll start by saying who you are NOT (not really). First, I’ll start by saying who you are not (not really). Who you are not is your superficial ego self: the masks you wear Who you are not (not really) is your position in society, occupation, the culture you belong to, beliefs, financial status, social status, matrimonial status, sexuality, the clothes you wear or the way you talk... Take away all this and you still have you! -All these things of course have value but they are just superficial identities (like masks) and putting too much value on any of them may cause high anxiety, pain and trauma or even death if their existence is threatened or lost: Any great attachments to these causes one to falsely identify (misidentify) oneself with who they really are: if you get the idea that this is who you really are then you’ll never know your true self, its dynamic nature, and how you can have real cause and effect over your life. Who you are is not a human having a conscious experience. It’s the opposite: You are consciousness having a human experience. Therefore who you really are is an eternal consciousness, infinite possibility... so what do you chose? Freedom or victim-hood; Truthfulness or lies; Love or fear..? It’s up to you. Who you really are is your commitments in life. What are you really committed to? Who you really are is what you stand in action for. What do you stand for? Who you really are is a creative being... -When you fully become the above you are invisible. Who you really are is invisible. The true self and the egg analogy Who you really are is an egg. In this analogy the yolk is your physical body. The egg white is your dynamic aura; the informational energy field related to your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and whether or not you’re in a state of balance or imbalance... The egg shell is your hyper dimensional (multidimensional) connectivity opening to God, Goddess all there is... This is who you are as a cause-and-effect. -This is who you really are.
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