Have a diet high (at least 80%) in raw foods! After cooking, the food's vitamins and enzymes lose their molecular shape and are far less able to contribute to the body's metabolic processes: This in effect means that the nutrition value is less. As well as heat, much of the food's nutrition value is also lost in this way by deep freezing, microwaving and irradiation used in industrial food processing. Having said all that, poaching of food or steaming has far less of an effect and is therefore the healthier option. Foods rich in vitamins and enzymes are wholesome and natural: Foods from the garden or trees or pulled from the ground or from the sea... etc. These vitamins and enzymes contribute to the digestive processes as well as cell growth; preservation; maintenance; replacement and repair. Can junk foods be described as a form of negative nutrition? Junk foods are practically devoid of vitamins and enzymes. When consumed, in order to deal with digesting the junk food, the body looks to find vitamins and enzymes from food sources that had been eaten earlier. Indeed, continuous junk food binges could therefore lead a significant depletion of vitamins and enzymes and ultimately to some serious deficiencies and illnesses. If the above comes to pass then the consequences are the body's inability to digest food. This undigested food clusters and ends up lining the inner wall of the gut. As time goes by, these collected clumps and clusters not only build up but also cause the gut to swell through rotting. If not dealt with, then the next phase is leaky gut syndrome where the indigested food clusters can go from the inner wall of the gut to the blood caused by porosity. It also finds its way on muscle tissue, joints or the body's organs. Inflammation may well result, threatening organ functioning through serious damage. Fatigue is one of the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome while the immune system has takes a major hammering from the stress... The solutions Okay, it's all very well to know what's going on here, but indeed, the empowering question is what can be done about it? The answer to the crisis is to detoxify the body. Start getting a good supply of natural, wholesome food. This would include: Nutritional supplements, probiotics with vitamins and enzymes... How about filling the fridge with enough food for one or two salads for each day?! If you liked reading this article then go to http://www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles, blogs and videos... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/
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