Do the coming demolitions also present a public health risk?Studies published in Environmental Health Perspectives andEnvironmental Health Research and penned by HUD, Johns Hopkins andTulane Universities, among others, indicate just that. The communities included in the studies were all similar toLewiston — with old housing stock built prior to 1978 andundergoing urban revitalization efforts that entail the demolitionof multi-family units. The studies concluded that demolition anddebris activities were found to have acute increases in lead dustfall within 10 meters of the demolition sites (Farfel, 2003). Subsequent studies found direct relationships between demolitionsites within census blocks and elevated blood lead levels inchildren residing near the demolition sites. Due to lead"shalf-life in blood of 28-37 days, children were noted to have adirect effect if they resided near a demolition site and had a highEBLL within 45 days of demolition exposure. Many are concerned with EBLLs in Lewiston"s downtown,including officials within the Lead Poisoning and PreventionProgram at the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, aswell as members of the Maine Department of EnvironmentalProtection. Locally, the Lewiston Auburn Public Health Committeerecently formed a lead subcommittee. Lewiston currently receives Lead Poisoning and Prevention Funds dueto the high lead poisoning rates among children in downtownLewiston and Auburn. Indeed, during the past 10 years, four of the five Maine highdensity areas determined to be at risk for elevated child bloodlead levels have seen a significant reduction in EBLLs.Lewiston"s rates continue to remain 25-40 percent higher thancomparable areas. Healthy Androscoggin, the local Healthy Maine Partnership thatreceives Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund dollars for communityoutreach in Lewiston and Auburn, has instituted many forms ofpublic education. The Healthy Homes Families partnership engagesresidents on how to clean their homes for lead dust and reducetheir families' lead exposure. The Healthy Homes Healthy Families partnership is comprised ofrepresentation from both cities, state lead officials, HealthyAndroscoggin, The Cooperative Extension and the NeighborhoodHousing League. Mailers to local landlords informing of bestpractices and state law are sent annually. On June 19, a landlord luncheon to be held at DaVinci"s willfurther educate landlords on current lead laws, and how to accessrecently released money to fund lead abatement. What steps are being taken to reduce the risk to residents,specifically children, regarding the potential ambient lead dustexposure near downtown demolition sites? The studies cited above suggest "As urban renewal effortstake place, consideration should be given to the potential impactthat demolition of older structures has on children"s riskfor exposure to lead. In areas where multiple demolitions areplanned, an emphasis on containment practices and efforts to informthe neighborhood of increased risk (is) warranted." At a recent meeting hosted by the city of Lewiston, the commitmentto follow recommended best practices was made. City officials will be collaborating with Healthy Androscoggin andthe Neighborhood Housing League to notify tenants and residents inbuildings within 100 meters of demolition sites. Notification willoccur 5-10 days prior to demolition and will be offered in personwith printed materials describing to residents how to limit leadexposure. Discussion with public health partners, City Councilor CraigSaddlemire and city administrators also included the use of signageat demolition sites, and contractual obligations for wettingpractices. As our community continues its growth and revitalization, thecommitment by local organizations and city officials to support thehealth of our community members is what will not just define ourcity, but will make Lewiston a state leader in efforts to combatchildhood lead poisoning. Shanna Rogers is health promotion coordinator with HealthyAndroscoggin. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as China Aluminum Attache Case , China Aluminum Display Cases, and more. For more , please visit Aluminum Beauty Cases today!
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