We all have in our heads an 'inner voice.' It comes from our 'inner being'. It tells us to do certain things in our lives: It tells us to take particular actions that will make a difference to somebody or something. Call it conscience; call it God, call it what you like... Someone will hear their inner voice saying for examples, "stop smoking..."or "give a helping hand..." or "get a new job" if a new direction in life is calling... However, many people have stopped listening to their inner voice. This 'deafness' leads to a lack of self-expression or restriction on freedom which ultimately leads to victimhood: The hallmarks of a victim is someone unable to really think, feel and be themselves. Remember, this includes much of the human race: Starting at childhood and going into adulthood, whether it's through the education system, authority figures, the mainstream media, peer pressure or the consensus of the masses... the human race have become mind programmed into not to think, feel or be themselves, hence victimhood. Having said that, it is still up to each and every one of us to have a listening for our inner voice and cut through the mind programming attempting to control us; think, feel and be ourselves and transform from victim to victor. This shift in awareness from victim to victor will not be easy for most but it is the key for self-growth and ultimately planetary transformation. This has to happen or planet Earth and its inhabitants will sink to the bottom of the sea. So, this leads me to the question: What are you doing for the world? Have you heard the 'call to arms' coming from your inner voice? I'm talking about the 'call to arms' for self-growth and planetary transformation so desperately needed that would create the shift necessary to go from victim to victor? How could you get active? What could you contribute that would make a difference? Maybe you have seen alternative views outside of the tail-chasing or destructive mass programming and brainwashing deception secretly harboured by the elite rulers of the world? Or maybe quite simply you have seen something that would contribute to humanity... Whatever it is then I greatly encourage you to get active and share it. Remember, what you sow is what you reap: helping others not only leads to their transformation but also yours. If you have children then do it for their future and their children's children. If you don't and remain deaf to your inner voice then your inactivity will lead to more suffering and that indeed includes you. If you liked reading this article then go to www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/
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