Forget about ISA's, personal equity plans, stock and shares... I've got some investment advice that's better than any of these things! Here it is. The best investment you could ever make is in your health! What makes you say that? I hear you say. Well, it goes like this. What's the use of having saved lots of money with all the other accumulated worldly possessions; a paid off mortgage, fancy furniture, a nice car... when you're not healthy enough to reap the benefits because of ill-health? Or, what, say for example, if you don't make it to retirement with all these things because a disease like cancer seals your fate? No, once again, I put it to you that the best investment you can ever make in YOUR LIFE is in your health! Stay wise. Stay healthy as well as wealthy. Now that that's out of the way I hope I've created the context for you to understand how invaluable the following life-saving advice is when it comes to cancer prevention and reversal. The bottom line involves maintaining a healthy immune system. There are 4 absolutely crucial factors that need to be taken care of to achieve this and they are: 1. To make sure you get consistently good nutrition. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. Excellent anti-cancerous foods include: Vitamin B17 rich foods such as apricot kernels, broccoli (more effective eat raw), seeded fruits like strawberry, raspberry... and nuts, bitter almonds in particular. Vitamin B17 (laetrile) destroys the enzyme beta gycosidase, effectively killing the cancer cell's metabolic pathway. Vitamin C rich foods such as dark leafy-green vegetables, peppers and fruits such as kiwi fruit... Vitamin C is not only immune system building but it also, as discovered by Linus Pauling, stops the cancer cells from spreading (metastasising). Vitamin A (retinol) rich foods like carrots acts well with the above. Vitamin D, sunshine in your diet! Get around 15-20 minutes daily of sunshine. If you can't get this then get vitamin D3 supplements and check the doses. Don't underestimate this. Minerals: zinc available as a supplement, selenium found in garlic and mushrooms and calcium rich foods such as broccoli are excellent anti-cancer sources. The enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin normally produced from the pancreas but have been used therapeutically to destroy cancer cells by removing the protein coating. Good nutrition is that which is natural and wholesome and generally alkalises the body. An alkalised body is highly anti-cancerous. Good nutrition works together synergistically when helping to build a healthy immune system which in turn indeed fights cancer. Junk foods, processed foods, sugar, too much meat and a lack of quality drinking water can all contribute to the cancer. 2. Avoid too much toxicity from chemicals and electromagnetic radiation I have a saying that goes something in the way of 'a little bit of moderation of this, that and the other... when it all adds up does not add up to moderation.' So watch out for those questionable chemical additives in processed foods, bathroom toiletries, hair appliances, beauty products... etc they can all contribute to toxicity. Then there's the electromagnetic fields (EMF's) produced from mobile phones and Wi-Fi. Evidence suggests that these things when overly used in applications can interfere with the body's internal bioelectrical signalling... and illnesses such as cancer may manifest. 3. Monitor and maintain a good outlook in life. Remember, your attitude, thoughts, feelings and emotions... create the reality surrounding you. Try staying away from negativity or stress if you think it's going to affect your health... 4. Get into regular exercise routines. About 20 minutes a day will do the trick. What type of exercise? -Whatever is comfortable or considered appropriate for you. Monitor yourself with ALL of the above things. Get your partner or a close friend or relative to hold you accountable... Seek advice from health professionals along the way. Above all, remember your health is ultimately your responsibility. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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