We know that everyone has a basic right to have a great life: one that's nurturing, fulfilling and wholesome. However, what most people get out of life compared to that which they have the basic right to is as different as night and day. You only have look at the world at large and see this for yourself. Here are some eye-opening facts. 1. The extent of global wealth inequality is shown by the fact that the wealthiest 85 individuals on the planet have more than the poorest 3.5 billion (Global wealth report 2013). 2. The poorest 3.5 billion of the world population barely has 1% of the total global wealth. 3. The 10% wealthiest people in the world have 86% of the total wealth. 4. The 1% wealthiest have 46% of the total wealth. 5. Average wealth figures for each Western world country can be quite misleading because it masks inequality. Then there are the rising credit card debts. The average USA person now owes $15,191, while the UK figure is $14,332 and there's the rise in consequences related to those who can't keep up with the payments such as homelessness, depression and other mental illnesses. -These debts are only topped by mortgage and student loans. To summarize, the world and its adult population mainly consists of poverty liners, debt and wage slavers doing things they don't want to do in their lives, trying to meet the cost of living. No matter how long it takes, a time for change is needed in the world to end this madness. People, what sort of world do you want for you, your family, children to be, their children and friends? If nothing is done then things will only get worse, but remember, as I've been saying, we do have a basic right to a life that's that's nurturing, fulfilling and wholesome... The Solution -All the above facts and figures are just symptoms of a world not working. Just dealing with the symptoms and not treating the underlying root-cause guarantees that the problems related to the above will keep coming back: lifetime after lifetime, generation upon generation. People will be spending their lives in endless tail chasing scenarios (actually, people don't go round and round in circles, they go in spirals. So, this would be the case of downward spiraling). The first thing to understand is that the underlying root-cause related to the troubles of the world needs to be identified then dealt with. So, what is the underlying root cause and how do we deal with it? The answer lies in the wealthiest people on the planet. These are the individuals controlling the planet by ownership of the banks and major corporations; weapons, gold, drugs and oil and will stop at nothing to usurp the wealth of other people. This is what they've been doing for generations. Now, it is time to take back our ownership of the planet by stopping these individuals and their mayhem by applying 3 principles that deal with the root-cause. Then, as a consequence, we will be given the chance to create the life that we really want. How do we do this? 1. By educating ourselves and others on how the richest peoples play us with their mass deceptions; recognising the unfairness and injustice... 2. Then, start putting intentions in to create of world that is different to the one it is now. Without the planet's greed-driven enslavers what would you like to see? What would the world look like to you? All these things, when engaged in on by a critical mass number of aware individuals through thoughts, prayers, meditations, and affirmations... the laws of attraction will create a new reality; the new paradigm experience so needed for the world and its inhabitants. 3. As Jimi Hendrix once said "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." This key statement reflects the intentions related to the above. If we want a world based on unconditional love; where corporation is above competition... then we have to go about making the transformation peacefully. I know that the task is enormous, but I hope this has inspired the reader to want to do something. If you liked reading this article then go to www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/
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