There is so much deception in the world, even when it's spelled out; many people just don't get it because, in disbelief, they think no, this can't be. In my experience, to get some comprehension of the evil deception, it is not enough to think rationally. It demands you to listen to your heart; pursue that sense of 'something's not right' that keeps elbowing you in the metaphorical ribs. Breakdowns, crises and hardships... can serve as platforms for growth and the realization that there is so much evil deception in the world after all. Could this be what's going on in the world en masse? How bad will it get before the realization finally comes to the forefront; to get humans to create through intentions, thoughts, meditations, prayers, laws of attraction... a world that makes a difference for everyone? For example, it amazes me how so many people on this planet, through religion, choose a life of suffering based on the understanding that their reward will come when they die and go to heaven. What kind of God would want all this suffering?! The kind of God with an ego problem that demands to be worshiped, gets angry and jealous... politically sides with a nation and okay's the slaughter of innocent men, women and children for a piece of promised land... -This has nothing to do with true God. Doesn't this seem suspect to you that manipulation is the operative? The mass manipulation of individuals into living a life based on victimhood. Is someone or something manipulating you? It's time to get past the denial and start investigating with an open mind. Do realize that ignorance cannot be used as an excuse because all the information you need to know is out there. In my experience, there are two different individuals. One is where no matter how knowledgeable you are, or good at communicating to this type of individual, they just don't get that there are all these evil deceptions going on, while they make wrong or even ridicule you without the slightest idea where you're coming from... -It's easy to see which pathway they have chosen; the pathway of victimhood through ignorance. Then there's the other type like you who gets what's going on in the world and sees the big picture (or will see in time to come?) You must be this type otherwise you wouldn't have read this far. Anyway, what I'm getting at is this. When you profoundly understand many of the deceptions of the world and find the connection between them, culminating in the realization that there are a handful of elite super-rich genetically evil individuals controlling the world by ownership of the banks and major commodities; weapons, oils, gold and drugs... and meet in secret societies to plan global enslavement of the rest of the now have 3 choices. 1. Do nothing: The biggest threat to freedom for you, your family and friends is above all doing nothing... 2. Side with the elite rulers, get paid off... Unlikely, since, as I've said, you wouldn't have read this far. 3. Or do something. Get the word out in any way you can, get actively involved and apply the above mentioned intenetions, thoughts, meditations, prayers, laws of attraction... As the title of this says "What pathway do you chose: service to self or others?" If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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