The purpose of this article is to take 2 seemingly controversial unrelated subjects and show, in actuality, that they are linked with much supporting evidence. Debunking the debunkers Firstly, because of the controversy, I have decided to take this opportunity to give some valuable pieces of evidence in support of my previous articles showing that the New Testament Jesus character did not exist and was an invention by the Roman Empire. They established their new religion, taking earlier mythological sun god men each with the same biography; virgin birth on December 25th, grows up to be a humble man, preaches, is the light and the way... causes a political stir an finally gets crucified, but raises again from the dead... and is the son of God... etc. They then used this mythological sun god story to create the Jesus character, claiming he existed for real (unlike the early mythological sun god men). 1. Joseph Atwill, author of the book "Caesar's Messiah" made a film version The Roman Emperor had many titles - was one of them was Jesus Christ. This groundbreaking film with its differing perspectives from previous accounts about the Jesus character can be found online: Through interviews with experts, we learn that Jesus is not a historical figure, the events of Jesus' life were based on a Roman military campaign, his The Bible in Greek supposed second coming refers to a historical event that already occurred, the teachings of Christ came from the ancient pagan mystery schools, and the Gospels were written by a family of Caesars and their supporters who left us documents to prove it. Dissecting the history and literature of this time, the scholars note that the history officially provided by the Church does not hold up to rigorous scrutiny. Much like the ancient era from which Christianity emerged, we are currently on the brink of an immense paradigm shift. Studying this history can help us understand modern-day politics, and give us the much-needed perspective for coming up with solutions to today's problems, in order to create a better world. I wholeheartedly recommend this film. Warning, it may seriously change your religious views! 2. My next subject steeped in controversy is reincarnation, but I highly recommend the following meticulous research which again can be got online. Dr Ian Stevenson - On reincarnation Reincarnation", "rebirth" or "existence of previous lives and next lives" is academically accepted by scholars like Dr Ian Stevenson based on the reliable evidence. -Quite fascinating Dr Ian Stevenson has spent over 20 years researching reincarnation and has written much material on the subject and given many lectures. Like I said, all quite fascinating and very convincing at least at times. Let me put it to you this way: The link between the Romans invented Jesus and reincarnation is this. If the New Testament Jesus never existed then neither does heaven nor hell, since both, as pointed out in Joseph Atwill's book, were inextricably linked. The earlier pre-Christian texts always showed evidence for reincarnation: If people keep reincarnating then this is evidence supporting the non-existence of heaven and hell because they would have gone to one of these places by now instead of living on lifetime after lifetime. -That concludes my evidence. I hope it has encouraged you the reader to pursue the enquiry. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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