In my view, fear of death and ignorance go together quite well. Most people go throughout their entire lives not questioning or really looking into what happens when they die. Many blindly accept what they've been programmed into believing since childhood yes, religion or even atheism has got a lot to answer for. A sure fire way of manipulating the masses into passivity is by the fear of death and the threat of going to Hell if religious following and compliance is not achieved. This is something many religions have played on, by the manufacture of Hell. Sure, many religions and their authorities have claimed that they save souls by providing the opportunity for eternal life. However, I put it to you that Hell does not exist and here are my reasons. The New Testament Jesus character was an invention by the Roman Empire to form the new Christian religion in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea. The Jesus biography: Prophesised Messiah, Christmas day virgin birth, grows up a humble preacher, then causes a political stir, gets crucified and rises again from the dead... etc had been around years before: Evidence shows that many mythological characters, mainly based around the Mediterranean area; all having this biography was used in the pre-Christian Gnostic religion. For example Dionysus of Greece 625 BC had the same biography, and like his later and also made up counterpart, Jesus, was known as a saviour, 'the light' and 'the way...' My point to this is if the people at large found out that the Jesus character never existed then it would follow on that there's no judgement day; no such place as Hell... The pre-Christian Gnostic religion like many other ancient cultures worldwide with their spiritual practices all recognised reincarnation. This means if reincarnation exists, people finding out through various spiritual practices; deep meditation, astral projection, and near-death experiences... that they've lived lifetime over lifetime then both Heaven and Hell doesn't exist because they would have gone there by now! The founders of the Roman Catholic Church new this, which is why they went to great lengths to destroy the evidence for reincarnation and the Gnostic pre-Christian religions... The manipulation of people by getting them to fear death with the threat of going to Hell allowed them with their bogus claims of having connections to God through Jesus to make a lot of money and political gain. Does this, in a way, make death the greatest con? Cultures throughout the world that have looked in to death by the above mentioned various practices make a number of common claims regarding what happens when we die. For example, the Tibetan Buddhists say that after death our spirit departs our body and starts to 'roam around,' accepting this unusually different circumstance rather like strange or impossible things are accepted in a dream. Initially, they say, we still have our ego identity with us and would naturally go to people and places related to it. Further on into death our ego identities fade away. Later, before reincarnation we take on certain agreements or plans for the next life... The next life will be affected by the previous. Some people during near-death experiences claim certain things happened to them related to their religion. However, it has been said that none of these things can be relied on as proof for any religion because the religious experiences happen in cultures all over the world. All these religions with their contradictions of each other cannot all be true. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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