The wakeup call People need to wake up and realise the narrowness of orthodox medicine's theory and approaches to treatment before it is too late. Before they or a loved one becomes a death statistic on one of a list of illnesses that could have been prevented or cured by an alternative approach. The wakeup call involves seeing the big picture. The first thing to understand is that there are four fundamental things that orthodox medicine pays little or no attention to: 1. Diet The evidence is overwhelming to support the wonderful statement that good food serves as a preventative function and from of cure for degenerative diseases. As I have been saying, the underlying principle is in maintaining the body's normal metabolic processes by a good and appropriate diet. Bad foods, such as factory-processed foods, too much refined carbohydrates, too much manufactured trans fats and oils or denatured foods from contaminated land, can, over time, cause the body's metabolic processes to malfunction. This is the underlying cause of the major life threatening illnesses like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Changing to a dietary regime of good food can reverse these illnesses by changing the body's metabolic processes back to normal functioning again. -Quite extraordinary that orthodox medicine hasn't picked up on this one wouldn't you say? Another consideration on diet must be given: That is the amount of food intake, with respect to appropriate calorie intake. 2. Exercise At least orthodox medicine is recommending this. Half an hour a day of exercise is said to be a good idea. One thing that should be mentioned is that it is much more health beneficial to get involved in some activity that causes the heart to race. For example, a study has shown that running is far more health beneficial than walking. Of course, the type of exercise and amount can depend on the individual and what would be appropriate in the circumstances (age, ability, disability, health status etc.) 3. Psychological well-being Here's an equation you may well want to consider: No Stress = No Illness The way you handle stress has a great affect on your immune system, the body's natural defence against disease. For example, maintaining a healthy immune system is the best form of protection against cancer. Here are some suggestions on handling stress: -Avoid constant and repetitive anger. This can lead to high blood pressure and poor digestion. Avoid using anger to: -Dominate -Manipulate or use as emotional blackmail -Scapegoat -Dump your problems on others (share your problems instead) -Use as a substitution for saying NO (learn to say no) -Share you problems, fears and anxieties. Don't bottle things up. Avoid being pushed to limit. -Take fifteen minutes time out each day to relax: Try listening to some relaxing music or meditation, or a sit in the park... whatever you feel is appropriate for you. -Don't victimise yourself. Brooding, isolation and fear are common in victimhood. -Avoid boredom. Be creative instead. Another equation: Boredom = No Creativity Go with your instincts: follow what moves you, what calls you, what inspires you... -Sleep well. Keep to appropriate sleep patterns. -Share yourself lovingly...All these things can affect your immune system and life expectancy accordingly. 4. Environmental factors Our bodies are endangered with more than a fair share of toxicity, threatening our health left right and centre. In the modern industrialised world, there are a forever increasing number of pollutants in the environment. This includes noxious chemicals, fluoride in water, electromagnetic pollution and overuse of mobile phones... It has been known for some time that X-rays are dangerous. They are capable of causing mutations to the body's cells. Yet they are frequently used for all sorts of things: Looking at teeth, used in shoe shops for looking at feet or shoe sizes, looking at your body for belongings during security checks, for mammography's (scanning for breast cancer) ... -This means playing Russian roulette with life: most people are unaware of the potential threats to their health from X-rays. The thing to realise here is to only have X-rays when it is necessary. If you are unsure, then ask the person giving the X-ray examination, a doctor, a dentist...if it's really needed, or is it just standard practice. Doctor Vernon Coleman, a former British Breakfast television medical advisor was once sent a letter from a viewer, wanting to know why she was sent by her own doctor to radiography for an X-ray scan, when she had already been found to be cancer-free from other treatment. Dr Coleman replied and explained in so many words: In most cases like this, the radiography department wanted her to be X-rayed and then put on their records, so that she could be included in the 5 year 'cured' statistics. -Beware of this potentially dangerous situation and way of obtaining misleading statistics. To summarise: Orthodox medicine has paid little or no attention to: 1. Diet 2. Exercise 3. Psychological well-being and 4. Environmental factors ...As major contributors to the health of humans. Self-interest and greed in orthodox medicine has prevented any real attention being given to the above four factors. As I have been saying, these life-saving factors can serve as prevention and cure of illness. They are either cheap or cost nothing at all. However, the medical / pharmaceutical establishment don't want you to know about their true potential: if you did then they would lose much business. Consequently, not only do we have expensive orthodox medical treatment that doesn't cure, but also many unnecessary deaths and much suffering. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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