I have a lot of respect for kind hearted people campaigning to raise money for cancer charity. The world needs more people like this. People thinking and feeling with their hearts who want to contribute to others, that is. However, there are a number of issues about cancer charities; where the money goes and what is done with it... that have put me off donating. So what do you think they do with the money? Every year huge amounts of money gets funnelled into pharmaceutical company's bank accounts from cancer charity donations. This money is not used efficiently. It is spent on admin, salaries (sometimes very large ones to certain staff), marketing and promotions... Then a relatively small percentage goes to research. -The stats for this had been made available online at 'Komen Watch' but it was shut down! Cancer research and the illusive cure con Cancer research has made billions for pharmaceutical companies over the years from developed drug treatment sales funded by generous charity donations: Instead of the pharmaceutical companies genuinely giving something back to the people who donated as a way of saying 'thank you' for the donations they've ended up developing highly ineffective cancer therapies that's made billions for them. Those at the very top of the pharmaceutical cartel are only too aware that they will continue to make massive profits from a demand from people, to find a cure for cancer that will never be fulfilled because if one was found then they would stand to lose huge amounts of money: The equation is simple; cured patients = lost customers and lost sales. So, what they've been doing to maintain this over 50 year old con and conveniently not find a solution which keeps their highly ineffective therapies going is to invent from time to time the idea that a 'miracle cure' is at last on its way...' After all the mass media hype the so called soon to be miracle cure is forgotten since nothing ever comes of it. Nuking the competition The medical /pharmaceutical establishment do not embrace the holistic approach to cancer treatment. Doctors found using holistic approaches could be struck of the list for unauthorized practice even if they cure cancer! And what about using the holistic approach as a preventative strategy..? I find it incredible that cancer research doesn't pay that much attention to nutrition and the mind-body spirit connection as a way of treating cancer, the things make up the very fabric of our being. But then again by ignoring the holistic approach it serves to maintain the biased pharmaceutical based therapies that have not found cures (and never will) for reasons already given. Holistic approaches are basically harmless and serve to strengthen the immune system as part of their modus operandi .Conventional medical / pharmaceutical approaches to cancer involve that unholy trinity of slash, burn and poison (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy) capable of causing a lot of harm to patients. Sounding off -For these reasons I will not be reaching out for my running shoes to run for cancer research or donate to other medical /pharmaceutical based cancer charities. Having said all that, there are some cancer charities worth looking up: 'People Against Cancer' which provides alternative therapy programmes and 'The American Anti-Cancer Institute.' Both genuinely contribute. If you liked reading this article then go to www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/
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