If ever you want to know who you really are then take a look at the nature of the conversations you have in life. Whether it's in the nature of how you talk to others or the chatter in your head, the conversations you have going on reflect who you are and is about as exclusive as your fingerprints! -So for personal effectiveness it's worth examining the nature of your conversations reflecting the way you see things, how you interact... and how you can shape them for fulfilment and effective communication. Life as a conversation in your head 2 men walking down the street: Both men have a conversation in their heads about money. The first man is thinking how he's going to make ends meet, having real issues / concerns about paying next month's rent and with insufficient funds he also owes money to the bank as monthly dues... etc. Then there's the second man. He's considering how to invest in stocks and shares having received a sizable windfall. He's estimating how much spending money he'll need to go on holiday, not leave him short after buying those stocks and shares... By their own interpretations the first man is having a terrible day while the other is enjoying life, but both men are doing the same thing, walking down the street! You see, the only difference between the 2 men is the different conversations in their heads. The point to this is that the conversation in our heads can determine what we get out of life. Will your internal conversation run you or will you run it? Life as an external conversation how you interact with others Whether it's the chatter in your head or how you talk to others the nature of the conversation is determined by a number of factors. The point to get is that they're all interpretive and choice-based. When interacting with others you can create the conversation. Will you have a conversation based on negativity; in the morass, helplessness or on victimhood..? Or will you create a conversation for opportunity, resourcefulness, contribution, solving problems or sharing yourself on the joy that life really is..? -You can see that the nature of the conversations you choose determines how life shows up for you. One thing is for sure the conversation merely based on negativity is not empowering for you! So it's well worth doing some introspection, asking yourself who I am as an opportunity, a resource, as someone who can help, contribute, solve problems and share myself on a daily basis... If you liked reading this article then go to http://www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles, blogs and videos... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. One again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/
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