On March 23rd at Hastings in Sussex England Matt Campbell will be taking the BBC to court. Matt alleges that the BBC were complicit in covering up vital information related to a broadcast on the 911 2001 terrorist attacks which would have revealed a totally different account to the official version. Because his brother was murdered in world trade centre 1, one of the buildings that was attacked and destroyed by the 911 alleged terrorists, with his brother killed inside he alleges that the BBC by not revealing the covered up information as to what really happened has therefore had a criminal hand in allowing the real culprits to get away with it. If Matt with his lawyer and team of expert witnesses win the case then this could indeed be quite significant with many implications. Will the case go in Matt's favour opening doors for other cases and investigations..? Crimes and 'coincidences' Let me put it to you this way. We've seen it on TV and in the movies. When detectives stumble on 'coincidences' they don't see them like this. They immediately think that the so called coincidences could be connections to possible crimes that therefore need investigating... -So, given this, not an exhaustive list, but here are some of those startling 'coincidences' related to 911. Do they suggest hidden crimes contrary to the official story that needs investigating..? 1. Calling a press conference on the 10th of September 2001 then Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion dollars belonging to the Pentagon had gone missing. On the following day there was an explosion in the Pentagon at an accounts office which completely destroyed documents containing money trails related to the missing $2.3 trillion, making any attempts to account for the loss virtually impossible. So what did happen to all that money? 2. In July 2001 Larry Silverstein became the new leaseholder of the World Trade Centre location. He had the WTC insured for $3.5 billion. The policy included insurance against the possible threat of terrorist attacks. Following the 911 terrorist attacks on the twin towers he was then able to pick up the $3.5 billion claims. 3. Unusual for him Larry Silverstein did not show up for work in the morning of 911. It has been said that he was coaxed by his wife to go to a dermatologist appointment while his son and daughter who worked for him were late for work at floor 88 of the WTC North tower and never made it there before the attacks... 4. Well known conspiracy researcher/ presenter Alex Jones predicted in July 2001 on a video that the United States government will execute planned attacks on its own people. He stated in so many words that the attacks would lead to a Middle East military invasion enhancing the mighty power of the military industrial complex and related corporations guessing that this would extend to a militarized martial law police state on the American people. He also made the prediction that Osama Bin Laden would be blamed for targeting somewhere prominent such as the World Trade Centre. 5. In spite of the 100 floor fire billowing flames and smoke... reducing the building to ground zero collapsed dust and debris a perfectly intact passport was found of one of the alleged culprits. In the case of the crash site at Pennsylvania 2 were found of some other culprits both also perfectly intact. However, the unbreakable black boxes were irretrievable! 6. Dick Cheney's company Halliburton provided defence, energy and infrastructure during the American military Middle East presence post 911... The company made billions through securing an overwhelming number of contracts compared to competitors... 7. State of the art Eastern air defence NORAD was called out on 'war games' in the morning of 911. This simulated exercise left a number of jets too far away from New York and Washington... Having received a call from air traffic control informing NORAD of the attacks NORAD's immediate response was "Is this real world or exercise..?" -I will leave you to decide what you make of all this! If you liked reading this article then go to http://www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles, blogs and videos... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. One again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/
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