Out of most common sexual disorders, ED or Erectile Dysfunction is quite common. It is also known as impotence because sexual performance gets affected because of it. Though the lack of sexual desire or other problems related to orgasm is not impotency, they are followed by erectile dysfunction. The treatment depends on the severity of the problem. A plenty of clinics offer sex medicine in Bangalore, but it is critically important to find out a proficient clinic. The good doctor and good clinics offer miraculous treatment that cures the problem completely. They check the case and find out the fundamental cause behind the problem. What causes Erectile Dysfunction? Erectile Dysfunction has a close association with age. Though it has been observed in young age rarely, most commonly it occurs after the age of 45. Sometimes, the condition is temporarily caused by external factors and it gets disappeared as the factors go away. Experts say that erection is caused by complex chemical and physiological changes triggered by psychological factors. Since these three aspects are quite complex, diagnosing the real cause becomes incredibly difficult sometimes. However, some common aspects are: · Lowered level of Testosterone (the prime hormone responsible for male sexuality) due to over-exertion, fatigue, tension, and frustration. Lack of sleep and temperamental issues are also responsible for it · Psychosomatic disorders, hypothyroid, diabetes and endocrine disorders also cause ED. · Heavy mental work, long hours at the workplace, and handling responsibilities beyond capacity cause excessive wear-and-tear in the body. It impacts testosterone levels. · Neurological disorders, excessive consumption of anti-depressant medicines, and tranquilizers also cause Erectile Dysfunction. Doctors need to understand case history before prescribing sex medicine in Bangalore. · Drug abuse and excessive consumption of liquor cause a deep impact on potency. It is one of the major factors responsible for male sexual disorders. Treatment is not effective until patients do not stop these bad habits. · Trauma, injury, or prostate problems also cause ED. Certain disorders related to bladder or rectal region also affect on potency and erectile capacity in men. What are the common symptoms? Where people go to the experts offering sex medicine in Bangalore, history is analyzed first. It is said that the incapability of managing erection for three to six months needs treatment. Otherwise, it is a temporary phenomenon that gets corrected automatically. A problem that gets prolonged after six months requires a medical intervention. So please contact an experienced sexologist for the treatment. The sex medicine in Bangalore is available with Dr Lohit’s Sex Clinic for all problems related to sexual health and disorders.
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