Back pains, stiffness in the lower back or pain in the neck are quite common nowadays. Sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sitting and excessive use of digital devices (such as computer screen, TV or mobile phones) are responsible for it. Moreover, people give no importance to exercise and eat unhealthy junk food. All this increases weight and adds further to the problem. Experts say that the majority of the back problems are normal and there is no need to go to some spine clinic in Bangalore. It is very much possible to get rid of the problem by doing regular exercise and shedding a few kilograms. Amongst the enemies of the good health of the lower back, overweight is the number one. With every one kilogram of excess weight, there is an additional burden of five kilograms on the back and knee joints. Treat back pain with the normal solutions As mentioned earlier, a large percentage of back pains are caused due to lifestyle issues. They can be treated by these normal methods and rarely require to consult spine clinic in Bangalore. • Hot fomentation or heat therapy: It is quite useful in dull aches of chronic type. Moist heat is always better than the dry heat. • Rest: Give the affected part rest as much as you can. • OTC medicines: There are many painkillers available in the market that can be taken without the need for a prescription from a registered medical practitioner. When you follow these methods, the load on the spine gets eased, and the pain drops greatly. However, now it is important to prevent the repeated attacks. By correct evaluation and rehabilitation of supervised exercise, the problem can be eradicated. Tips to avoid back pain If you want to keep the back and spine healthy and fit forever, then it is very much possible. Along with moderate exercises like walking and jogging, endurance exercises should be included in the daily chart. Doctors say that just a half an hour walk, riding a bicycle for 20 minutes or swimming can keep the whole body fit and active. Follow the right posture and reduce the excess load on the neck and lower back. Do stretching exercises while working in the office. Don’t ignore the signs given by your body. Any persistent lower back pain accompanied by lingering pain in the back thighs, numbness in the legs or tingling sensation in the limbs need an immediate investigation and treatment. Consult the best spine clinic in Bangalore, which consists of dedicated spine surgeons, neurologists, radiologists and trained nurses.
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