The industrial revolution in the 19th century led to the development of science and technology thereby facilitating the meet of demand and supply in the society. It is the right of the people to have a better tomorrow than yesterday. This constant need for betterment was the stepping stone for the industries to adopt new technologies and automation. Automation assures safety and ensures process quality thereby building the brand and the trust in its users. With the advent of industrial growth, there was and is a common limiter in the industrial place that is heat generation. This is unavoidable irrespective of the industry and its size. From a small laptop to a big boring machine, heat generation is evident and this lead to the rise of a new industry to avoid the hazards due to the heat i.e cooling systems. Cooling systems ensures spontaneous reaction to the heat generated. As you are already aware, the role of the cooling systems is to continuously maintain the temperature of the system at optimum by removing the heat. There are different cooling systems based on the operational principles and the point of application. They are 1. Once through cooling systems In these systems, water is used as the coolant and is pumped from a nearby source such as lake, river, ocean or well. The pumped water passes through the system only once and absorbs the process heat. It is a common design in industries with larger water availability. These systems are not adoptable in critical environment as these systems are bulk and require larger space for accommodation. The disturbance by stochastic water events flooding is a drawback of the system. And the average temperature changes expected from the system 5-10°C. 2. Dry cooling/Closed Recirculating system In this system, the heat absorbed by the cooling water is transferred to secondary coolant or to the atmosphere. It is called dry cooling as the water is never exposed to air and less water in lost. A very good example of closed system cooling is an automobile engine. It employs cool air rushing through a series of small tubes of circulating coolant. Then the heat is transferred from hot liquid inside the tube into the cool air and coolant is back in engine. The average temperature drop can be around 6-8°C. 3. Wet cooling/Open Recirculating system These are the most employed cooling systems in industry. The open recirculating system uses the water over and over again. These systems use evaporation to release heat from the cooling water and is also called the evaporation cooling tower. The average expected temperature changes in these systems are 6-17°C. There are number of recorded industrial accidents due to heat generation and traditional cooling failures. Cooling systems have become a necessary part of industries. Safety guidelines and regulations have been drafted and implemented from time to time by the respective governments to ensure the well being of the industrial employees and laborers. Not employing industrial cooling systems results in operational inefficiency and impacts the industry output thereby inhibiting the production of the finished goods. Cooling systems are the key in industrial implements irrespective of the industry and size. Various Industrial processes like friction, welding, boiling, frying, etc generate heat which needs to be removed and these industrial chillers ensure that the internal temperature is maintained optimum as a safety and operational measure. Atlas Cooling Systems are the leading Industrial water chillers manufacturers in Bangalore. They also make Special purpose cooling systems for businesses.
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