Summary: Writing books and the relevance to individual rights, equality between men and woman, Democracy and basic human rights in general. Great novelists and their importance to human quality of life. How do people without high level power in society share their insights? Great ideas can spring from anywhere that has people who analyze society. Book publishing is the one written way that comprehensive analysis is made available to the public. Freedom through the fodder of books leads or keeps individuals with self autonomy; we question and dismantle those who seek absolute power. Age of Reason, By Thomas Paine, led our founders to have self autonomy by declaring American Independence from England's king. Virginia Woolf helped liberate woman with Mrs. Dollaway. All Quite on the Western Front, by Eric Maria Remarque evokes people to question the value of war. Eric Author Blair, known as George Orwell has millions cutting strings from want to be puppeteers of society. J.K. Rowling's Harry Pottery evokes imagination in much of the masses. Albeit, we see a loss of control as liberating type books are removed from required reading lists in the school systems. Aldous Huxley in Brave New World illustrated the industrial machines who were once people with authentic feelings and control over their lives. Prose that evokes independent thinking is as the core of democracy. Rachel Carson wrote to preserve nature and challenges generations of people to be scientist who work to stop environmental damage; currently called Climate Change and first coined Global Warming. Books have been burned because the life of them extinguishes oppressors. Technology allows far more people to distribute unfettered ideas about current issues of society. Albeit, aspiring writers have to believe in their insights and actualize their goals to communicate them; put your printed contributions into society. Dynamics of the world are constantly changing so there needs to be new analysis that builds on prior ones. Although most ideas have been conveyed could apply to current times in general, some elements are far more relevant than others. Contemporary writers must keep the epiphanies societies underpinnings relevant to today's word. If there are great writers, then their relevance must be at the core of it. Let the streamlining nature of technology be your reason to write. Make your insights relevant to the free market of ideas or symphony of insights. About the author, John Toker, M.Ed. LD K-12, M.A.: John is a published author who is also a writing coach and learning specialist. He offers writing mentorship and author coaching for people who want to write books. John wrote the acclaimed novels, Conflicting Sanity, LD Just Means Learn Differently and soon to be published Red Grows Green.
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