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Author: grass lawn
Displaying 501 to 510 of 975 articles < Back | Next >
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 Articles by grass lawn 
501. Hearing loss technology wins global mhealth competition - SMD RGB LED Strip Manufacturer
May 07, 2013

CAPE TOWN, South Africa – Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT), in partnership with Brazil"s FederalUniversity of Rio Grande Do Norte, won the Mobile Health UniversityChallenge with software that screens for hearing impairment. With an estimated 588 million people worldwide and 5.7 ...

502. U.n. security council concerned by lack of aid access in sudan - ECO Solvent Printer Manufacturer
May 06, 2013

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council expressed concern onThursday over a lack of access for aid to Sudan's border states ofSouth Kordofan and Blue Nile, where fighting has been ragingbetween the Sudanese army and rebels. Sudan and South Sudan came close to all-out war last month w...

503. Zhang ziyi denies claims she earned $100 million by prostitutingherself to chinese politicians
May 05, 2013

According to reports in China, Zhang Ziyi slept with Bo Xilai atleast ten times between 2007 and 2011 in exchange for huge monetary gifts. The secret trysts are alleged to have taken placein Beijing and to have netted the actress around $1.5 million eachtime. The pair are said to have been introd...

504. Canada has higher proportion of seniors than ever before - Vertical Cutting Machines Manufacturer
May 04, 2013

The population of those over the age of 65 has surged to nearlyfive million over the past five years, growing 14.1 per cent sincethe last official count, Statistics Canada says. That's more than double the 5.9 per cent increase for thepopulation as a whole. It's a trend that's poised to take on ...

505. Japan's ex-prime minister says he was frightened by nucleardisaster, lacked expert guidance
May 03, 2013

TOKYO – Japan's leader felt fearful and helpless during last year'snuclear disaster and lacked experts capable of giving him guidance,he testified Monday in his first response to a public investigativeinquiry on the crisis. Naoto Kan resigned in September after being criticized forgovernment...

506. Syrian gov't denies involvement in houla killings, violencecontinues - Halogen Lamp Electronic Tran
May 02, 2013

DAMASCUS, May 28-- The Syrian government has denied involvement ofgovernment troops in a latest horrifying carnage in the country, inwhich more than 100 people were killed. The UN Security Council Sunday held an emergency meeting on theincident, condemning the carnage in the central Syrian villa...

507. Wall street beat: after facebook fiasco, don't write off tech ipos - Plant Vigra
May 02, 2013

The Facebook IPO may have been a fiasco, but don't put the nail inthe coffin just yet for other tech offerings this year. The success or failure of tech company IPOs will depend on marketconditions, not fallout from Facebook, analysts say. The Facebook IPO was in many ways an anomalous event, ...

508. Coding contest shows how big data can improve health care - Art Glass Perfume Bottles Manufacturer
May 02, 2013

A recent coding competition in the Boston area brought together ITprofessionals, medical workers and others with an interest inhealth IT to show how data analytics can improve health care. The Health 2.0 Boston Code-a-thon, held May 11 and 12, featuredapproximately 85 participants who formed gro...

509. Copper inches lower on greek woes but china lends support - Rotary Die-Cutting Machine Manufacturer
May 01, 2013

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Copper edged lower on Friday, headed for its fourth straight weekof losses, as investors worried about a possible Greek exit fromthe euro zone and global economic growth, but hopes that Chinesedemand will improve lent some support. Three-month copper on the London Metal Exc...

510. Darpa: color-changing robots could be used behind enemy lines - China 3D Camouflage Suit
April 30, 2013

DARPA s report on the chameleon-lik robot comes about one weekafter another DARPA-financed robot project was announced, thecreation of a soft, autonomous robot called a Meshworm thatresembles an Earthworm. Gill Pratt , the DARPA program manager for M3, put the achievement in context. DARPA is ...

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Stevert Mckenzie, Travel Enthusiast. ...more

Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to your p...more

At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

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