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151. Unsilbato puede hacer la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte
May 31, 2016

Está comprobado que el ruido ayuda para prevenir delitos. Qué mejor que portar un silbato en caso de estar en peligro o para alertar a tu comunidad en caso de algún siniestro. Para algunas personas, esta iniciativa parecerá no tener sentido, pero hay casos a nivel nacional e internacional en donde se fomenta el uso del silbato, como parte de la cultura de la prevención. Entre los casos más recientes se destaca la estrategia preventiva para reducir el índice de acoso sexual en el transporte público del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, que recientemente presentó este programa de la ent... (read more)

Author: Ash Ley

152. "Silbatos" alertarán sobre agresiones sexuales
May 31, 2016

La reciente medida de entregar silbatos a hombres y mujeres -la cual ha sido anunciada recientemente por el Jefe de Gobierno de la ciudad de México, Miguel Mancera-, en el marco de la implementación de la Estrategia 30-100 contra la violencia hacia las mujeres en el transporte y espacios públicos, pone de manifiesto el compromiso del Gobierno de la ciudad con la protección de la integridad física, sexual, psicológica y emocional de sectores, principalmente vulnerables: mujeres y niños. Pero, de la mano de las medidas que ha anunciado el funcionario, las cuales ya se están implementando y ... (read more)

Author: Ash Ley

153. Those Who Warn America - Love America
May 31, 2016

“If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.” (Heb 12: 7-8) True messengers of the gospel not only love God, but they love their nation and its people. It may seem all too rudimentary, but those who love their children warn, rebuke and punish them regularly – those who do not do this don’t love their children and we might say they actually hate them or at the least are indifferent. Hardly a week passes without someone sug... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

154. Prevención del delito: uso del silbato
May 31, 2016

Como parte de la estrategia preventiva para recudir el índice de acoso sexual en el transporte público, el Gobierno de la Ciudad de México entregó silbatos para que las personas puedan emitir una alerta, con el fin de pedir ayuda en caso de presentarse algún problema, y que tantas autoridades o la comunidad, presten auxilio. El acoso sexual engloba cualquier comentario, gesto, acto o atención de carácter sexual cuyo objetivo consiste en hacer daño, ofender o intimidar a otra persona. Se centra en cosas como el aspecto de la persona, las partes de su cuerpo o su orientación sexual. También... (read more)

Author: Ash Ley

155. El
May 31, 2016

Autoridades de Gobierno de Ciudad de México buscan prevenir el acoso sexual a mujeres y niñas al interior del transporte público, por medio de un silbato especial como señal de alerta. Con este tipo de acciones, México replica medidas contra agresiones sexuales, que han sido promovidas en Estados Unidos, Nueva Zelanda, India, Brasil y Argentina, en donde el uso deun silbato para prevenir agresiones ha salvado a muchas mujeres; en Canadá, por ejemplo, representa la prevención al abuso sexual. En otros países las mujeres traen un silbato en sus llaveros por seguridad. En España, por e... (read more)

Author: Ash Ley

156. El silbato, un antiguo pero efectivo método de prevención
May 30, 2016

Para muchos una broma, para otros una excelente medida de prevención; el silbato ha sido implementado como una medida para alertar sobre alguna amenaza. Si alguien ve a una persona que está cometiendo un ilícito como, por ejemplo, el robo en una casa o a una persona, o quizá algo más grave como un intento de secuestro o una posible violación, el silbato ha sido utilizado para dar aviso y lograr que la ayuda llegue a tiempo, haciendo que alguien dé aviso a las autoridades o que entre los mismos vecinos apoyen a la víctima. Como medida para prevención del delito y autocuidado del ciuda... (read more)

Author: Ash Ley

157. Mr. Trump, Why are you hiding Your Tax Returns?
May 19, 2016

Honestly, why does anyone have to ask this question? Since it is not a law, but only a tradition that presidential candidates open their tax records to the public, why has Donald Trump refused to show his records to the world? He is breeding suspicion and controversy. While it is true that some internet sites feed us questions galore and attempt to pass it off as news – this one is begging for an answer. Donald Trump entered the great “Birther Controversy” with great fervor and some think that it was his interest in the matter that forced Barack Obama to produce his birth certificat... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

158. The G.O.P.'s Position on Abortion Punishment Will Make Your Head Explode!
May 19, 2016

Sean Erenstoft issues his comments on the latest G.O.P. posture about punishing women for exercising their rights about family planning. Just this week, Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan said he hopes Republican voters trust Trump instead of himself to lead the party. Responding to a question asking if he thinks Trump is the new leader of the GOP, Ryan responded, “Good Lord, I hope it is, because the person who is getting the nomination is the person to lead our party.” However, Trump is on his fourth iteration on his view about abortion from having claimed the matter to be settled law, t... (read more)

Author: Smith Lara

159. North Carolina Government to Inspect Genitals Pursuant to Errant Bathroom Law
May 19, 2016

I have waited a week before blogging about North Carolina's continuing foray into discrimination. . . this time against gender discrimination. This article by Robert A. Sedler sums up my position. At the outset, my readers should be reminded that the North Carolina legislature can point to no significant incidence of bathroom assaults to justify this emergency legislation. Instead, like the curtailment of voting rights aimed against poor minorities, this law seeks to disenfranchise yet another facet of our culture. This time it's the transgender community. We live under a constitution... (read more)

Author: Smith Lara

160. Mr. Trump: The Glory that was Rome is of Another Day
May 11, 2016

Mr. Trump has promised that he will “make America great again.” It is a promise that Trump no doubt believes and it is relatively safe to think that he will endeavor to keep. After a half century of involvement in eschatology, prophecy and the decline of our nation I must emphatically state the Mr. Trump is a day late and a dollar short. The worst of our decline has taken place in the last forty years and the levels to which we have sunk cannot be properly assuaged or coaxed back to our best days even by a multi-billionaire. Now, Mr. Trump has become America’s entire new Ross Perot c... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

161. America: Why are we Shunning our Messengers and Blocking our Ears?
May 02, 2016

When nations are in decline they all tend to follow the same path. They place their hope in a new leader who says all the right things and in a desperate attempt to clean up the mess the citizens have made, he or she is placed on the top of the rubble and expected to lead us out of the shambles. Mao promised that he would give China what the old dynasties could never produce; they got communism. Mussolini promised Italians a return to the glory of Rome; they got subservience to Germany followed by humiliating defeat. Hitler promised a renewed and “Great Germany” that would rule ... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

162. Hoarding Cleanup Help When You Need It
April 27, 2016

Contrary to popular, the intentions of a hoarder are usually thoughtful and positive; people who struggle with hoarding are normally trying to save up things that they consider useful for themselves and the people they care about just in case they are needed. However, trouble comes when the hoarding behavior gets out of control. Hoarding is actually an obsessive compulsive disorder that is characterized by the extreme difficulty to discard or part with possessions and intense desire to save them. Hoarding cleaning is the best way to deal with the problem because if such items are left to accum... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

163. Trump OK with Men in Women's Bathrooms - Wants to be President?
April 25, 2016

In a video entitled “Trump Surrenders to 'LGBT' Bathroom Nonsense” Donald Trump is heard saying “He is fine with those who identify as the opposite sex using the restroom of their choice.” Is this is the man millions of followers are clamoring to give the GOP nomination to? Is this great confusion in Trump’s mind about genders a preview of what he means by the promise to “Make America great again?” Trump’s choice of ideas is about as stable and promising as his choice of words concerning just about everything and every person, especially those who oppose him. From the “Evan... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

164. Biohazard Waste Disposal 101
April 22, 2016

Even though hazardous waste presents itself in many forms, the process of bio hazard cleaning and waste disposal is still the same one; it is imperative that all manner hazardous waste is handled carefully and only by a trained and certified bio hazard cleaning expert. Trained hazardous contamination experts have the wherewithal to appropriately remove and dispose of the hazardous waste so that no one gets mistakenly exposed to disease and infection. There are strict standards and regulations regarding the removal, transportation and disposal of all hazardous waste the must be followed to the ... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

165. Donald Trump's Actual Net Worth is slightly over $160.00
April 22, 2016

As a child we were told that the actual worth of our bodies was about $4.50. Accounting for inflation and price rises over half a century we are all now worth about $160.00 depending on our weight. Donald Trump’s claim that he is worth over ten billion dollars works just fine in the minds of those to whom the American Dream is calculated in dollars. Hero worship is a base compunction among those who could not spot character and other redeeming qualities without changing the premise of their world view. In the realm of Christian apologetics and sound theology, a world view is a suprem... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

166. America's Ever Increasing Capacity for Delusion
April 11, 2016

The Bible plainly teaches that one of the characteristics of the end of this age is that people will develop a capacity for delusion rather than the truth. – Rev Billy Graham - From Billy Graham: Delusion or Deliverance? Delusions are cropping up faster than weeds in what was once one of the finest gardens the world has ever known – the United States of America. But why? It would be all too easy to say what this writer believes with every molecule in my body – we are approaching the very last of the last days as we know them. Before the reader flees away mumbling something about thos... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

167. Trump Takes but Gives Nothing Back to America - Three Clear Examples
March 31, 2016

It goes without saying that any contributions to democrats and especially those who support false marriage and abortion do not count as serious philanthropy or benevolent giving. Since Donald Trump has given to those who back these kinds of things we will not include them for obvious reasons. The list is larger than all that is included here, but it is these three things that clearly show that Donald is a taker and has felt it is his right to avail himself of other people’s money, property and goods. We can’t be sure where Trump got his definition of “greatness” but in most circles t... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

168. Suicide Victims Support Services
March 25, 2016

Anyone who has lost a friend or family member through suicide knows the kind of deep and complex emotions that can negatively impact the grieving process. Suicide bereavement is totally different from several other forms of grief; this is the reason why survivors have to get all manner of help in order to go through to go process smoothly. There are many ways of honoring the victim who was definitely their loved one; even though healing takes many years, there is a need for support from the time suicide cleaning takes place as they try to remediate the place where the incident took place. ... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

169. Statesman or Phenom - America Clamors for a King
March 25, 2016

I saw the danger and I passed along the enchanted way And I said let grief, be as a fallen leaf, at the dawning of the day – Patrick Kavanagh Irish Poet Paddy Kavanagh was making reference to a lovely dark haired woman when he penned this line from the much loved ballad entitled “On Raglin Road.” But the essence of this line can easily be applied to the political scene in America today. Before Obama took office and continuously thereafter this writer penned almost sixty articles of warning about the foolhardiness of choosing Barack. Similarly, writers on my website wrote a whoppin... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

170. The World Of Crime Scene Cleaners
March 24, 2016

If you ever encountered a wall or floor that is filled with blood and other bodily fluids as a result of a violent crime or a dead body that is already beginning to decompose, you know that it is a deadly nauseous feeling that you will get. However, these are the things that crime scene cleanup technicians have to deal with every single day in their line of duty. Crime scene clean-up is considered one of the most dangerous jobs because the technicians handle dangerous stuff all the time. The effects of suicide, homicide, anthrax or methamphetamine contaminants are considered harmful elements; ... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

171. Trump Rally Comes Dangerously Close to Trump Riot - Anger breeds more anger
March 14, 2016

Chicago 3/11/2016 - Trump supporters sent home because over ten thousand protesters call him a hater and a racist. The cancelled Trump rally is a testament against the decayed and pitiful state of the American political process. Trump decried the loss of his “freedom of speech” but refused to take any responsibility for the mis-use of his own first amendment rights. Previously protestors at Trump’s rallies were physically ejected and some were punched in the face as they were escorted out. That scene closely followed Trump’s declaration that he wanted to punch some protestors in the ... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

172. Why Neither Riches Nor Rich Men - Can Save America
March 11, 2016

It is hard to imagine why anyone who sees the trend toward Donald Trump for president would stand in the road and say “wrong way.” Why put up with the screaming, the insults, and the friction of going against the mob? For those who have looked at other candidates and carefully weighed their records and their rhetoric and concluded that someone like Ted Cruz would steady the nation after eight years of the most unstable, unconstitutional president in our history, it is clear by their learned choice that “wisdom is justified of all her children.” (Lk 7: 35) But the crowds have made it ... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

173. National Tour Of Gay and Lesbian Wedding Expo
March 09, 2016

National Tour Of Gay and Lesbian Wedding Expos Returns for the 8th Annual Event In Chicago March 20, 2016 at the Hard Rock Hotel. Produced by our friends at Instrumental for helping the LGBTQ Same Love Same Rights movement in Chicago since 2008! The popular wedding show is noted for it’s amazing exhibitor lineup and free raffle giveaways featuring a garden wedding package & overnight stay sponsored by Gay Wedding Chicago Site, Pine Manor and Rev. Pam. One lucky expo bride or groom-to-be will win at the show. FREE TO ATTEND by your RSVP here (read more)

Author: PAMagnuson PineManor401 (dot) com

March 01, 2016

IMMIGRATION AND CULTURE CONFLICT. From a paper by the author for the BWW Biblioteque Worldwide Global Peace Organisation. as ORGANIC MULTICULTURISM AND IMPORTED, UNCLASSIFIED DISRUPTIVE INFLUENCES. Multiculturism is a broad concept that taken out of context falls apart as far as meaning is concerned. It is assumed that anything that evolves towards bigger and better, provided it keeps its balance, is a positive move in the right direction towards global unity. Unfortunately this is not the case. Bigger and better, is an economic rather than social term which reflects on th... (read more)

Author: michael mifsud

175. Trump Betrays Israel - Christian support of Trump is now direct defiance against God
February 27, 2016

Trump Betrays Israel – Christian support of Trump is now direct defiance against God “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” – Genesis 12: 3 As a nation we have crossed the line with the continuation of abortion genocide that has produced death to unborn human beings to the tune of 55 million. Following that, we added ‘same sex marriage’ to the list of insults to God and man. What’s left? In fact, America has only one insult remaining before God will pull his hand of protection from us comp... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

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