Vancouver, B.C. (PRWEB) May 14, 2012 Prestige Marketing Inc., an experienced provider of marketingsolutions for the Information Age, has released a new infographicentitled "Online Marketing in 2012: What You Need to Know."Infographics are a key way to communicate information effectivelyand in as little time as possible. The importance of infographics Most webmasters and internet researchers are aware that the way inwhich people read on the internet is quite different from the waythey read a novel. Consumers in search of information do not somuch read online as skim. They scan a webpage in its entirety,often using the scroll bar to get an overall feel for the wholepage before reading any section. During this scanning process, they pay particular attention toheadings, titles, bulleted lists, and images. While relevant imagescan be helpful to most websites, the infographic is a step above.Infographics are specialized images that combine text and visualelements to paint a picture that users can grasp almostimmediately. Online research has determined that many users willpay more attention to an infographic than to text paragraphscontaining the same information. Prestige Marketing understandsthat some website visitors will not read lengthy sections of textat all. To communicate marketing information to these individualsrequires the use of infographics and other strategies involvingvisual elements. Prestige understands online marketing Prestige has vast expertise in the area of online marketing and haschosen to use their new infographic to illustrate key points thatbusinesses in the Internet Age should understand. Ecommerce is anever-changing market. This means that businesses hoping to keep upwith ever-changing trends need to understand them first. One key point brought out in Prestige's new infographic is the factthat during 2011 searches conducted by mobile devices increasedfourfold. This trend is expected to continue to build as more andmore Americans and Canadians begin to use their cell phones andtablet computers as e-commerce devices. Any online marketingstrategy should also include elements of a mobile marketingstrategy so that users searching for products via their mobiledevices can receive content optimized for small screens. Few thingsturn a potential mobile customer away quicker than an inability tomake sense of a webpage as displayed on his or her device. The infographic released by Prestige also illustrates how almostthree-fourths of those participating in social networking alsoconsume products and services sold online. In fact, e-commerceretailers are finding that more than half of their visits occurwhen users are logged onto social networking sites. Businesses interested in more information about online marketingand the use of infographics can connect with Prestige MarketingInc. via email at: info(at)prestigemarketing(dot)ca;or via thecompanys website at: . Read the full story at releases/2012/5/prweb9432660.htm . We are high quality suppliers, our products such as Silly Rubber Band , China Silicone Wristband Watch for oversee buyer. To know more, please visits Silicone Kitchenware.
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