Salma Hayek is not like most actresses in Hollywood -- or girls worldwide, for that matter -- who evaluates each and every morsel she puts in her mouth. The truth is, the Mexican-born mom happily indulges, boasting that she pushes "the limit of chubbiness all the time." "I'm not a skinny girl," the "Savages" star, 46, admits in the October challenge of A lot more magazine, on newsstands now. "Everybody includes a weakness -- mine is meals. When you enjoy meals and also you love red wine and they place you in France, you are in a excellent spot and also you within a poor spot at the similar time." Photographs: Salma as a film stripper! To let herself to indulge guilt-free, Hayek, married to 4-year-old daughter Valentina's dad Francois-Henri Pinault, measures around the scale daily. "You need to weigh your self every single day, and also you need to have an alarm number. When you get to that number, you will need to start off placing it in reverse," said Hayek, who keeps her figure in check by dieting more so than exercise. "I don't have stamina in exercise . but I have it in life." Pictures: Adorable Valentina and also other pampered Hollywood tots Hayek told Far more her husband Pinault -- the French CEO of luxury-brands firm PPR, which handles Gucci and Balenciaga -- keeps her motivated to maintain an eye around the scale. "I assume if I was not in enjoy, I'd almost certainly let myself go more rapidly. Enjoy provides me the vanity to continue. I am not necessarily vain, but when I gained 50-something pounds in the pregnancy, it did anything to me. "Of course, I can show you a text that would surprise you," Hayek told More's interviewer in the course of their chat. "I can show you a thousand points. But I'm not going to." Extra in Today Entertainment: Singer Andy Williams dies at 84 after battle with cancer Holy cow! Artist creates dazzling celebrity portraits with hole-punch dots Lady Gaga poses in underwear, says she's battled bulimia and anorexia since age 15 Explore associated subjects: salma-hayek, featured Browsefeatured, featured, films, movies, celebrities, celebrities, music, music, tv, television, oscars, oscars, whitney-houston, whitney-houston, justin-bieber, justin-bieber, lindsay-lohan, lindsay-lohan, babies, babies, on-the-show, on-the-show, rihanna, rihanna, beyonce, beyonce, chris-brown, chris-brown, awards-shows, awards-shows, style, style, brad-pitt, brad-pitt, kim-kardashian, kim-kardashian, viral-videos, viral-videos, academy-awards, academy-awards, tom-cruise, tom-cruise, golden-globes, golden-globes, deaths, deaths, adele, adele, madonna, madonna, arts, arts, kristen-stewart, kristen-stewart, angelina-jolie, angelina-jolieIf you like balenciaga please Visit our buy balenciaga online! Happy shopping!
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