Hemorrhoids or piles are painful inflamed and abnormally enlarged veins of the rectal and area. This disease is common amongst people of middle age groups and it is also very common amongst pregnant women. The very mild form of the disease sometimes resolves spontaneously without any form of treatment but the more severe forms of the disease will require some form of external treatment. To treat hemorrhoids effectively, these following five methods are highly recommended: 1. The use of warm sitz bath is encouraged for those experiencing the symptoms of pain and discomfort. You will sit in the warm bath water for about 20 minutes 3 - 4 times in a day, this gives a soothing effect and gives prompt but transient relief of symptoms. 2. You have to reduce the incidence of constipation by consuming more of high fiber foods and taking in lots of water and fluids. These measures will make your stools lighter and they will reduce straining during defecation. 3. You can make use of herbs and plant roots. These herbs could either be directly applied on the swelling or they could be taken orally in the form of liquid preparations. Examples of herbs that can be used to treat piles include aloe vera either in its natural or commercial pre-packaged form. Another pile herbal treatment is the use of rose hip which shrinks the swollen veins and also strengthens the body generally. The H Miracle natural package also gives detailed information about some Chinese herbs that can give a permanent cure of the symptoms, these Chinese herbs are easily at your local groceries. 5. The use of surgery should be your final option of last resort after the use of other simpler methods have failed to give you the deserve result. Surgery could either being form of simple surgical procedures or more complex surgery. The commonest simple surgical treatment is the banding treatment whereby elastic bands are used to "tie" the base of the swollen blood vessels. Other simple surgical treatments are injection of a chemical agent called sclerosant into the base of the pile blood vessels to "dry up" the pile vessels, and photocoagulation which involves the use of special light rays to "burn" off the inflamed blood vessels. The main type of complex surgical hemorrhoids treatment is hemorrhoidectomy. All these surgical treatments have their potential side effects like pain, urinary problems, severe loss of blood etc. so they should only be used as last resort. If properly applied, most hemorrhoids will be cured by natural simple remedies for piles. So you should visit http://www.hemorrhoids-solution.blogspot.com to discover more of the best home remedies for piles. In conclusion click here to read a free book on hemorrhoid treatment at home.
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