With the popularity of LASIK procedure, you have a number of clinics in the town that claim the best quality treatment and precise results. Though the treatment is very effective in treating a variety of vision related problems, it is important to know about the possible Lasik treatment complexities. Doctors take utmost precaution to make it flawless, but there is always possibility of complication. Three problems are complained by many patients: Infection If patients follow the hygiene instructions properly, then the possibility of infection is quite less. Hence, patients must listen to the pre and post operation instructions. Good hospitals offer good treatment and less Lasik treatment complexities. Wear LASIK goggles after the surgery. It is a good practice indeed if you want a speedy and trouble-free recovery. It prevents rubbing or scratching of the eyes while you are sleeping. You can use them overnight without any trouble. Wearing goggles for at three weeks after surgery is advisable. Don’t go into swimming pools, sauna baths or hot tubs for six months. There is a high risk of getting eye infection there. Sensitivity to the light Many patients complain about the high sensitivity of light after the LASIK surgery. LASIK surgery creates a flap called Epithelium in the outermost layer of the cornea. The flap is lifted gently and Laser beams used for reshaping the cornea. Thus, the passage gets altered and the light rays focus on the cornea correctly. In the process there is a possibility of damaging the light-sensitive tissues located on the backside of the eye. When eyes undergo the recovery, several changes happen in the eyes. They are called adjustments. During this time, eyes become highly sensitive to brightness. The problem remains for a few weeks to a few months, depending on the damage. The condition of the patient determines the speed of recovery. Pain LASIK is a painless, safe and fast method of vision correction. Therefore, it is preferred by the majority of the patients. However, many people complain pain after the surgery. It is quite manageable, and tolerable. Normal post-operative care reduces the pain. Doctors prescribe painkillers to tackle the issue. As the wounds get healed, pain also reduces. Patients should be aware of the possible Lasik treatment complexities that may occur after the surgery. When they have a fair idea about it, the element of shock gets reduced. LASIK is a good treatment method amongst all. These days lots of senior citizen in India are facing vision problem, go for the best Lasik treatment in Bangalore and avoid wearing glasses.
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