Alzheimer Disease or AD is a disorder which affects the behavioral and cognitive impairment. Since it is a neurodegenerative disorder, the impact on occupational and social functioning becomes apparent after some time. It is a disease that progresses slowly over the years. By the time you take the patient to a top neurologist in Bangalore, a lot of damage has already happened. What causes Alzheimer Disease? In our brain, there is a structure deep inside which encodes and stores memories known as hippocampus. Other than it, the cerebral cortex is the area that makes decisions and controls the thinking process. When plaques developed in the hippocampus, symptoms of the disease come to the surface. It is still not known whether the plaques cause Alzheimer or increase it further? How do you identify the disease? Since the patient appears absolutely normal as far as physical parameters are concerned, it is difficult to spot the disease in the preclinical stage. Physical and mental status tests are carried to determine its presence. Parts of the brain start getting affected years before the first signs and symptoms appear. Typical symptoms are: • Loss of memory • Confusion about familiar places (home, housing society or town) • Taking longer time than normal to accomplish tasks • Trouble in calculation, paying bills and handling money • Difficulty in decision-making • Loss of spontaneity • Anxiety, mood swings, change in the personality A series of tests is conducted by the top neurologist in Bangalore when you consult for the treatment of Alzheimer Disease. How does it affect our life? There are multifaceted impacts of this problem. In the majority of cases, it begins with repeated occurrence of shortened attention span. After some time, there is a problem in recognizing family members and friends. Language problems, trouble in reading and writing, and working with numbers are other prominent symptoms. The patient finds it difficult to think logically and unable to organize thoughts. In the later stage, it becomes difficult to learn new things and cope up with unexpected problems. Repetitive movements or statements, tearfulness are other prominent signs. In the severe stage, patients can’t recognize family members and can’t communicate effectively. They become totally dependent, and all sense of self completely disappears. The top neurologist in Bangalore can slow down the progression of the disease but can’t stop it completely. Early diagnosis keeps it under control and patients can live a normal life for quite some time. Consult the top neurologist in Bangalore, if you are suffering from loss of memory, anxiety, mood swings, and other health disorder.
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