Lane Garrison, formerly of Prison Break, will now be spending more time behind real prison bars after an incident which happened way back in December of 2006. In that incident, the 26-year-old actor apparently offered a ride to two 15-year-old girls and a 17-year-old boy named Vahagn Setian. They were driving around (at the speed of 50 KMpH) looking for alcohol (with Garrison behind the wheel) when his 2001 Land Rover SUV drove over the curb and hit a tree. Setian was instantly killed while one of the two girls went into a critical condition. Police reported that Garrison had been drunk and was dosed with cocaine. On May 21, 2007, Garrison pleaded guilty to the charges in the Supreme Court. His attorney, Harland Braun said, "He realize[d] that he has to step up and take responsibility for what he did." Braun added in a conversation with People, "What's unusual in this society is [Garrison] is admitting full responsibility – that's a breath of fresh air." Garrison, who was charged with vehicular manslaughter, finally faced his sentence from Judge Elden Fox, who said, "I think [Lane Garrison is] ultimately a decent human being who made a very bad mistake...[and] that crime resulted in the devastation to at least three different families." The possibility of spending over six years in jail was big, but the judge recognized Garrison's sincerity in accepting his mistakes and being regretful about it. Although having spent 90 days in jail, he still faces his 40-month sentence without any complaints from his legal team. Moreover, they have no plans of appealing the sentence. Garrison did, however, get credit for his previous 90 days and may be getting a few months off his sentence for good behavior. Moreover, his lawyers were consistent with his intentions of not fighting the charges and being sincere in serving his sentence. Despite being a Hollywood star, he intends to serve his time with dignity, after accepting and realizing his grave mistakes. For more resources about Prison Break or for the full story of Prison Break: Lane Garrison Gets 40 Months in Jail please review
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