You know, as I grow older I seem to have less and less tolerance for the indiscriminate slinging of pure, unadulterated bullshit. Trouble is I don’t know how much worse it is today compared to earlier in my lifetime on account o’ I happen to have an extra portion of cluelessness in my DNA; I'm by nature naïve. I catch on late. For years I believed anything a person (or publication) of authority told me. I was your basic “duh, gee whiz” type of duffass. Our fifth grade Weekly Reader opined that Juan and Eva Peron were absolutely wonderful people beloved by all in Argentina, and by extension, the USA. I believed it. I was told all priests and pastors were people of God and above dirty deeds, petty squabbling, and church politics. I believed it. The government school system taught me all politicians were titled as “honorable” because they were. I signed up for that too. Later in life I discovered the Perons were dirtbags, some of the clergy are worse than the worst of their “flock”, and the majority of politicians deceive and lie sometimes for no other reason than to keep in practice. However, my strong inkling is that mendacity is worse today by an order of magnitude, but not just because I’m more aware. I’m not denying the presence of bullshit in the past, but I am asserting that it is deeper, more steaming, and with a viler stench than ever. Our society is very polarized, and as individuals we support anything (no matter how misguided, stupid, and/or evil) as long as it fits our particular agenda. We discourage honest debate, choosing instead to turn a deaf ear to any opinion contrary to our own, and vilify and shout down those with whom we disagree. Civility has taken a hike. In earlier essays I’ve accused politicians of treating us like we’re idiots, and the painful truth is they’re spot on. We are painfully ignorant of what’s really going on, and too lazy to find out. Further, we’ve taught our young people anything is to be admired as long as it makes money. Well, that is, if money is made by athletes, agents, actors, politicians (our guys only), newscasters, and rap “artists” (cringe). If entrepreneurs and industrialists become wealthy they’re dirty sons o’ bitches. Another thing: Honesty in labeling is taboo. We cannot say what “is” in our oh-so-sensitive politically correct way of life. We’ve become a society of whining, helmet-wearing, limp-wristed sissies in a Nerf™ ball culture. When I was a kid we used to say things like: There’s a 1) white guy, or 2) black guy, or 3) fat lady as honest descriptions without rancor. No more. Now almost anything straight forward is offensive to somebody. Gay meant happy. Homosexuals were described as homos, fags, fairies, flamers, and/or fruits. Why is one word worse than another? It seems to me that homo is a better descriptor than gay. That’s what the person “is” with no acrimony intended. Gay has been hijacked. A grade school teacher attempted to make a Christmas chorus sing, “Don we now our BRIGHT apparel” until irate parents intervened. Sheesh! Let’s consider two levels of bullshit namely: the media circus surrounding the (gag) political candidate selection system, and the NFL playoffs. The Republican debates are the origin for the media making a big deal about how much Romney paid in taxes last year. Since he earned a helluva lot of money ($20 million give or take), and paid and effective tax rate of 15.4 percent, a Democrat congress member from Alabama took exception saying the average person (like herself) pays 28 percent; and dammit that’s just unfair, yada, yada, whine, bitch, moan… First, Romney did nothing illegal so if the congresswoman has a beef it should be with the federal government’s tax code, and maybe it is, but the implication was that Romney is a thief. Second, Romney also pays a 15 percent tithe of his GROSS income to his church much of which supports a relief fund. Third, to pay an effective tax rate of 28 percent, one must earn $500,000 to $1,000,000. Oddly, the CNN interviewer (Soledad something-or-other) let that pass without challenge. Obvious question: Is the “honorable” congresswoman suggesting that’s the national earnings average? For sure we know what she earned—if she’s telling the truth (which is always a leap in faith with any politician). Here’s more: 87 percent of US citizens pay less than 15 percent including 48 percent who pay no taxes at all. During the 2004 elections it came to light that Kerry (with his wife’s immense wealth) paid 13.1 percent. Hmmm, I wonder why that wasn’t a big deal? Last year Gingrich paid 13.9 percent. I’m not a Romney fan, but I could be if he would simply tell the blackguards it’s none of their freaking business and flip ‘em off. The whole mess is an attempt to create class warfare, so with that in mind, I’m throwing the bullshit flag. Still, the deception will probably work what with great numbers of distracted, disinterested (and therefore ignorant) voters not concerned with intellectual honesty. Now for the BFD football playoffs: The New England Patriots outlasted the Baltimore Ravens because 1) Lee Evans lost a sure touchdown pass that would have won the game for Balto, and 2) Billy Cundiff missed a chip shot field goal in the final second that would have put the game into overtime. Hey, shit happens. The New York Giants overcame the San Francisco 49ers because Frisco punt-returner Kyle Williams messed up two returns that resulted directly in ten NY points. The second fumble was cause-and-effect for the winning field goal in overtime. Disaster for one side and elation for the other. Evans was the cause that Baltimore did not win; and Cundiff cost the Ravens a second chance. Williams was the cause that the 49ers lost. Notice I used the word “cause” not “blame”. In a sensible society we should be allowed to say what “is” without inferring rancor. However, I hear radio talking heads and callers saying it wasn’t the players’ fault, after all, it takes the whole team to win or lose. What a simplistic worldview! If millionaire Evans makes the catch, the Ravens are in the NFL Championship game (I despise the label Super Bowl, which implies there wasn’t an NFL champion before 1967). For the 49ers, Williams “is” the reason they lost. No blame, no rancor, just “is”! For those mental giants who curse and threaten the three players for their mistakes; that’s just plain wrong. But keep in mind that pro football, like business, is pay-for-performance so there may be implications. But, threatening a young man and his family should not be any part of that. Think of it this way: If Evans made the catch and Williams ran the punt back for a touchdown they would have been said to have “won” the games. We would have been treated to braggadocio, chest-thumping, self-promotion by both players with announcers asking both how it felt to “win” the game. Numerous magazine and newspaper articles would have been written about their individual heroics. What “is” goes both ways. Copyright 2012 by Gene Myers. Order AFTER HOURS: ADVENTURES OF AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSMAN ($9.99) and SONGS FROM LATTYS GROVE ($12.95) from Amazon Kindle.
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bullshit, labeling, media, Romney, taxes, class warfare, football playoffs, ,