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I am an essay writer with vast experience in data analysis, PowerPoint writing and research paper ed...more

I am a passionate article and blog writer based in South Africa. With a love for life and a strong d...more

The venture glorifies your life with the essence of sumptuous features that carries you in the world...more

Sunny Nash is the award-winning American author of Bigmama Didn’t Shop At Woolworth’s, recognized by...more

A.J.Pipkin is a UK based home appliance and gadget fan and reviewer of quality headphones, specialis...more

Author: Daniel Brooks

Company: Gud Ideas

Region: United Kingdom


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Marketing and SEO consultant in the UK, working with many business owners to create educational articles ready for publishing on the internet.

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 Articles by Daniel Brooks 
41. Fet rid of damp in house
May 03, 2017

Its a well known fact that sodden can bring about a ton of issues and it can happen anyplace for an assortment of reasons. Soggy sealing isn't as troublesome as it sounds, with 20 years as an independently employed painter and decorator I have seen a lot of clammy.

There are an assortment o...

42. Are water warming appliances actually any good?
May 03, 2017

Water warmers might be more impervious to issues than HVAC frameworks, yet they're not absolutely safe. A wide range of issues can torment water radiators, a large portion of which don't emit evident cautioning signs when they initially begin. The principal sign that you may see that something isn't...

43. Property to consider for Iranian Investors
May 03, 2017

The standard in Iran for esteeming any land is by area and meterage of that area so for any individual attempting to perceive what the market is for purchasing or leasing, all you need is to take a gander at a specific zone and there are a lot of methods for cross checking and checking whether the c...

44. Easy ways that you can use to sell your car faster
April 27, 2017

An auto is one of the greatest budgetary ventures that a considerable lot of us will make and it can be an essential piece of ordinary travel. Be that as it may, there may come a period where you and your cherished engine should go separate ways. You may want to move up to a more up to date as well ...

45. Toy car repairs and maintenance - some useful advice
April 27, 2017

Why purchase a fresh out of the box new ride on auto when you can get your broken one repaired for a small amount of the cost!

All children adore ride on autos and we know the amount they loathe it when something brakes on them. We additionally know how much guardians abhor seeing their chi...

46. Advice for cleaning and maintaining your car for the Spring months
April 27, 2017

Clean Your Vehicle From Back to front

The least complex and a standout amongst the most critical things to recollect is you should keep your auto clean. Your vehicle may have some salt and sand on its body, as this blend is utilized to expel ice from streets amid winter season. If not expel...

47. Entertainment is a universal currency
April 27, 2017

Celia's experience in vacationer excitement began 13 years prior, in Tarragona in the wake of going to a movement course. Presently, she's the group pioneer at one of the best resorts in Spain: Inn Barceló Punta Umbría Shoreline Resort.

Glorious artist and artist (she sings live in the show...

48. Self employed meeting room alternatives
April 27, 2017

Plant workplaces, studios and structures by Gembuild are actually an extremely 'green', eco-accommodating, decision. Eco-accommodating patio nursery workplaces, studios, houses and buildingsThe principle development components are carbon nonpartisan in light of the fact that the timber utilized is t...

49. Deciding on getting a new installation laptop
April 27, 2017

At the point when individuals are chasing for another portable PC, you are constantly left asking yourself what the best PC is. Shockingly, there is not obvious response to this question. Be that as it may, here are ten things to take a gander at when you are looking for another portable workstation...

50. Driving for large trucks and factors
April 27, 2017

Headrests of present day autos are tallness flexible and are done with same materials as seat. Headrests are particularly intended to work with safety belts. They are intended to keep the head from snapping in reverse and bringing on whiplash, so diminishing the odds of lethal neck wounds amid misha...

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Stevert Mckenzie, Travel Enthusiast. ...more

Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to your p...more

At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

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