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251. Keep Yourself Updated to Level Up Your Upholstery Cleaning Knowledge on Sticky Sauce Stains
August 13, 2015

Make sure you blot. Never rub a stain into fabric; it will embed the stain into the material, making it harder to remove. Not easy but you need to try. Blot spills immediately with a clean, white cloth, and then clean the spot as quickly as you can. The more time that elapses, the more difficult it will be to remove stains. Although sauces compliments your fave food, it doesn't enhance upholstery. Eating tomato sauce while lounging on furniture makes upholstery vulnerable to red sauce stains. Tomato sauce permeates upholstery and eventually dries, leaving furniture blemished with crusty, ... (read more)

Author: Theresa Flores

252. Killing children for ‘research' or to save the life of another? - The Morality of Jackals
August 08, 2015

The Jackal is in the dog family (Canis Aureus) and is a ravenous medium sized canine that scavenges and is capable of eating just about anything. In a “Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide” to one of the latest modernistic video games is a definition for those who call themselves the Jackals. It is like a page taken out of today’s moral scene in the once great United States of America. To wit: “The Jackals are no more than a handful of scarred and tattooed reprobates, scraping out a living by preying on anything weaker than them.” This definition can be transferred to the abo... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

253. Form 2290- The Application To File Heavy Vehicle Used Tax
August 06, 2015

Today, at our article space, we are going to address few of the questions raised by the taxpayer. They are indeed the common question asked, but there are people who are new to filing. So let’s get started. Heavy Vehicle Used Tax is the tax paid directly to the government based on certain criteria's and we shall discuss those in today’s article. What Is Form 2290 And It’s Purpose? Form 2290 is an application to file Heavy Vehicle Used Tax. This tax is calculated based upon the weight carried by a truck on a public highway. As it is believed that these heavy vehicles cause most of t... (read more)

Author: Flora Anderson

254. Vehicles Filed Through Form 2290
August 05, 2015

So today at our article space, we are going to talk about the various types of vehicles filed through form 2290. We all know vehicles that weight more than 55,000 pounds are categorized as taxable vehicles. However, there are few other type of vehicles, we will be discussing at this space today. Taxable Vehicles: These vehicles weigh more than 55,000 pounds are counted as taxable vehicles. It is so believed, these vehicles cause most of the damage due to the weight carried. The tax paid through the form is directly contributed in the maintenance of the highway. Suspended Vehicl... (read more)

Author: Flora Anderson

255. Pay Your Dues Through The Following Methodologies
August 05, 2015

Each time you bring a new vehicle on road, you are liable to pay tax right after the second month of use. Assuming, you have bought your vehicle in the month of April, you are liable to report and pay form 2290 through paper filing or efiling, you need to pay tax by the end of May without fail or penalties would come along your tax filing. However, if the due dates fall on the weekend, the last date of filing would be eventually moved to the next business day, and the tax should be filed by then. It also means, the taxpayers do have grace time to file and report tax. Today, we are going t... (read more)

Author: Flora Anderson

256. No More Complications With Tax Calculations
August 05, 2015

So truckers, are you ready with your documents to file your tax return for the year 2015-16? You have very less time in hand to get things in place. It is always better to file beforehand than waiting for the last minute clock ticking over our head. Of course, you can even paper file your tax return, however, there is one advantage, which will bring you back to efiling. Tax calculations is the one such feature you will not be able to resist your fingers from the keyboard to touch the pen and file it manually. And when you efile your tax return, you receive your schedule 1 copy in minutes... (read more)

Author: Flora Anderson

257. Satanic Statue Comes to Detroit - Is There No Price to Pay?
August 01, 2015

After a long reign ,as the auto capital of the world, the beleaguered city of Detroit was last seen (2012) asking President Obama to bail them out since over 75 percent of them pulled the levers to get him re-elected to office. Now the city has become the host of Satan’s statue complete with two adoring, admiring and worshipping children as part of the display. On July 25, 2015 the city plunged to a new low as city leaders decided to allow the unveiling of the one ton statue of Satan (Baphomet) to be unveiled by the “Satanic Temple” after being rejected by the State of Oklahoma. Foll... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

258. IT contractor pay rates slashed by BNP Paribas.
July 10, 2015

Contractor Accountants London will be feeling the pinch or walking away in response to a 'take it or leave it' cut in their pay that is set to be enforced by BNP Paribas from early July. The French bank informed all of its temporary IT workers that they would need to work for less money or accept the termination of their contracts. The lowering of pay by at least 4% is said to have "practically wiped out" some teams of IT contractors in Paris, where the bank's headquarters are situated. A BNP spokesman said to the ContractorUK website - which reported the story - that "external market co... (read more)

Author: Smith Lara

259. Suicide Cleanup Support is Essential
July 07, 2015

People who lose family members of close friends to suicide normally get to deal with some deep and complicated emotions that can greatly impact the grieving process. Suicide bereavement is completely different from the other forms of grief which makes it quite important that the parties involved get connected with persons who understand just what they are going through. The healing process could take a long time and support from others is necessary so as to make the process easier. In most cases suicides are unexpected and the family members are usually left with numb feelings not kno... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

260. Supreme Court Greenlights Perverted Marriage - A Dark Day for America
June 27, 2015

Today June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court announced their ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges and decided that sodomites can now legally marry in all 50 states. The homosexuals are trumpeting victory, but thousands of Bible believing Christians and their respective pastors and church leaders are crying foul and have vowed to defy any attempt to make them complicit in the act of performing a “homosexual marriage.” Two of the Supreme Court Justices refused to recuse themselves even after they openly displayed their biases and preferences before the decision was handed down. They have broken t... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

261. There is Plenty of Money to Save Our Economy
June 25, 2015

There is plenty of Money to Save our Economy As our government is technically bankrupt because of its debt, there is still a lot of money to be used to overcome the potentially disastrous path we are on. The only reason the country hasn’t gone bankrupt is because the President continues to print Trillions of dollars and borrow money to pay the bills. Anyone who has any financial sense at all knows that is a path to bankruptcy. We will soon be $20 Trillion in debt. You only go into debt if you spend money. That means that $20 Trillion went into somebody’s pocket. It wasn’t mine, and it mo... (read more)

Author: Brian Reck

262. Big Government vs Small Government: Does it Really Matter
June 24, 2015

Big Government vs Small Government: Does it Matter? There is little doubt that the direction this country is headed is one of socialism. Democrats are not the democrats of John F. Kennedy’s day. Nor are they the party of the working man or the poor. They are the party of government control. Having said that, the Republicans used to be the party of small government, but President George W. Bush doubled the amount of government under his leadership. They used to also be known as the party of the wealthy and received most of their money from the big business. Now HIllary Clinton and Presiden... (read more)

Author: Brian Reck

263. Tax Reform: Not a Possibility
June 24, 2015

We have heard politicians talk about tax reform for at least 20 years. The people love to hear about how their taxes will be simplified or cut. We hear how a flat tax will be simple and more fair. We now have presidential candidates saying we should abolish the IRS. It all sounds good, but nothing ever changes. So why doesn’t it? Let me start with an example. In 2005 California experimented with a tax return (ReadyReturn) that was like a credit card bill. The information the state had was already filled out (because they have all your W2s) and then it was sent to the tax payer to ap... (read more)

Author: Brian Reck

264. Save Our Country: Real Change
June 24, 2015

With the barriers that exist, the Democrats and Republicans do not have the ability to bring about real change. Although there are many who want to, they simply cannot bring Real Change. Because of the partisan politics and the influence of "big money," they are locked into a system in which they have no power or ability to escape. They can't fix the problem because they are the problem. Real change cannot come from using the same philosophy that was used to create the problem. We have a broken system that must be fixed before we can make any progress. It is like sitting in a broken down ... (read more)

Author: Brian Reck

265. Spiritually Dumbed Down - Can't See Judgement Coming
June 18, 2015

In the past week we watched Jeb Bush and then Donald Trump join the ever burgeoning melee of Republicans who have declared to run for the presidency. Both speeches were colored with promises and bold statements about America’s recovery. But little time was spent on the so called ‘social issues’ which of course are same sex marriage and abortion. The term ‘social issues’ is without doubt a misnomer and a rather cowardly and slippery means of putting the nation’s gross slide into everything fleshy and prurient on the back burner. The slide to pure perversion is seen as a social trend and in... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

266. On-air - in style!
June 06, 2015

Compiled by Team IAnD Photography: Hufton + Crow; courtesy the architects Veech x Veech designs one of the world’s most advanced production studios for Al Jazeera in the iconic Shard skyscraper in London... Mascha Veech-Kosmatschof and Stuart Veech of Vienna-based multidisciplinary architecture firm Veech x Veech - leaders in creating three-dimensional branded environments - have created a pre-eminent broadcast production facility, with a multi-purpose newsroom and revolutionary studio for Al Jazeera Media Network’s (AJMN) new UK headquarters. The design breaks the mould of the ‘bla... (read more)

Author: Team IAnD

267. Higher Education in New Delhi
June 02, 2015

The directorate of higher education set up in the year, 1997. The independent responsibilities were given to looking after the college branch. The location of the directorate of higher education is B wing, 5 Sham nath marg, Government of NCT (National Capital Territory) of Delhi, Delhi. In 1998, the Government of Delhi was established the administrative department for GGSIPU (Guru Gobind Sing Indraprastha University). The wide range of specialization like commerce, medical, engineering, paramedical, arts, foreign language, computer science and communication, technology, humanities, nur... (read more)

Author: Maha Lakshmi

268. High Court to Push America into Final Reprobation? - Time is Not on Our Side
June 01, 2015

Contrary to popular belief and the nonsense notions of low information fanciers of everything nascent and pop-culture in our society, Satan is not the guy doing parlor tricks at the local gathering of witches and warlocks. He is the god of this world and the arch deceiver of men on all levels, but especially of those in high places. He gives political power, wealth and fame to whoever he likes. Some receive it for a price, like the Hollywood sellouts that will do or say anything on screen for spectacular remuneration. He gives success to those who will espouse and promote anything contrar... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

269. 5 Futuristic Predictions That Are Impossible Because of Karma and Fate
May 25, 2015

The world is currently experiencing a technology boom and the future looks incredibly exciting. We believe technology and the overall standard of living will be exponentially more advanced, beyond your imagination, in the near future. However, many seemingly possible future life predictions won’t manifest due to the laws of fate and karma. Below we list seven. 1. Robotic and DNA engineers promise to create immortal humans. Simply go to your local DNA manipulation shop and free yourself from the restraints of the cycle of birth and death. Live forever, they say. This won’t happen bec... (read more)

Author: Scott Petullo

270. 5 Year Old Boy with a Lesson for the Entire World - And a Lingering Question
May 22, 2015

The news is rife with sad stories, tragedies and other matters not just hard to ingest, but hard just to watch. Like a shooting star or a beautiful sighting of the occasional firefly on a summer night, a story or clip will flash across the waves of the worst behaviors of mankind. It is these kinds of stories that spark the depths of the human heart, where, although deeply buried and desensitized, hope, kindness and the better nature of decent people resides. We may be brought to tears, inspired or re-warmed by the best things humans can do instead of the worst. The story begins in P... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

271. Three Trees - A Serious Warning to America
May 18, 2015

The First Tree - Erez Rabbi Jonathan Cahn author of ‘The Harbinger’ introduced the parallel between the prophecies of Isaiah and the raising of the Erez tree in place of the fallen Sycamore after the events of 9/11. In the spring of 2014 even the Erez tree was completely removed and Cahn has explained that this means that America is not just in decline, but is facing an impending judgment. Few would dare to argue with Cahn’s declaration due to the rapidly changing social climate in America. Pop-culture trends are quickly replacing old moral standards and what was once unmentionable i... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

272. Voting 4 Reasons Not To and 1 Reason To Vote
May 15, 2015

With the UK general election coming up in May and the USA having theirs in November next year here's a few things you need to know before voting. Like many towns when I was a kid our school was used as a polling station. Believing them to be true I can remember 3 sentiments that were deeply instilled into me from the voters' attitudes/opinions on voting and they were: - Voting was exercising your democratic right - Our forefathers had to fight for this 'democratic right' to vote so not voting was apathy - Choosing a minority candidate was considered to be a wasted vote since ... (read more)

Author: Paul Philips

273. 9 Skills To Barter
May 08, 2015

What can I barter with? When most people think about barter in or after a crisis, they think of what do I have of material value like gold,silver or tools that can be used to barter..The problem is that word will get out that you the one with the goods. This can make you a target for attack very quickly.People will want to beg and borrow from you and then want to steal from you.This could easily leave your family high and dry. Those friendly neighbors from down the road could turn on you if they're told you only have enough for your family or you might not even have that,Once pe... (read more)

Author: Bob Barrett

274. The Bible Says: Not Global Warming, but Universal Cold that brings the Planet to its Knees
May 05, 2015

Who would have thought that Christ addressed the controversial subject of ‘global warming’ slightly over 2000 years ago? In fact, he was silent on the subject, but was vociferous about the cold that would bring the world into a last day’s calamity of universal proportions. It isn’t the heat on the planet, but the cold that is in men’s hearts that brings us down in a ball of confusion that leads to a final judgement. If its love that makes the ‘world go round’ then it will be the lack of love that messes with its spin – not global warming. “Because of the increase of wickedness, the l... (read more)

Author: Michael Bresciani

275. Political/Royal Paedophilia Will Further Allegations Bring The House Of Cards Down?
April 24, 2015

More and more information comes out revealing allegations of child abuse cover-ups with blocked investigations that were intended to unmask people in high places. We've been made aware that these people in high places allegedly range from senior politicians to royalty and pop stars. There was the case of a surveillance operation on the late and former UK Home Secretary Leon Brittan. According to an ex-police officer in the mid-80's photographs had been taken of him in an uncompromising situation with young boys: The day before the police were to raid the London building where the alle... (read more)

Author: Paul Philips

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