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Showing 251 to 275 of 500 Articles in Sales.
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251. Apply the 80/20 Rule to everything you do
December 03, 2015

Rule, also known as the Pareto Principle. Pareto noticed that people in society seemed to divide naturally into what he called the "vital few," the top 20 percent in terms of money and influence, and the "trivial many," the bottom 80 percent. For example, this rule says that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results. Twenty percent of your customers will account for 80 percent of your sales. Twenty percent of your products or services will account for 80 percent of your profits. Twenty percent of your tasks will account for 80 percent of the value of wha... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

December 03, 2015

Over the years I have been asked countless questions, from what seems to be as many salespeople, some good, others who were thorough professionals, and still others that I felt somewhat inferior to be in their presence. Of all of the questions I have been asked to answer over that time is, “What can I do to ensure that every call I make becomes the one that didn't get away?” There are possibly countless ways this question can be answered, but I suppose I’ve now had decades to think this through I generally try and keep to a similar format every time I answer it – generally the ans... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

253. Attitude and Good Selling
December 03, 2015

Good selling requires that you understand the product reasonably and work to appreciate the customer's requirements – some call this needs selling and others prefer to refer to it as wants selling – I prefer to believe that people only buy what they want and rarely buy what they need. But before we move on ahead and beyond all that, I personally believe that the secret of a good salesperson is about what goes on inside their head – being aware of the needs, converting these to wants and then building value in the wants until the order is converted to a product or service the prospect believe ... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

December 03, 2015

Over the years, I’ve worked with, met, shared techniques, studied with and attend seminars by some of the best salespeople in this country. The fields they worked in were as varied as the people, yet they had one thing in common, they all knew the value of lead generation (and in most cases) personally generated anywhere between 50% and 100% of the leads they worked. Their leads were made up of a combination of referral and self generated leads. Once I learned about the power of referral and self-generated leads, my closing rate improved leaps and bounds - as did the quality of the peo... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

December 03, 2015

In today’s modern world of selling, the process of selling can be best described as gravitating towards definite forms of segmentation based on clearly defined levels of compartmentalisation. Never before has the salesperson been faced with choices as to whether they should sell in retail, which can be anything to a one person store to being part of a team of hundreds in a department store. There are also the specialised traders that deal in selling white goods and electrical appliances that also say they are selling retail. And the hundreds of other alternative stores that dabble anywhe... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

December 03, 2015

Almost every business claims to have better people, better service, and more technical expertise than all their competitors. The trouble is their competitors often say the same thing. And they all can’t be right. This factor then becomes even more muddied when you ask salespeople what they believe value-added to be. Some claim their customers require more frequent visits, whereas others believe this to be their expertise. However, the one thing that defines value in the customer’s eyes is overlooked my most of those in the selling field, and that is, buyer value can only define... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

257. Buying on Price Alone
December 03, 2015

Any Price can be Too High As salespeople we are confronted by prospects, who more often than not, seem to be consumed with getting the best price. However, any price can be too high, and this can include the lowest possible price the majority of the time. Many times this price issue is disguised in a number of overused phrases common to both salespeople and prospective consumers alike. Any of the following statements fall into this category. Here are a just a few that salespeople tend to hear on a regular basis, but until you understand why the prospect relies on using them as of... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

258. Anything Less than 100% Focus is not on
December 03, 2015

It has been said many times over the years, and still too many salespeople think that it is OK for them to ignore a prospect once the prospect brings something up that they consider to be a vital issue. In fact, with some of those that I’ve managed or trained over the past years, they openly share that they were taught that way to counter an issue whenever they got into a tight situation, but when they were probed about how often they sold in situations such as this the answer was generally an “I don’t know,” then when they were pressed further mostly they admitted they didn’t sell at all aft... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

259. 10 Sure Ways to Attract People to you
December 03, 2015

Every time I’ve bought this subject up in conversation, there has been disbelief that it can actually been done. On the other hand, whenever it’s been scheduled in a seminar, the module has taken longer than anticipated. Here are what the highest earning professionals do that you may not be doing. 1. Focus Your Attention on the Other Person Everyone wants to be the centre of attention. To focus all of your attention onto another may not be possible. However, great results can be achieved if you only make people feel special in your presence. Most people love to talk about th... (read more)

Author: Peter Collins

260. Buying a Used BMW 3 Series at Eurobahn BMW MINI Mercedes-Benz Audi
November 19, 2015

Consumers in the market for a luxury sport sedan find they need to travel no further than bmw greensboro. Fifth generation vehicles made in this series between the years of 2006 and 2011 are considered to be the best in their class for a variety of reasons. Two years after the introduction of the sedan, the convertible and coupe versions were launched to great reviews. The time has come to check this car out, as it has everything a driver could want and more. This model first came as a sedan with a 3.0 liter engine, providing either 215 horsepower or 255 horsepower, depending on the pref... (read more)

Author: Ray Wessal

261. The Importance of Regular Radiator Maintenance
November 19, 2015

    The radiator on your bmw greensboro nc keeps its engine cool. As the car runs, a blend of antifreeze and water circulates through the engine's block, moving back into the radiator to be cooled, only to repeat the process again. If a car's radiator isn't in good shape the car can overheat, causing serious damage to cylinders and pistons. In this brief article, readers can learn about common radiator problems, and about the importance of regular maintenance. Car Radiator Repair: I... (read more)

Author: Ray Wessal

262. Know More About Hotel Mystery Shopping
September 24, 2015

Mystery shopping has become one of the best ways through which the business owners evaluate their businesses. It has become much common in the area of hospitality and also food. The business owners choose some people who can act as mystery shoppers for the business and they will make them utilize their service and ask them provide with feedback. Before they are using the service the business owners ask them to focus in certain areas. The work is usually assigned by the business owners to some agencies they are the ones who choose people and get them on job. What is like Being a Mystery S... (read more)

Author: John Denver

263. The Benefits of Liquor Inventory Control Systems
August 20, 2015

Inventory management is an important function in any business – but it is particularly vital in the beverage industry. Liquor inventory is notoriously difficult to manage for a variety of reasons. Whether it is bartenders pouring too much alcohol in the mixed drinks, or employees simply walking away with bottles, a successful business needs to closely monitor the movement of liquor stock. Margins are small in the food and beverage industry, so even reducing loss by a few percentage points can make a huge difference. Many bars and restaurants are running behind the times when it comes to ... (read more)

Author: Ben Wayne

264. 5 Things to Ignore When Buying Used Cars
August 13, 2015

When you're buying a used car, you're usually not looking for the car of your dreams. Most of the time, you want something reliable that doesn't cost too much. When purchasing used cars in Fort Walton Beach, FL, or elsewhere, it's a good thing to avoid paying too much attention to these 5 things. Exterior Color of Your Car While nobody wants a purple car with blue stripes and green polka dots, you really can't be too picky when buying used cars. Fortunately, most used cars come in one solid color that's often black, silver, white, blue, or red. If there is a color that you absolutely can... (read more)

Author: Cleo Gib

265. Things that every mystery shopper must know to become successful
August 07, 2015

Mystery shopping is a business practice that has existed in the U.K since when retail became a major force. It has grown immensely and is now used by market research companies, watchdog organisations and internally by producing companies for various reasons including: - Measuring the quality of services - Evaluating compliance with business regulations and workforce development objectives - Gathering specific information about products Mystery shoppers pose as normal customers or users of a certain service. They purchase products, ask questions, register complaints and then record their e... (read more)

Author: John Denver

266. Understanding how mystery shopping works for your company
May 20, 2015

Did you know, market research companies in the UK, measure the performance of an establishment, under cover?Mystery consumers or shoppers can be employed by the company themselves, to see if there is full compliance to rules and regulations, set by the respective markets. Preventive actions can be taken also, if needed for the development of the company. Timely analysis and overlook on your company’s performance is necessary, to keep it stable and running in the business. Let us find out how your customers vote, regarding the quality of service, which affects the evaluation process. Choo... (read more)

Author: John Denver

267. Buy Elcan Optical Riflescope To Take Your Shooting Game To The Next Level
May 18, 2015

Elcan Rifle scopes are for the expert seekers in you. These computerized riflescopes convey chasing to another level and offer another excitement to the game. In today's existence, the usage of a fair augmentation can mean the refinement in the middle of hunting and not hunting. Electronic Riflescopes is expanding the amount of seekers and opening the amusement up to people who may not have had the ability to chase till now. In particular, those with visual and physical issues have the ability to use the various idiosyncrasies available. Remarkable Features The Elcan Rifle Scope... (read more)

Author: Mark Griffin

268. Nightforce ATACR 5-25x56 ZeroStop Riflescope Highlights
May 15, 2015

Nightforce discharged the Advanced Tactical Riflescope (ATACR) in 2013 and it has turned into one of the top rated riflescopes available. Nightforce hit a homer with this 2nd central plane behemoth. The ATACR is intended to be Nightforce's change upon the NXS line, which has sold to shooters everywhere throughout the world. The new Nightforce ATACR brags a 34mm tube with 120 MOA worth of general height travel. Improved Picture Clarity The enormous measure of rise conformity joined with a 5X zoom, 5-25X amplification, and adaptable reticles guarantees that no target is too far for con... (read more)

Author: Mark Griffin

269. Marketing Action Plan 2015 Advertising
April 30, 2015

Affiliate marketing is still enjoying a strong market with more ordinary consumers jumping into the bandwagon to earn some side income in 2015. With the greater advancements in technology, there would be more focus on practical and perhaps even aggressive methods in boosting affiliate marketing ventures. It is crucial for affiliate marketers, new and experienced, to consider mapping out a dynamic action plan to boost its online business ventures to greater heights this year. Affiliate marketers must be better positioned to take charge of their affiliate marketing activities to enjoy furt... (read more)

Author: paul alresk

270. Why To Select Zeiss Victory HT Binoculars
April 26, 2015

Zeiss Victory HT Binoculars are top crystal binoculars, and like all top crystals, they are completely altered and nitrogen-scrubbed, so they are waterproof and fog affirmation and dust-proof. Like the previous Fls, the HT's use the same Abbe-Koenig crystal display inside. One result of this design is that the HTs are a wee bit taller than most other 42-mm top crystals. They are top valuable stone binoculars, and they are totally modified and nitrogen-cleansed, waterproof, dust-affirmation and inner fog proof. The HTs stand 7 inches tall with the eyecups totally widened, and 5.6 inches wi... (read more)

Author: Mark Griffin

271. Nightforce SHV - The First High End Affordable Rifle Scope
April 25, 2015

Nightforce is a rifle organization considered one of the best brands as far as quality and workmanship. What is remarkable from their new SHV extent is cost! With their new Nightforce SHV rifle scopes, Nightforce put an exclusive expectation among moderate extensions, mixing high caliber with low cost. The SHV rifle degrees are built to suit most applications, going from long separation target shooting to varmint chasing. First High End Affordable Riflescope Nightforce are a costly organization, so creating a more reasonable degree was a consistent move. With their new extension, Nig... (read more)

Author: Mark Griffin

272. Zeiss Conquest HD 10x42 Full-Size Binocular Review
April 20, 2015

The Zeiss Conquest binocular 10x42 is at the forefront of optical building. There is not a quicker, splendid or clear binocular at this worthpoint accessible. The Conquest HD matches that of any top notch binocular accessible. With the waterproof/Fog evidence improvement and lightweight yet amazingly effective aluminum body, they are developed to handle any atmosphere or condition pursuing season hurls at you. Zeiss Conquest Binoculars Compacted And Lightweight The Zeiss Conquest Binoculars offers 10 x enhancement, while the multilayer-secured 42mm target lenses ensure the photo is s... (read more)

Author: Mark Griffin

273. Nightforce ATACR 5-25x56 ZeroStop Scopes Features Lowdown
April 15, 2015

Nightforce discharged the ATACR (Advanced Tactical Riflescope) in 2013 and it has turned into one of the smash hit riflescopes available. Nightforce hit a grand slam with this 2nd central plane behemoth. The ATACR is intended to be Nightforce's change upon the NXS line, which has sold to shooters everywhere throughout the world. The The new Nightforce ATACR gloats a 34mm tube with 120 MOA worth of general rise travel. The huge measure of rise modification joined with a 5X zoom, 5-25X amplification, and adaptable reticles (MOAR, Mil-R, and new for 2014 MOAR-T) guarantees that no target is too f... (read more)

Author: Mark Griffin

274. Simple Microscopes
April 13, 2015

This is the microscope that has only one lens but if you need two you will need to advance to a compound or more complex designed microscope. Two examples of a simple microscope include loupes and magnifying glasses. This design of microscope is used to introduce children to microscopy and science. Some simple microscopes may be used in some industries. To examine specimens for quality determinations and grading jewelers use loupe microscopes. The basic science behind a simple microscope is very old but the design of it did not start to refine itself enough for someone finally to se... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

275. Binocular Microscopes
April 13, 2015

Simply put, it is a microscope that uses two eyepieces instead of one. The costs to use this type of microscope are comparable to the one with just one eyepiece. Over the years, the popularity of this microscope has grown and today it currently represents the mass majority of microscopes sold. The technology between binocular microscope and a monocular, one eyepiece, microscope is almost identical. The only difference between the two is the cost of the additional materials such as an extra eyepiece. There are three primary types of binocular microscopes. • Student binocular microsco... (read more)

Author: Richard Conard

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