401. French Barge Holidays with Children
January 19, 2022
Finding the perfect trip for all the family can be tricky with grandparents, parents and children to entertain. If you’re struggling with this, then you might want to consider a French barge holiday. Chartering a vessel is a great way to make memories together, and we guarantee that there is somethi...
402. Planning a Canal Holiday? France’s Top Waterways
January 19, 2022
If you’ve always wanted to try out a canal holiday, France should be at the top of your destination list. Not only is it easy to get to, but the country’s waterways are some of the best in Europe and wind their way through attractive villages and historic towns, UNESCO World Heritage sights, and let...
403. What to Expect on a Canal Holiday: France’s Canal du Midi
January 19, 2022
For those who are planning a canal holiday, France is a popular destination. It offers some of the best waterways in Europe, with the banks steeped in history, gastronomical delights and beautiful landscapes. But if you’re new to travelling like this, we're here to give you some insight into what to...
404. Corniglia: Cinque Terre’s Most Peaceful Village
January 17, 2022
When it comes to the UNESCO World Heritage destination of the Cinque Terre, it’s very hard to choose a favourite from the five villages. Each has its own charm, and no matter what you’re looking to include on your visit you’ll find it somewhere. If a little bit and peace of quiet is on your agenda, ...
405. Vernazza: Cinque Terre’s Most Beautiful Village
January 17, 2022
It’s easy to see why the Cinque Terre is one of the ultimate destinations for visitors travelling to Italy. The charming fishing villages that huddle on the country’s beautiful coastline are some of the most picturesque in the country, if not the world. Plus, they offer incredible scenery, great hik...
406. Where and What to Eat in the Cinque Terre: Restaurants and Regional Dishes
January 17, 2022
One of the first things that people think about when they book themselves a trip to Italy is the food. It is, quite simply, world class cuisine and it suits every conceivable budget and palate. You can expect very different things, however, depending on the region you’re heading to. The landscapes o...
407. A Guide for Choosing Fashionable Eyewear for Men
January 10, 2022
You’ve made the decision to buy a pair of quality designer glasses, or update and upgrade the ones you currently own. There are so many choices when it comes to fashionable eyewear – in fact, that is one of the best things about investing in a pair – but it can prove tricky to make the right choice ...
408. How Fashionable Eyewear Can Make You Look Younger
January 10, 2022
Glasses serve a very useful function, and without them many of us would be in a world of trouble. It goes without saying, however, that they serve a second function: fashion. Fashionable eyewear is produced by a number of leading designers and can have a real impact on somebody’s style and appeara...
409. Should I Invest in Designer Glasses?
January 10, 2022
Millions upon millions of people around the world wear glasses, but times have changed from the days when spectacles were purely a functional and practical solution to eyesight issues. Designer glasses offer a plethora of fashionable choices to suit all styles and ages, alongside what are often supe...
410. Enjoy an Excursion to Nerac on a French Barge Holiday
December 16, 2021
Bordeaux. It’s a place in which the name alone is enough to conjure clear images of vineyards, culture, style, and food - mixed together in a way that is both a part of and different to the rest of France. Barge holidays here, along the Canal du Garonne, are sure to make first-time visitors fall i...