2371. Good Sex Requires Effort
March 08, 2018
Birds do it. Bees do it. And even highly un-educated fleas do it. So… sex is easy, right? In most cases the answer is yes. But good sex – and by that we're talking connected, intimate and fulfilling sex for both participants – doesn't always come as naturally as we hope or expect. So, you want to kn...
2372. Common Reasons for Low Libido
March 08, 2018
The word "libido" often has people scurrying for cover. Put the word "low" in front of it and the sound of silence is deafening. While many of us don’t mind talking about sex ("we love it!" "we're good at it!" "we're having lots of it!"), talking about a lack of desire to usually makes us a little m...
2373. How Meditation Can Transform Your Life
March 08, 2018
There are countless meditation techniques out there, each with their own unique purpose, history and challenges. From Vipassana to yoga and from breathing controls to Orgasmic Meditation, the choice of techniques out there is endless and it’s a good idea to try at least a few to find out which ones ...
2374. How to Increase Your Libido Through Mindfulness
March 06, 2018
Sex and mindfulness are perhaps not two things that you would most naturally associate with each other – most meditation techniques require stillness, isolation and silence, whereas sex usually involves more movement, noise, and ideally more than one person. However, positioning the two as completel...
2375. If You Can't Find Mr/Ms Right...
March 06, 2018
Many of us believe that we have a “type” – a set of physical and personality characteristics that we find attractive in a person. As a relationship coach myself, I have heard this statement many times. We envision our ideal partner to have a certain body type, a specific hair colour, a certain type ...
2376. What Happens When a Woman Orgasms?
March 06, 2018
When a woman climaxes, there is little that can distract her from her transient yet utterly surrendered state of bliss. Yet not many women experience orgasm every time they have sex – according to Women’s Health Mag, only 25% report that they always climax during sex with a partner (as opposed to 90...
2377. Finding Fulfilment in the Female Orgasm 2.0
March 06, 2018
What would you respond if asked to define an orgasm? That it’s a physical way of letting everything go? Or that it’s what sex’s climax should – but often doesn’t – feel like?
If you associate “orgasm” with sexual stimulation, you’re not alone. But can this term be applied to not just one a...
2378. Sexual Satisfaction in One Simple Step
March 06, 2018
Think that you’re the only one who’s wondering how to make sex better for you and your partner? Think again. Every year, there are thousands of people who – just like you – long to uncover a deeper level of intimate connection in their romantic relationships.
If you’ve ever felt that enhanc...
2379. Check Out Courmayeur's Après Action
March 05, 2018
For young groups who like to shred powder by day and hit the bars once the sun goes down, you cannot go wrong with Courmayeur, situated in the beautiful Aosta Valley in northwest Italy. This resort is great because there is skiing for all abilities and an electric après scene at night. Party animals...
2380. Taste of Courmayeur: the Festival for Foodies
March 05, 2018
For me, food is a very important part of travel. I’m sure you’ll agree, which is why I highly recommend that fellow foodies flock to the highly anticipated Taste of Courmayeur Fes-tival that takes place at the end of January 2018. This exclusive event takes place in this stunning wintery region in n...